Description and characteristics of the hybrid variety of tomato peach

The peach tomato variety was bred by specialists under the supervision of S.F.Gavrish for cultivation in an open ground and greenhouses. It is listed in the Russian Register of Breeding Achievements of 2002. The main cultivation areas are Russia, Ukraine, Moldova. Due to its downiness and bright color, it stands out favorably on the garden and festive table. Description and characteristics of this variety are presented below.


  • Specifications and Description Tomato Peach f1
    • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Features varieties growing
    • Soil
    • Seeds
    • Seedlings
    • Care
  • Diseases and pests
  • Harvesting tomatoes

Specifications and Description Tomato Peach f1

varieties of peaches - stam determinant plant with sturdy stemsIts height is only 50-60 cm. The leaves are small, dark green, velvety. The first inflorescence is laid after the 7-8 leaf, the following - through the 1-2 leaf. The variety does not have high yields, there are 5-6 fruits on each hand, which hold tight and do not crumble.

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Hybrid variety of tomato Peach

Unripe fruits - light green, ripened - interesting cream-orange color. Have 2-3 seed nests. Fruiting begins on 85-95 the day after planting. Fruits are small, rounded, pubescent. The weight of each is about 100 g. The yield is 6-8 kg per 1 m2.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • interesting coloring;
  • unusual taste;
  • velvety skin;
  • early maturation;
  • cold-resistant.
Tomato pulp tender, juicy, almost sour


  • low yield;
  • poorly stored.

Features of growing variety


Light, fertile soils are suitable for growing. About a week before planting, you need to dig up the earth with humus. Disinfection is performed by copper sulfate. Good predecessors will be:

  1. Carrots.
  2. Cucumbers.
  3. Courgettes.
  4. Parsley.
  5. Dill.
  6. Cauliflower.

The bad predecessor of is potatoes.


Tomato Seeds Peach F1

It is necessary to plant seeds for seedlings in early spring. Before planting, seeds are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for the prevention of disease. If desired, you can use a growth stimulator. Seeds spread on a damp cloth and placed in a warm place. After germination, they are planted in warm soil at a distance of about 1 cm between the plants and up to 1 cm deep. They are put in a warm place again, covered with a film until germs appear.

Seating containers should have openings for draining excess water.


After the appearance of several leaves, the plant should be transplanted into separate containers or boxes at a distance of about 10 cm between the plants. They put the seedlings in a well-consecrated place, not forgetting to water it with warm water at the root of the plant. If you reach the plant 20-25 , you can repot it. Under the condition of warm weather, the plant is usually planted in open ground in mid-May. To adapt, seedlings are exposed to fresh air several days before planting.

The temperature for growing seedlings is needed up to 20 degrees, the stem in this case will be strong and thick, there will not be an overabundance of green mass.


It is necessary to dig holes with a depth of about 0.5 m. Add half a bucket of humus, 150 g of superphosphate, 25 g of potassium and urea, 40 g of ash to the holes for the tomato. Planted seedlings at a distance of 0.5 m from each other, leaving a passage between the rows of 0.7 m. Transplantation is carried out in cloudy weather. Watering - infrequent and plentiful.

Water should not fall on the leaves when watering.

A week after planting, you can cover the soil with last year’s leaves with straw( instead of leaves you can use sawdust).Mulch has a beneficial effect on tomatoes. There are no weeds under the bushes, water is not sprayed, another source of nutrients appears. There is no need to pinch this variety. Tying - as needed, with abundant fruiting. Tied to pegs or trellis using synthetic material.

Garter bushes are required only in the case of a variety of tomato fruits.
Plants grow and develop well if the soil is often loosened and spud.

Top dressing should start two weeks after planting in open ground. Korovyak is laid up to half a barrel, then topped up with water and insisted for 5 days. This solution is poured about 1 time per month throughout the growing season. Starting with the third feeding, you need to add 20 g of nitroammophoska and superphosphate to the solution. For a good laying of the fruit can be sprayed with a solution of boric acid at the rate of 2 g per 10 liters of water.

Tomatoes are afraid of over-feeding, especially with fresh manure.

Diseases and pests

To protect plants from diseases and pests, it is necessary to comply with all agrotechnical measures.

Tomato Peach is quite stable in the fight against diseases:

  • rot,
  • powdery mildew,
  • mosaic,
  • late blight,
  • brown spot.
One of the most common diseases of tomatoes - late blight

Varieties are not afraid of the bear, spider mite, tomato aphid. The common fungal disease in tomatoes is late blight. Appears as brown spots. In hot weather, the leaves dry, in the cold - rot. Diseases are more susceptible to unripe fruits. The first spraying is carried out after a couple of weeks after landing in the ground, then - in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The development of the disease contribute to fogs, frequent fluctuations in temperature.

To prevent further spread of the disease, the stalks should be burned after harvesting. Of folk remedies ash has proven itself. At 5 liters of ash must take 10 liters of water. Insist 3 days, stirring occasionally. Bring the solution to a volume of 30 liters, add soap there, to better stick to the leaves, process the plants.

Harvesting tomatoes

The first fruits appear at the beginning of July. They look like a peach, which is a highlight of the variety. Taste fragrant and sweet( contain up to 10% sugar), without sourness. Due to the low content of acid, a beneficial effect on digestion. The grade is universal in application.

Harvesting Tomato Peach Begins Begin at the End of June

Because of their ornamental appearance, they are widely used to decorate dishes. Great for canning and salads. Use for processing on juice and paste, dietary and baby food. Use as a dessert. The variety tolerates transportation, but is not suitable for long-term storage.

If you have not grown a peach tomato variety, be sure to try. Unpretentious in the care, bright coloring, with a delicate taste vegetable will surprise you and your loved ones.

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