The most effective ways to clean the carpet at home


  • 1 Features of different types of carpet
  • 2 Methods for cleaning carpeting
    • 2.1 natural cover
      • 2.1.1 Method 1. Manual cleaning
      • 2.1.2 Method 2. Appliances help
    • 2.2 Caring for synthetic bristles
      • 2.2.1 Method 1. wet cleansing
      • 2.2.2 Method 2. froth treatment
  • 3 Proven popular ways
  • 4 Car carpet
  • 5 Output
When choosing a method of carpet cleaning is necessary to consider the composition of its pile and type of foundationsWhen choosing a method of carpet cleaning is necessary to consider the composition of its pile and type of foundations

Ways to clean the carpet at home, pretty much. There is also a variety of means to update it. What to look for when choosing? I suggest to get acquainted with the easiest and effective ways.

Features of different types of carpet

Material and carpet base affect the choice of method and means for cleaning the coveringsMaterial and carpet base affect the choice of method and means for cleaning the coverings

Selection cleaning techniques such carpeting it depends on the particular species. Only in this way it will retain the look and feel of all the initial quality.

Before cleaning the coating should be vacuumed to remove dustBefore cleaning the coating should be vacuumed to remove dust

Regular maintenance of the flooring of any kind - it is his timely treatment. A broom to sweep the dirt is not, but the vacuum cleaner will cope fine.

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Therefore, you first need to vacuum the carpet. And to guide the vacuum cleaner brush against the nap, to get dirty even from the inside. But not much press that the villi are not covered the base fabric.

To select the optimal method of cleansing the carpet, determine what kind of material in front of youTo select the optimal method of cleansing the carpet, determine what kind of material in front of you

Now use the 2 options of carpet cleaning - dry cleaning and wet washing.

A selection of the coating material itself dictate. Its structure is similar to different types: primary base, then - fixing layer (y synthetic finishes), and then - the pile.

So, how to clean the carpet at home, we define after meeting specific features of its species:

  • in composition basics - a latex foam rubber, burn natural or synthetic;
  • the composition of the pile - artificial, natural or mixed materials;
  • on the type of pile - its length, the method of weaving uniformity.
Wool on jute-based dry for a long time, so it is often not necessary to wash itWool on jute-based dry for a long time, so it is often not necessary to wash it

natural wool (Fully or partially) the elastic and durable:

  • Good wet vacuum processed due to the low level of liquid-permeability.
  • Qualitatively and quickly painted, so do not fade when washing.
  • Artificial nylon fibers enhance its strength, which is an advantage for frequent cleaning.
Nylon is very soft, but resilient, dirty quickly, but easy to cleanNylon is very soft, but resilient, dirty quickly, but easy to clean

Nylon quickly spoiled, but easy to clean:

  • Polyamide fibers are stained in the molten form, so they do not fade with frequent handling wet vacuum.
  • Villi floor covering virtually wrinkle, even when installed on their furniture - then wash them with a brush does not hurt.
  • The material is very malleable detergent, quickly washed from pollution.
The polypropylene fiber is similar to the touch of wool and not electrified, but wear out quicklyThe polypropylene fiber is similar to the touch of wool and not electrified, but wear out quickly

Polypropylene - cheap polymer. Berber (polypropylene) with enhanced stitching carpets wear out more quickly than with young. Therefore, we are looking at the wrong side:

  • Brushing such material should be carefully surfactant.
  • Large stitches are easily accessible for pulling the vacuum cleaner dust.
  • Frequent washing - not a problem. Fabric dries quickly.
  • Spots are easily washed out, with the exception of impurities from the oily substances. They are treated with a degreasing agent (e.g., dishwashing).
Floorings polyester large foam and cleaned with a vacuum cleanerFloorings polyester large foam and cleaned with a vacuum cleaner

Polyester It has an artificial shine, waterproof and less polluted. He, too, melted paint, so the color is stable. Variety - PTT (push to talk) - less wear, dries faster and is easier to clean:

  • On the cover may not appear fungi and various bacteria. Therefore it is possible and even recommended to frequent washing.
  • Elongated pile dries longer, but it is easy to clean with a vacuum cleaner because of the stiffness of the filaments.
  • Any contamination can be derived by means of spots.

