How to carry shoes which pinch and rub: 6 Proven Ways


  • 1 How to customize shoes for yourself?
    • 1.1 Method 1. Natural
    • 1.2 Method 2. Alcohol
    • 1.3 Method 3. freezing
    • 1.4 Method 4. Newspaper "bomb"
    • 1.5 Method 5. High temperatures
    • 1.6 Method 6. Professional
  • 2 Output
From the convenience of the shoe it depends on the level of comfort of the feet, and thus the mood for the whole dayFrom the convenience of the shoe it depends on the level of comfort of the feet, and thus the mood for the whole day

Sometimes new shoes anyway brings discomfort foot. This is due to the fact that the foot is not accustomed to the new block, lift, shape or toe. Today I want to share tips on how to distribute the shoes that are too tight and rubbed.

How to customize shoes for yourself?

Choose a stylish model - not a problem, but comfortable - hardChoose a stylish model - not a problem, but comfortable - hard

Shoe stores offer a model to suit every taste. The problem is that during the fitting is difficult to understand exactly whether the shoe press, rub or squeeze. To assess whether the shoes are comfortable, it is necessary to hold them for several hours.

Products trusted brands of natural materials reduces the risk of discomfortProducts trusted brands of natural materials reduces the risk of discomfort

After buying a new thing to recommend spending a few hours at home, and try to move actively in this shoe. This will help you understand, tight new shoes or not. If you experience discomfort, try to spread the shoes, otherwise you'll have to return it to the store.

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The degree of real comfort shoe can only be appreciated when it is worn for a few hoursThe degree of real comfort shoe can only be appreciated when it is worn for a few hours

I share simple and effective method, how to stretch shoes:

Method 1. Natural

How to crush the new shoes, without using special tools, solutions and other methods? Do it really, if a long time to be like them around the house.

If the shoes are too tight or rub, it is better to carry home, and then to experience the shoes on the streetIf the shoes are too tight or rub, it is better to carry home, and then to experience the shoes on the street

But it takes a few weeks before the shoes will be comfortable for continuous wear.

The patch will reduce discomfortThe patch will reduce discomfort

To quickly deliver shoes, I recommend:

  • seal zones rubbing plaster on his feet;
  • wear socks;
  • process shoes inside alcohol.

Wear shoes at home you need to 2 hours daily. Within a week you will notice that the shoes have become much easier and more spacious for the feet.

Method 2. Alcohol

Stretch natural skin and nail, you can use alcohol. It is the most effective way to quickly adapt new shoes to the individual characteristics of the foot.

Suede shoes can not handle alcohol, the material will deteriorateSuede shoes can not handle alcohol, the material will deteriorate
For treatment shoe in need alcohol, water and a cotton padFor treatment shoe in need alcohol, water and a cotton pad

Instructions on the use of alcohol to stretch new shoes:

Illustration Sequencing
att1485484369 Step 1. Preparing the solution

not recommended to use pure alcohol. Therefore ethyl mix with water in a ratio of 2: 1.

att1485484370 Step 2. material handling

Take cotton pads, soak them in the prepared solution and wipe the shoes inside and out.

att1485484372 Step 3. Raznashivanie

After careful treatment of natural wear thick socks and shoes on top. Spend as much time in the shoes while the alcohol solution is completely dry.

att1485484372-1 Step 4. Securing result

From the first time it is not always possible to achieve the desired effect.

To improve and fix the result, repeat the previous steps on the next day after the primary treatment.

From personal experience I know this method works because:

  1. alcohol softens material structure.
  2. Shoe Shape adapts the individual physiological characteristics of the foot.

Method 3. freezing

Freeze - another way to stretch the skin or suede tight shoes.


  • suitable for all materials from which made shoes;
  • It does not require your active participation in the process of stretching.
Before using, inspect packages need tight, sealable polyethylene without holesBefore using, inspect packages need tight, sealable polyethylene without holes

To make tight shoes comfortable using freeze:

Illustration Sequencing
att1485484374 Step 1. preparation of inventory

You must take 2 plastic bags.

