How to plant an apple tree without making mistakes

Contents of the article:

Every gardener planting an apple treeapplesPlanting technology of these trees is quite simple and feasible for everyone. The survival rate and the further development of seedlings depends on adhering to a few simple rules and recommendations.

Requirements for the site for planting

apple trees Before you begin to populate your site with young plantings, you must make sure that it meets the following requirements.

  • Bright lighting contributes to fruiting. The shading of young seedlings by the large trees present nearby leads to a deviation in the development, a decrease in the quantity and quality of fruits.
  • A good site is considered to be protected from strong winds and at the same time well ventilated.
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  • The land should be fertile, enriched with beneficial substances.

If you plan to plant several seedlings, then it should be done in one place, not alternating them with other plantations. This contributes to good pollination and abundant fruiting. Fight against diseases and pests is also more convenient to carry out with a compact placement of plants.

When planting apples

The best adaptation to new conditions is observed during the period of cessation of sap flow and the transition of the plant to sleep. Trees enter such a state after the end of the growing season( September - October) and remain there until the buds awaken. Therefore, planting seedlings is best carried out in spring and autumn periods.

In winter, trees are generally in a state of complete rest. However, they cannot be planted this season, since young roots die when they fall into the frozen soil. The technology of winter planting is used only occasionally in certain regions and only for large, mature trees.

Read also: Find out why apples crack on the apple tree

When it is better to plant an apple tree, in spring or autumn, the question is ambiguous and in most cases depends on the specific climatic zone. In regions where sharp decreases in temperature are already observed at the end of October, it is best to perform this procedure in spring( April - May).This will prevent the risk of freezing of the root system. In warmer areas, planting seedlings is recommended in the middle of autumn.

Land preparation for apple planting

Initially, it is necessary to prepare the soil for a young plant. Land with a dug hole should be folded in one pile, and not scattered throughout the site. The width and depth of the fossa should be slightly larger than the root system of the apple tree. Lightly fluff the bottom and sides of the well.

In areas with a thin layer of chernozem, the ground should be divided into two parts, and the burying seedlings should follow the same sequence.

The excavated earth is mixed with humus and wood ash( 700-800 g).With a strong depletion of the soil, you can add a little complex mineral fertilizers, such as nitroammofoska. At the bottom of the recess, it is recommended to put some metal object( hammer in rebar, angle, channel, nails, etc.).This will provide the necessary iron plantings.

How to plant an

apple tree Before planting, prune the tips of the root system, the top of the trunk and the branches of the seedling with a pruning shear. It is most convenient to perform further procedures together. Having set the plant in the hole in a vertical position, one person should hold it by the trunk, and the other should cover the root system with the prepared soil. It is important to follow the direction of its branches - they should be directed downwards or in a horizontal position. Otherwise, an incorrect further formation of the root system may occur, leading to a shortage of nutrients.

The seedling should be filled in such a way that the root neck of the plant is 3-5 cm higher than the ground. Failure to observe this rule will negatively affect the further development of the tree.

Filling the roots with plenty of water, pour the well abundantly. After the soil has settled, it is necessary to add it again to the desired level, and then pour it again. Water( by suction) performs tamping of the loosened earth. Many gardeners prefer to tread on the soil with their feet, which is not correct and can lead to damage to the root system. The next day after planting, cracks will appear around the entire circumference of the hole, which need to be loosened.

See also: Spraying of fruit trees in the spring should be carried out on time.

. When working in the spring, the first time of planting should be watered every two to three days( depending on weather conditions).If a color is formed on the trees after spring transplantation, it should be cut off to give the trees a chance to strengthen themselves.

Planting apple trees in the fall does not require further watering, as sap flow during this period stops, and an abundance of moisture can only harm( especially on the eve of the approaching frost).

When transplanting a seedling, it is advisable to note and exactly repeat the geographic direction of its trunk with respect to any of the poles( south / north).

Apple planting in the summer is very rare. Most often this is a necessary measure to move the plant from one place to another. Even with careful soil preparation and abundant care, the survival rate of trees during active growing season is very low. To plant an apple tree in the summer is possible only under the condition of a closed root system.

In order to protect the seedlings from the effects of strong winds, near them( at a distance of 20-30 cm) you can score a small rod and tie a trunk to it.

Distance between apple trees when planting

In pursuit of high yield, many gardeners tend to plant the largest possible number of fruit trees on their land. However, dense placement, as a rule, leads to the following consequences:

  • Reduction in the total yield of the crop
  • Deterioration in the quality of the fruitStrictly adhere to a specific planting scheme, which depends on the characteristics of a particular variety. The maximum dimensions( width and height) that adult plants can reach should be taken into account. The optimal planting scheme for low-growing varieties on a dwarf rootstock is considered to be 2.5x4 m. Apple trees grafted on a wild rootstock are recommended to be placed according to a scheme of 3.5x5 meters. The distance between tall trees should be at least 4.5 m.relation to new species of these trees. Crown-shaped apple trees( crown-shaped like Poplar, cypress, etc.) can be planted thicker than usual, classical varieties. Do not require a lot of space and dwarf plantings.

    The placement of seedlings in a staggered manner will allow them to slightly increase their number on the site. However, such a scheme significantly complicates maintenance( especially when using motorized technology).

    If these guidelines are followed, the plants will quickly get used to the new conditions and continue to develop and develop crown. And very soon the young plantations will be able to please their owners with delicious, ripe apples.

    Video about planting an apple

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