Now you are familiar with the basic requirements for cleaning. Even if there is no label described above characteristics, with a view to help orient the coating and method of cleaning. Let us now consider in detail on the procedures themselves.

Methods for cleaning carpeting

natural cover

Processing natural material should be cautious and not intensive, so as not to ruffle the carpet fibers.Processing natural material should be cautious and not intensive, so as not to ruffle the carpet fibers.

Natural yarn in this deck for a long time retain the beauty of the product if the time to carry out a dry vacuum cleaning. Wet cleaning washing appliances are rare, because natural bristle for a long time to dry. When uneven contamination should be their own hands to clean stains.

The correct choice of means - the presence of updates on the bottle "for natural carpet cleaning."The correct choice of means - the presence of updates on the bottle "for natural carpet cleaning."

Method 1. Manual cleaning

If there is, you have to spot act locally.

It is advisable to check the impact of the solution on an inconspicuous corner of the carpet.It is advisable to check the impact of the solution on an inconspicuous corner of the carpet.

cleaner guide will explain whether it suits this surface. Although in any case it is better to process innovation area of ​​the material: not brightened during the day and bristled - can be distributed over the entire surface.

Use solution should be rare. After all, he was initially soaked carpeting dirt-repellent composition. A chemical cleaning product ingredients will destroy this shell.

In the photo - wet cleaning of cotton cloth.In the photo - wet cleaning of cotton cloth.

So, manual cleaning includes:

  1. Dilute with water tool or powder.

Best of all - the cleaning solution is whipped into foam. Since water does not penetrate deeply into the base of jute and foam collects all the dirt. A clean, lightly moistened with natural carpet rather dry.

  1. Moisten a cotton cloth or sponge. Drip from it should not be - spot dilute excess fluid and increase, but do not remove.
  2. rub foamCollecting dirt on a napkin.
When wet cleaning only use a soft spongeWhen wet cleaning only use a soft sponge
  1. wash cloth under running water.
  2. repeat the process foam.
  3. Double-walk across the surface without foaming moistened sponge.

Method 2. Appliances help

The photo demonstrates the principle of operation of the cleaning equipment. However, a wet vacuum cleaning is recommended that no more than once every 6 months to avoid damage to the carpetThe photo demonstrates the principle of operation of the cleaning equipment. However, a wet vacuum cleaning is recommended that no more than once every 6 months to avoid damage to the carpet

Wet cleaning is carried out even wet vacuum not more than 1 time in the season. The basis of natural jute moisture deform - will shrink. A slow drying it is accompanied by a rotten smell, the appearance of mold, mildew. Which is highly undesirable, because the price of such coverage is high.

To cleanse the carpet in the nursery - a special secure facilityTo cleanse the carpet in the nursery - a special secure facility

Caring for synthetic bristles

For ordinary cleaning - dry cleaningFor ordinary cleaning - dry cleaning

Dry carpet cleaners used after vacuum processing deck. So liquidated hair, crumbs and other debris. Now he will not prevent further cleaning.

Brush attachment will purify the material in depth - the best choice for carpetBrush attachment will purify the material in depth - the best choice for carpet
  • Nozzle for carpet lint effectively cleanse in depth, at the bottom. And it aligns them.
  • Low pile and hard to clean coarse brush.
  • Large soft loop purified by conventional nozzle to avoid damage to them.
Powdery household chemicals easily cleaned with a vacuum cleaner after 20 minutes with the entire mudPowdery household chemicals easily cleaned with a vacuum cleaner after 20 minutes with the entire mud
  • Powder for carpet applied over the entire surface with your hands.
  • For half an hour it will absorb all the dirt.
  • Removed with a vacuum cleaner. All carpet "shines" on the purity.

Method 1. wet cleansing

Artificial blade can be easily cleaned with a sponge and shampoo designed for carpetArtificial blade can be easily cleaned with a sponge and shampoo designed for carpet

Typically, wet carpet cleaning at home is moistened with a soft brush or sponge. It should be:

    1. Dilute the shampoo carpet, as advised by the manufacturer on the packaging - usually - 1 tablespoon recommend to dilute with warm water (1 liter).
    2. Wipe with a damp brush the surface of carpeting.