It is advisable to use bags with zipper, so that the water does not spread.

att1485484378 Step 2. filling bags

Pour water into packets.

the amount of liquid must be controlled to a free package got into the sock and not torn.

att1485484378-1 Step 3. Send packets to the shoes

Carefully place the package with water in tight shoes.

att1485484380 Step 4. freezing

We put the shoes in the freezer for 8 hours. Convenient to carry out such a procedure before going to sleep at night.


att1485484381 Step 5. Securing result

Remove the shoes from the freezer, remove the ice packs.

I recommend immediately put on shoes and vilify it until the product has reached room temperature. This does not allow him to shrink to the initial size.

If the shoes are too tight in the fingers, freezing method is especially good. Turning into ice water expands and increases the space inside the shoe.If the shoes are too tight in the fingers, freezing method is especially good. Turning into ice water expands and increases the space inside the shoe.

Method 4. Newspaper "bomb"

If the shoes are small and the need to quickly solve this problem, use the newspaper "bombs". The method is quite effective and simple.

Advantage: the result achieved in the short term.


  • on suede products may remain streaks;
  • shoes after some time will shrink in size even more.
The quantity of beads for stretching a shoe should be proportional to the size of shoesThe quantity of beads for stretching a shoe should be proportional to the size of shoes
Illustration Sequencing
att1485484385 Step 1. Training

You will need:

  • old newspapers;
  • a basin with warm water.

Newspapers should be a lot, that was enough for both shoes.

att1485484387 Step 2. Formation of the "bombs"
  1. Take one sheet of newspaper.
  2. Crumple it into a ball.
  3. Soak in warm water.
  4. Then wring.

Make as many balls as you need to fill the empty space in the shoe.

att1485484394 Step 3. Filling the shoes with newspaper "bombs"

Place the balls inside the shoe dense layer, with all his strength pushing the paper with your hands.

Note that the "bomb" have the most tightly against each other. Otherwise, the result could not be achieved.

Winter boots in front of a fireplace. Family vintage folk boots drying near the fireside. Warm cozy fireplace in the authentic chalet. Hipster shoes getting warm near the burning fire in a cabin Step 4. Drying
  1. Choose a location that is well ventilated.
  2. Put the shoes to dry for about 5 hours.

Do not use the battery for the purpose. Drying should take place in a natural way.

newspaper «bombs» excellent for stretching the leather. For suede is better to use other methods.

Method 5. High temperatures

Soften suede or leather shoes be able to use high temperatures. I know two ways:

  1. Boiling water. Treat the hot water inside the shoe, previously removing the insole. Wait until the material has cooled, put on thick socks, then shoes. Do not remove your shoes for 30 minutes.
Scalding leather shoes contributes to its tensileScalding leather shoes contributes to its tensile
  1. hairdryer. More gentle method. Before processing the product glycerine grease leather, the shoe is not cracked. Good warm up with hot air shoes and socks. Immediately put them on the half hour.
Stretch shoes, you can use a hair dryer.Stretch shoes, you can use a hair dryer.

Be careful! High temperatures are suitable only for high-quality shoes. Shoes from leatherette or other kozhzama debonding or crack.

Method 6. Professional

The shoe shops sell all sorts of sprays, gels, powders and other means for professional softening shoes. If the shoe pressed, try this method.

The photo - a professional means: they quickly soften and stretch fabric shoesThe photo - a professional means: they quickly soften and stretch fabric shoes

Benefits: Reliability and efficiency, the ability selecting means with the manufacture of the material.

shortcoming: high price.

If you are in doubt as purchased shoes, then I suggest to use only by professional means. This ensures the safety of the shoe and the absence of defects.


I told him what to do if the shoes are too tight: you know six of the most effective and affordable method of stretching tight shoes. You just have to apply them in practice.

In addition to the above, watch the video in this article. I will be glad to share knowledge - share your experiences in the comments raznashivaniya shoe.

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