How to clean mutonovuyu coat at home - 5 4 cleansing techniques and methods to upgrade


  • 1 Precautions during the cleaning - 5 recommendations
  • 2 Cleaning fur coats Mouton
    • 2.1 Updating fur: 4 fashion
    • 2.2 Standard cleaning of the 5 actions
    • 2.3 Dry cleaning: method 2
    • 2.4 Fighting with strong pollution: 2 Powerful tools
  • 3 Summary
Photo: acquiring mutonovuyu coat, especially bright colors, remember - an expensive thing requires a royal treatment with it.Photo: acquiring mutonovuyu coat, especially bright colors, remember - an expensive thing requires a royal treatment with it.

I must say, I'm working right arm designer, engaged in tailoring of outer clothing. My task - to monitor the maintenance of the collection in the proper form during the show season. Over the years I have tried many methods of cleaning and renovation. And I tell you how to clean mutonovuyu coat at home, because I know that the price of dry cleaning will not be happy even secured rights.

Precautions during the cleaning - 5 recommendations

Before we introduce you to the techniques of cleaning fur, I am obliged to respond to a series of mandatory questions:

For convenience, the answers to them I put in this table.

Picture Recommendation
table_pic_att15009923371 Can I wash mutonovuyu coat?
instagram viewer

Do not wash the product in the washing machine - it will damage the material.

table_pic_att15009923402 The fur is not clean?

Make sure that your chosen tool will not spoil the coat Mouton.

Try out the tool before starting the wash on the wrong side: if the fur did not react, feel free to clean the rest.

table_pic_att15009923413 What tools can not be used?

It is not necessary to resort to extreme measures. Mouton will not tolerate any vinegar or acetone or alcohol.

Even if you find out that someone has helped one of these means, most likely, it is not mutton - a fake.

table_pic_att15009923424 How to dry mutton?

To dry the coat at home, just hang it on a hanger or mannequin, and wait until it dries itself.

table_pic_att15009923475 From what spoiled the fur?

Avoid fur perfume and hair spray. It cosmetics is the main source of contamination of the fur.

Cleaning fur coats Mouton

Unfortunately, few of us keep garments in their cases, so keep a coat of dust few who can. Do not despair, cleaning coats Mouton at home is possible.

Updating fur: 4 fashion

Before cleaning, inspect the item may provisevshuyu couple of seasons in the closet coat will simply refresh:

Picture How to update the fur
table_pic_att15009923496 Method 1. Shaking.

Cleaning Mouton at home can begin using ordinary firecrackers carpet. Gently repulsed her thing, you can easily get rid of the dust.

table_pic_att15009923507 Method 2. Combing.

Get rid of stuck in the pile specks, feathers, and so on. D. help comb.

Use recommended brush for animal hair with iron teeth.

table_pic_att15009923548 Method 3. A vacuum cleaner.

To get rid of the dust, and from the litter, use a vacuum cleaner. By selecting only the power required and making sure that the device clean, you will be able to clean and coat and hat.

We recommend using a special nozzle for cleaning furniture and clothing.

table_pic_att15009923579 Method 4. Roller for clothes.

The simplest method is to update mutonovuyu coat that does not get dirty - clean it thoroughly sticky roller.

Duct tape and attract dust, lint and dumps, and other dirt.

Standard cleaning of the 5 actions

The brush coat Mouton? In the struggle with fresh spots and light pollution will help ordinary soapy water.

To prepare the solution fit:

  • laundry soap;
  • powder without bleach;
  • shampoo;
  • cleaner for carpets.

Methods of work:

  1. Prepare a solution, diluting the soap in water and whisk until saturated foam.
  2. Coat using hangers hang in the bathroom.
  3. On pile apply foam, preferably with a brush.
  4. Clean brush, remove the remaining dirt and soap.
  5. Leave to dry clothes.
Soap solution - the most affordable way to clean mutonovuyu coat.Soap solution - the most affordable way to clean mutonovuyu coat.

Dry cleaning: method 2

It is known that moisture does not like fur, especially white pile. To avoid a collision with water in two ways. When I tell you about each of them, cleaning fur coat with your hands you will find a job.

Get rid of unpleasant odors and make the fur coat mutonovoy fluffiness is possible by means of the steam generator.

Method 1. The method works with the steam generator is easy:

  1. Coat hangers, place on a bright well-lit area.
  2. Gently wipe the steam fur along the entire length from the top down, barely touching the cloth.
  3. Allow the product to cool down naturally.
Use only recommended steam gently.Use only recommended steam gently.

Method 2. How to use the cereals:

To cleanse the light of things, in particular, the removal of grease and stubborn dirt with light fur need something white and dry... Manca, starch, bran? Fit all!

Picture Procedure
table_pic_att15009927080 Step 1

Liberally sprinkle the selected tool on contaminated sites.

table_pic_att15009927101 step 2

Thoroughly but gently rub the tool in a greasy spot.

step 3

Leave the coat in this way for a while, to remedy properly absorbed the dirt and grease - I have it takes 1.5 hours.

table_pic_att15009927142 step 4

Shake to coat and leave the fur alone for a few hours.

To permanently delete all of the grains, you can go with a soft brush - and fur rascheshetsya, and the remains of cereals will fall down.

Fighting with strong pollution: 2 Powerful tools

My experience has shown that to get rid of long-standing dirt on Mouton - is not easy. From all I've tested, I can advise only two ways. I think a strong cleaning dirt teach you, that care should be timely:

Picture instruction
Means 1. Hydrogen peroxide.

This recipe will work in the fight against fat and yellowish to light-colored coats:

  1. In 500 ml of water 3 teaspoons of salt and 1 spoonful of peroxide.
  2. With a cotton swab or soft sponge, apply the solution to the problem areas, gently rub.
  3. Wash away the liquid with the clean sponge.
table_pic_att150099237515 Means 2. Refined petrol.

This means get rid of any dirt, but the method requires the utmost accuracy.

Use only refined petrol, ordinary destroy your coat.

  1. In equal proportions mix gasoline and starch.
  2. Gruel apply on problem areas.
  3. Wait until the mixture dries.
  4. Carefully remove the starch residue with a brush.

Do not forget to properly ventilate the coat, otherwise you will have to chase gasoline plume.


I told all the tricks that I use to clean mutonovyh things. Do you know other secrets? Write in "Comments" section, I am happy to observe and will test. For information on how to care for a fur coat, you will learn from the video in this article.

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