Method 2. froth treatment

Vacuum Cleaner effectively cope with cleaning carpetingVacuum Cleaner effectively cope with cleaning carpeting

Clean carpet of synthetic convenient wet vacuum, as if a strong wet adhesive agent is deformed. However, the basis of foam rubber, synthetic latex or jute is not afraid of moisture, but dry for a long time.

By the way, latex is usually adjacent to the floor so that the removed without damaging it difficult, therefore, applies only cleaning without removing the floor covering.

Cleaner wash sharpened edge even lower baseCleaner wash sharpened edge even lower base

Special foaming detergent for carpet products comprising alkali, alcohols fine abrasives. They dissolve dirt, dust. This cleaning involves light moisturizing foam.

Professional detergent cleaner, typically have disinfectant propertiesProfessional detergent cleaner, typically have disinfectant properties

In addition to specialized cleaning formulas (stain removers, powders, shampoos and sprays) using traditional recipes.

Proven popular ways

Tested, but not very gentle way for rugs - knocking snowTested, but not very gentle way for rugs - knocking snow
  1. Snow. Even bright carpet clean, dry, frost snow. The flooring is spread on a clean snow piled up. Then he knocked a broom dust in the snow. Further, the carpet is moved to a new snowy location and the procedure is repeated.
It is much easier to remove a fresh stain with long polluted snow is unlikely to copeIt is much easier to remove a fresh stain with long polluted snow is unlikely to cope
  1. Spots. How to clean stains from carpet?
  • Wet from the edges to the center. Then stain rasplyvetsya of its borders.
  • collect spoon thick jam, mayonnaise, ketchup.
  • Wipe portion citric acid. It also means lighten darkened place, so do not use it for a dark coat.
  • Finish rubbing need ordinary waterBut without waterlogging.
From contaminants such as in the photo, save vinegarFrom contaminants such as in the photo, save vinegar

More options carpet cleaning of stains:

  • Coffee, wine and fruit remove stains ethanol-acetic composition (3: 1). He returns pile brightness shine.
  • sticky dirt cleaned vodka.
  • Traces of tea and coffee to clean cold water with smelling salts.
  • Fresh grease rapidly absorb salt.
The safe and effective cleanserThe safe and effective cleanser
  1. The usual baking soda diluted in water or in powder, great fights, even with difficult spots. In this case, it returns the product brightness. Therefore, we consider how to clean the carpet in the home soda conditions.
Dry ash and brush removes dirtDry ash and brush removes dirt

Dry Soda powder eliminate pollution and dust carpet:

  • First, soda sprinkled surface.
  • Then rub the brush soda powder into the pile.
  • After one hour, when soda mud darken vacuum.
Carpet Treatment soda solution produced after the removal of the litter cleanerCarpet Treatment soda solution produced after the removal of the litter cleaner

Soda solution (1:10) is used after careful removal of fine dust with a vacuum cleaner:

  • Fill a spray bottle with diluted sodium carbonate solution.
  • Spray all over the contaminated surface.
  • After half an hour to walk again with a vacuum cleaner.

This way you can also raise the nap on the carpet, and at the same time to restore its color.

Car carpet

The specific approach - to the carpet in a car, since excess water can lead to rust of metallic parts of the carThe specific approach - to the carpet in a car, since excess water can lead to rust of metallic parts of the car

Driving readings flooring in the car as follows:

  • Careful removal of the vacuum cleaner motor (narrow nozzle) dry mud.
  • Further, means for foam carpet.
  • Spread evenly over the entire area.
  • Rub the brush (not too tight).
  • Collect cloth foam.
  • Repeat treatment foam.
  • Wipe the carpet with a dry cloth.
  • Dry.

Excess moisture remaining on the carpet, can lead to corrosion of metal - too wet kovrolinovy ​​layer dries long. Especially if he is not a rubber base. So do not abundantly wet the flooring.


We figured out how to clean the carpet, depending on the pile and type of pollution. Now you will be able to properly use a special chemistry, or folk remedies. All of the above methods are effective and easy

A video in this article you will see visual practical recommendations. If you have any questions or do you know a new effective way - write in the comments!

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