The use of fungicide topaz from powdery mildew and other diseases

If powdery mildew or rust suddenly hit your garden or indoor plants, it will be difficult enough to get rid of the causative agents. To prevent infection of the fungus from penetrating foliage and stems, is recommended to periodically perform plant prophylaxis with chemicals, including Topaz. This popular fungicide is able to protect the plant from fungal diseases and cure them. The main advantage of chemical composition is universality - they use the tool not only in the garden, but also indoors.

Table of contents

  • Composition and purpose of the drug Topaz
    • Active ingredient and mechanism of action
    • Advantages and disadvantages compared to other means
    • instructions for use
    • Safety measures when working
    • Compatibility with other drugs
  • Storage conditions and shelf life
  • Reviews gardeners and gardenersOn the application of a fungicide Topaz

Functions of Topaz

drug It fungicidal agent belongs to a class of triazoles. The drug is recommended for the processing of vegetable and fruit crops, garden and houseplants.

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Fungicide Topaz allows you to get rid of such pests as powdery mildew, oidium, rust

It is even used for:

  • currants;
  • gooseberry;
  • grapes;
  • cherries;Peach
  • ;
  • cucumber and other crops.

Active ingredient and mechanism of action of

Penconazole is considered to be the main element in the product. It is a liquid concentrate of an average toxicity level, which has a suppressive effect on the development of a fungus that blocks the ingrowth of spores into the plant tissue. The tool does not create a film on the green of crops, but penetrates inside, moving along with the juices to the growth points. This means that Topaz is able to protect not only the leaves and stems, but also young shoots, even in bad weather conditions. The fungicide can be used from the beginning of spring to late autumn, when the temperature regime already drops to ten degrees of frost.

Fungicide Topaz does not lose its effectiveness with sharp jumps in air temperature, so it can be used on home gardens in any weather.

Advantages and disadvantages compared to other means

Topaz, unlike other drugs, is able to have not only a warning, but also a therapeutic effect. Among its main advantages are:

  • high level of effectiveness , a broad spectrum of action;
  • economy , low consumption, acceptable cost;
  • full safety for plants;
  • versatility application;
  • resistance to increased humidity and low temperature conditions.

However, it is not considered an ideal option. The main substance of the drug has a synthetic origin, which has a detrimental effect on the environment. In addition, penconazole is considered an intermediate toxicity chemical, so when working with Topaz you will have to comply with safety requirements.

Instructions for use

To rid the plant of the fungus that has appeared, without causing him much harm, it is necessary to withstand the instructions for using the tool. In open spaces, processing should be carried out in calm and dry weather. Such conditions allow the poison to be absorbed into the plant and with maximum intensity to act on dangerous spores of pests.

Using fungicide Topaz, you can prevent and treat fungal plant diseases
If it began to rain three hours after your treatment, then do not worry - the tool fully manages to penetrate the plant.

The next treatment is performed not earlier than in a couple of weeks. If the fungus severely hit the plants, Topaz may not help them. It should be used when the first signs of the disease appear.

Dosage for Asdl per bush 4 vineyard oidium 1.5 liters per ten meters square 4 garden flowers rust, mealy dew 1 liter per 10 meters square. 3 indoor flowers powdery mildew, rust 1 liter per 10 meters square. 3

Preparation of the working solution to combat powdery mildew and other diseases.

If the treatment is performed with 2 mm ampoules, then they should be diluted in a small amount of water. Mix the solution thoroughly, pour it into a bucket filled with ten liters of water. If it is necessary to treat the plants in the room, , then the solution should be diluted by five liters, making it twice as saturated.

To treat the garden area, a concentrate from an ampoule of two milliliters is dissolved in a small amount of water.

2 ml of the preparation per 10 l is enough water to treat dew, oidium, fruit rot. When dealing with rust, dosage must be doubled.

terms and methods spraying

Culture plants preparation Application
vegetable in the presence of the first signs of the disease
fruit prophylactic treatment twice, before and after flowering
jagodniki treatment is performed before flowering and after harvest
vineyard during kidney disclosure, afterbloom, with the first signs of disease
flowers indoor after detecting signs of the disease

Safety measures when working

Do not useopaz on beds for more than three years.

When working with the preparation, gloves should be used. Make sure that the tool does not fall into the eyes and on the skin. It is forbidden to smoke, drink and eat during work. After spraying, wash your hands and face with soap and water.

Use the drug should be in compliance with safety regulations

After contact with the fungicide on the skin, it is necessary to immediately rinse the place with running water. If the composition got into the gastrointestinal tract - drink a few glasses of water, provoke vomiting, take activated charcoal, consult a doctor.

Compatibility with other drugs.

. With other chemical compositions, Topaz fits well if they are similar in use. This feature allows you to include it in the complex means that protect plants. Combined with another drug, Topaz is able to extend its duration, destroy more than the number of harmful parasites. It is even mixed with some formulations:

  • Horus;
  • Cuproxate;
  • Kinmiks;
  • Topsin.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Since its release, the tool has retained its properties for four years. Store Topaz separately from food and medicine. The place should be dark, inaccessible to children. Temperature range - from - 10 to + 35 degrees.

Keep away from fire!

Reviews gardeners and gardeners on the application of the fungicide Topaz

Mikhail Borisovich. Using the drug at the dacha, sprinkling berry bushes. Means perfectly helps with defeats mealy dew and rust. It is more effective than other drugs.

Inna. One treatment for the entire season is not enough. The disease will recede only by repeated spraying. It seems to me that Topaz is the best tool!

Alla. Mealy dew already just fed up! Every year she is on my site. I use only Topaz - I don’t know better than means. Only one condition - the drug must be used in the early stages of the disease.

Viktor Ivanovich. Wife likes to grow violets. Once a bloom appeared on the flowers, which we first took for ordinary dust. When they realized it, they managed to use Topaz. It helped!

Jeanne. Now is the only tool. If everything is done in a timely manner and correctly - the garden will be under reliable protection!

As you can see, the tool is really notable for its reliability. Its correct use will allow you to create a good defense of your garden and garden plants from many harmful diseases.

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