One of the oldest cultures cultivated by man is the sowing pea. Annual herb of the legume family. In growing does not require large physical costs.
Table of contents
- Species and description of sowing peas
- What is valued peas
- Selection and preparation of a site
- Seed preparation and planting
- Fight against diseases and pests
Species and description of sowing peas
controlling varieties and pests Species and description of sowing peas
- This is a climbing plant. It has feathery leaves and shoots ending in antennae. The pea pods are green, the seeds are round and slightly compressed, the surface is smooth. Blossoms in white, sometimes pink. This plant is cultivated both food and feed.
There are several popular groups of varieties of pea seed:
- Sugar
- Brain
- Shelling Peppers
Sugar varieties can be divided into soup and dessert. Soup varieties have smaller fruits than other varieties. From them prepare various soups.
Dessert varieties are eaten fresh. Also from dessert varieties prepare side dishes for various main courses. This plant contains a large amount of protein.
Peas cerebral is used in food in a state of wax ripeness at home. Basically, this species is used for conservation. Shelled varieties are harvested on an industrial scale for the food industry.
Shelling varieties are used for the food industry.
Dessert - used fresh
Brain - for preservation
The value of peas
The advantages of pea seed should be attributed to its saturation with vitamins.As well as such necessary for human elements as fatty acids, starch, vegetable oils, fiber .Rich in vegetables and minerals. Having planted this plant on the site, you will fill up the diet with a tasty and useful product.
Selection and preparation of the
site. Sowing is performed by in early spring in the prepared soil from autumn.
When selecting a site for sowing, the following conditions must be observed:
- The site must be well lit.
- Absence of close occurrence of groundwater.
- Light, fertile soil.
This culture grows perfectly in sunny places and tolerates shading very poorly. The beds should be located in open, well-ventilated areas.
Sowing pea grows well in well-lit areas
Does not like peas in lowland, marshy places. Its roots penetrate the soil deeply enough and crops from oversupply can hurt.
Pea plant loves fertile soil and grows very poorly on poor soils.A sufficient amount of organic material should be added for pre-sowing treatment. During the autumn digging, is applied up to 6 kg of organic fertilizer per square meter, as described or instructed.
Do not use fresh manure, as it can cause rapid growth of green mass and slow down the flowering and the formation of fruits. Very good for spring soil loosening, add ash .It successfully replaces mineral fertilizers.
When planting this plant on acid soils, it is necessary to make liming .350 - 400 grams of lime per square meter is applied.
This culture is not afraid of the cold. and the landing can begin as soon as the earth warms up a little. Small frost shoots are not terrible.
Planting peas in the spring can be done as soon as the earth warms up.
can serve as ancestors of any culture other than legumes. It will grow well after cabbage and potatoes. The pea itself is an excellent precursor for all plants, as it saturates the soil with nitrogen. Its roots should not be thrown away when cleaning. Digging them into the soil during the autumn digging, you will significantly increase its fertility.
Friend vegetable with corn. A small amount of corn in the garden will serve as a good support for this plant. To harvest several harvests during the summer, you can use different ripening periods for different varieties. It is necessary to plant at an interval of 7 to 10 days to get green peas as long as possible.
Seed preparation and planting
To quickly and accurately select the seeds for sowing, you need to place them in lightly salted water. Floated seeds are not suitable for planting. Down to the bottom of the pea should be washed in clean water. Germination will be fast if the peas soak in water at room temperature for 10-12 hours. Water should be changed after 3 - 4 hours.
Planting is done after loosening the soil in 6 to 8 hours so that the earth does not dry out. Seeds are sown on 4 - 6 cm , distance between rows 35 - 40 cm .In a row, the distance 10 - 15 cm .
This planting scheme is not suitable for all varieties. Such varieties as the Oregon giant and Supersweet, growing to a height of two meters should be planted according to the scheme 70x70 cm.High-grade varieties of sowing peas should be planted according to the scheme 70x70
The seeds are sprinkled with earth. For better conservation of moisture, the ground must be compacted. So that the seeds do not peck the birds cover with a bed of film. Shoots will appear in 7 - 10 days and the film can be removed.
Maintenance is very simple. In time to water and loosen the beds - and you will have a wonderful harvest. Noticed - the plant very badly tolerates heat and drought .In this weather you need to water it very plentifully.
Good combine irrigation with top dressing .One tablespoon of nitroammofoski is diluted for 10 liters of water. After watering, they loosen the aisles and spud the plants themselves.
To obtain a high yield, you need to install trellis for peas. This will not allow the shoots to stray into a roll. Yes, and produce weeding and loosening will be much more convenient. Handling crops is very convenient Fokin's flat-cutter. Clipped weeds dry out and mulch the soil.
Fighting Diseases and Pests
In cool, damp and overcast weather, the likelihood of pea infection with fungal infections of is high.
Traditionally, in such cases, use of drugs such as copper sulfate and fungicides. When processing crops it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and recommendations for the use of these drugs.
Pea moth is the worst enemy of peas
Pea moth is the worst enemy. Its caterpillars winter in the soil. Typically, butterflies pea moth fly with the beginning of flowering peas. A week after they lay their eggs, small caterpillars appear. They penetrate the fruit and eat it.
After about three weeks, the caterpillars are picked from the fruit and pupate in the upper layers of the soil, where they fall asleep until the next season.
is used for chemical treatment during the flowering of .If necessary, it can be repeated in a week.
It is important to start harvesting on time so that the peas do not oversleep.After harvesting, it is necessary to carry out deep plowing and observing the crop rotation, do not return peas to this place before 5–6 years of .
By cultivating this crop, you get a product rich in vitamins and minerals. And also improve the structure of the soil and enrich it with nitrogen.