How smooth leather jacket - 5 possible ways for home use


  • 1 Choosing the way
    • 1.1 Method 1. Shoulder pads
    • 1.2 Method 2. petroleum jelly
    • 1.3 Method 3. hot steam
    • 1.4 Method 4. steamer
    • 1.5 Method 5. Iron
  • 2 results
Leather - durable material, but it requires special care.Leather - durable material, but it requires special care.

Leather - extremely ductile and durable material. But over time, and this tissue may wrinkle and lose its attractive appearance. What to do in this situation and how smooth leather jacket, to return to her appeal? I share my findings below.

Choosing the way

Think straighten creases in leather products is difficult? I want to dispel all your doubts. We just need to select the appropriate method. I will help you understand these issues on the example of the upper leather garments.

Prolonged operation and improper storage of leather garments contribute to wrinkling.Prolonged operation and improper storage of leather garments contribute to wrinkling.

Method 1. Shoulder pads

The easiest way to smooth leather jacket - hang on a hanger and leave it for a while. However, we must take into account the lack of - the amount of time:

  • for products from thin material enough for several days;
  • but for dense - it can take several weeks or even more.
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During jacket hanging on a hanger sure to fasten all the buttons, zippers and fold their hands formed folds.During jacket hanging on a hanger sure to fasten all the buttons, zippers and fold their hands formed folds.

And make it a rule - leather jacket after purchase can not be hung on a hook or put in the closet when folded. Always use a coat hanger, in extreme cases - hang on the back of a chair.

Method 2. petroleum jelly

Align natural leather can be another simple way. For this we need a clean cloth and Vaseline:

To crease dot of Vaseline rumpled jacket sections.To crease dot of Vaseline rumpled jacket sections.
  1. Treat every fold of Vaseline.
  2. Leave it for a while. It is necessary to wait for the full absorption of the oil into the skin.
  3. After that, take out the jacket fresh air to ventilate.

Vaseline can be replaced with any vegetable oil.

If you do not know how to soften the leather jacket at home? Everything is very simple. The above method copes with this problem.

Method 3. hot steam

We already know that the hot steam copes well with mint clothing. It is in this way can steam the skin in a few steps:

  1. Pour into a bath of hot water;
  2. Hang the jacket on a hanger above the water;
  3. Close the bathroom door and wait 20 minutes.
Under the influence of a couple of folds in the skin will begin to straighten out - you can hang a jacket over the bath with hot water.Under the influence of a couple of folds in the skin will begin to straighten out - you can hang a jacket over the bath with hot water.

In this way one can handle almost all outer clothing. The exception will be the winter things. Due to the abundance of steam they can get wet through and stretch under its own weight.

Method 4. steamer

Jacket can be rectified and other methods - or the steam iron with a steam generator. Here you need to follow a few steps:

  1. Hang the jacket on the shoulders;
  2. Pour into water compartment and iron switch mode generation of steam;
Do not hold the hot iron against the skin, it is necessary to respect a distance of 15-20 cm.Do not hold the hot iron against the skin, it is necessary to respect a distance of 15-20 cm.
  1. Go through crumpled sections so that you do not accidentally touch the iron to the product.

Folds quickly disperse, if you hold the iron away from the products - about 15-20 cm, steamer can bring closer - 8-10 cm.

In contrast to the stripping in the bathroom this technique is perfect for the heavy winter clothes, because you can fully control the amount of time and steam.

Hand steamer - a convenient tool, which quickly cope with wrinkles on leather goods.Hand steamer - a convenient tool, which quickly cope with wrinkles on leather goods.

Method 5. Iron

How to smooth out the natural skin without the use of steam? There is a method of dry ironing. Please note that thus only natural material can be ironed. Artificial skin will crack and will become worthless.

Correctly pat leather jacket with the help of iron, is not difficult, if you adhere to the following rules:

Images rules
rule 1

Preheat the iron to the lowest temperature. Not more than 100 ° C.

rule 2

Put the coat on the ironing board so that the front face staring at you, as in the photo.

rule 3

Be sure to use wrapping paper or smooth fabric as lining.

Gauze and a towel in this case do not fit. Their structure may be properly formed on the skin.

Step-by-step instruction, How to iron leather:

  1. First iron the back and large parts from the front of the jacket.

Iron leather items that have a lining, it is possible only on the front side.

  1. Go to the new site only afterAs the previous one is completely cooled.
  2. Driving iron the folds effortlessly. By strong pressure, the skin can be deformed.
  3. At the last stage of iron treat small parts: Sleeves, pockets and cuffs.
Smooth out wrinkles in inconvenient places and on small details, you can use the stand for ironing sleeves.Smooth out wrinkles in inconvenient places and on small details, you can use the stand for ironing sleeves.

This method can not only straighten his jacket, but the pants, dresses and even a leather skirt. The main thing is to be careful and follow the rules.


I present to you the five effective ways to ironed leather jacket with her hands. To help you choose, finally, it highlights the main advantages and disadvantages of each method:

  1. Alignment on a hanger - not effective for products made of thick leather + takes a very long time.
  2. Or Vaseline oil - can accelerate the process of spontaneous alignment several times and thus soften the jacket at home. Deficiencies were found!
  3. Steaming in the bathroom - even strong smoothes kinks, but not suitable for heavy winter clothes.
  4. professional steamer - one of the most effective methods with the only drawback - the high price.
  5. dry ironing - effective method, but requires great care.

Videos in this article show the proposed methods in action. If you have any questions, please comment.

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