Probably, many experienced gardeners-gardeners will be surprised to learn about this innovative approach to planting cucumbers. However, the cultivation of cucumbers in bags is one of the best ways to get a good harvest in open beds, in greenhouses, and even on a balcony or veranda. Using this method in the country, you can significantly save space in the garden for other crops or stylishly decorate a corner of the garden. On the secrets of growing cucumbers step by step and will be discussed in this article.
Table of contentsa culture that is very demanding on the quality and moisture of the soil. With this method of planting, you can easily provide a layer of nutrient soil in 20-30 centimeters and the necessary humidity even in the hottest and driest weather in summer.
Cucumbers are also sensitive to soil temperature. Planting in bags allows the soil to heat up to a considerable depth, which allows plants to grow faster than .
It is possible to provide a sufficient amount of diffused light by placing sack containers in the shade of a veranda, in shaded areas in a garden, on a balcony or a loggia.

The advantages and disadvantages of
The method has many advantages. The main ones are:
- substantial space saving and no debris;
- the ability to grow many plants in a small area;
- minimum cost of force in the care of plants;
- the opportunity to get a big harvest on the balcony, porch, loggia, greenhouse;
- ease of harvesting .
A significant advantage is also the ability to save harvested vegetables longer, since they did not touch the ground when grown.
The disadvantages of this method include:
- the need to maintain a constant temperature in the bags in order to avoid overheating and death of the plant root system;
- the difficulty of maintaining the required level of soil moisture.

Observe strict irrigation, because fruits can become bitter if there is a lack of moisture, and if it is abundant, the roots will rot and the plant will die.
How to grow cucumber step by step
Preparation of bags and soil
For the cultivation of cucumbers you can use durable plastic bags( transparent, black, colored), and regular sugar or flour. Keep in mind that the wider the bag, the more plants you can grow in it.
So in a standard bag, 5-7 lashes of cucumbers will feel comfortable, and with a diameter of 1.5 meters - from 10 to 15 plants. In southern areas and in well-lit areas it is better to use white and transparent bags, in northern latitudes and on pritenny balconies and verandas - dark, gray and black shades.

For the preparation of the nutrient mixture per bag( 50 kg) the necessary ingredients are:
- 2 buckets( 12 liters) of soil;
- 1 humus bucket;
- 1 bucket of straw, hay or sawdust;
- 20 grams of superphosphate;
- 2 handfuls of wood ash;
- up to 10 grams of potash fertilizers.
Fill each bag in the following sequence:
- At the bottom of the , make several holes for air circulation and removal of excess moisture.
- Cover the bottom with steamed sawdust, hay or straw.
- Place a well-mixed soil with humus, ash and fertilizer on top.
- Fill in 1/3 of the whole height of the ( as the plant grows, the soil should be constantly poured in).
- Insert a stick-support up to 2 meters long in the middle and fix it securely.
- To tension a wire, a net or strong thick threads for the subsequent placement of the lash of cucumbers.
- Roll up the bumpers to the desired height so that the ground does not spill out.

How to plant
In the southern regions of our country, where warm weather is established in early May, cucumbers in bags or boxes of can be planted from seeds. But for the northern regions, where frosts can occur even in early June, it is preferable to to grow seedlings.
Regardless of the method of planting plants in open ground, before planting the seeds should be soaked in a small amount of water and preferably a transparent container. Only seeds that have fallen to the bottom are suitable for planting, and those that float on the surface must be thrown away.
The process of planting seeds consists of:
- installing the bags on the site and filling them with a soil mixture;
- soil spillage outside for stability;
- positioning inside the bags of sticks-supports and fixing the mesh or wire for cucumber lashes;
- soil moisture;
- processing and hardening seeds;
- seed sowing into the ground to a depth of 3-5 cm;
- covering the surface with a film before the first shoots.
With the seedling method of growing cucumbers, each seed is better to plant in a separate plastic cup , half-filled with nutrient mixture. As the seedlings grow, the ground should be added to the cup.
For transplanting in an earthen bag in a glass, moisten well. Remove the seedling should be carefully( in any case not to pull the stem), so as not to damage the root and the plant itself.
Features of plant care
Care for cucumbers is reduced to the following measures:
- regular watering;
- fertilizing with organic( chicken manure, herbal infusion) or chemical( nitrophoska, superphosphate, potassium sulphate) fertilizers;
- formation of bushes in order to increase the intensity of the formation of green;
- prevention of diseases and damage to the bushes by pests;
- to remove weeds and garter growing lashes;
- harvest.

Problems when planting cucumbers in bags and boxes
One of the main problems with this method of growing cucumbers is uniform and sufficient soil moisture .
Many gardeners nowadays use drip irrigation, which allows for rational use of water. At the same time, the soil does not overmoisture and does not dry out, which is very important for the normal formation of the shrub, abundant flowering and obtaining a high-quality harvest.
Another problem can be excess sunlight , or rather the effect of direct sunlight on plants. Therefore, it is better to choose a place to place bags in the sparse shade of trees, hedges, near buildings, on an open lined veranda.

The next problem gardeners may face is excessive planting density. It is important to remember that for the normal development of each bush requires a certain space.
If you plant a lot of seeds or seedlings in one bag, they will poorly developed and produce bad fruit. Therefore, it is better to grow five full-fledged plants than fifteen - but without a good harvest.
If you follow all the rules and guidelines for growing cucumbers in bags, you can get a rich harvest of early cucumbers. Using this advanced technology, city dwellers will be able to enjoy delicious summer vegetables from a vertical garden bed on the balcony. And gardeners - to receive consistently high yields, regardless of the vicissitudes of the weather.