Zucchini Kavili is a welcome guest at each table, as it contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements that our body needs, especially in the winter. Also zucchini is very useful in diseases of the liver, kidneys and heart.
Table of contents
- Description and characteristics of the Kavili variety
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Technology and preparation of seeds for planting
- Soil preparation
- care Diseases and Prevention
- Collection and storage of a section of a one of a way to make a section which is a thing that you can have to be a part of the way which is left for you can be a piece of the same way which you can have to do with which you can make it that you have to make it that you have to make it and you can do it. The variety is early ripe and high-yielding. The ripening period from germination to technical maturity is from 40 to 50 days .
The plant forms a bush with smooth, cylindrical fruits, green in color, reaching a length of up to 20 cm.
With a late collection, the vegetable does not lose its taste.The Kavili variety has tender, juicy and white flesh. The ripened fruit of the description reaches in weight to 300 grams .
Fetusfor conservation
- Using the transplant method.
- Seeds, directly into open ground.
- Provide an open, sunny place - when there is a lack of light, the yield drops.
- At a time to remove large leaves, as the plant may lack sunlight due to self-dimming.
- Zucchini love heat and when the air temperature drops, young seedlings need to be covered.
- Watering should be done with extremely warm water, avoiding drying out of the soil. Watering is done around the stem at the rate of 10 liters per square meter .meter .
- Fertilizing is carried out with complex fertilizers, three times per season - at the time of growth, during flowering and during the formation of fruits.
Significant deficiencies are not identified.
Technology and seed preparation for planting
There are two ways to grow a healthy shrub:

Before planting, seeds of the Kavili variety must not be processed, but to reduce the germination time, they should be soaked in warm water for five hours, then 24 hours in a damp cloth. Seed material should swell a little, but not germinate.
The best time for growing seedlings is the last days of April, the beginning of May is .Seeds for seedlings are sown in separate containers with a diameter of more than 10 cm. The plant does not need a pickling.
The first dressing is carried out with complex fertilizers 7 days after planting the seeds, and the feeding procedure is repeated a week later.

Seedlings are planted in a permanent place at the age of . 30 days and buried in the ground before the first cotyledon leaves. To protect against drafts, young seedlings must be covered for a week.
Seeds are sown in open ground to a depth of 4-5 cm , only after the earth warms to 15-18 degrees. With a decrease in temperature, seed germination is suspended, therefore, the planted seeds must be covered with a covering material.
Although the Kavili variety is resistant to diseases, it is not recommended to plant it after cucumbers, pumpkins and squash, as they are subject to the same diseases. Squash planted under the scheme 70x140 .

Preparation of soil
Kavili squash should be planted in light, fertile soil , prepared from autumn.
High acidity soil is not suitable for this variety. To normalize acidity, you must add dolomite flour or ground chalk to the soil.
During the autumn preparation of the beds, the soil is dug up by a shovel to the depth of the bayonet and organic fertilizers( manure, compost) are applied. When applying fertilizer in the fall, in spring the soil will not need to be fed.
In spring, they dig up the earth and form the beds. On the lowered section, the beds are raised 20-30 cm from the ground, and 100 cm wide with a slope on the south side, so that the soil warms up better.

To determine the readiness of the soil for planting, you can squeezing it in a fist and dropping it on the ground .If the lump crumbles, then the soil is ready for growing seeds and planting seedlings.
Although the variety is unpretentious in care, anyway, some rules must be observed:

Diseases and prevention
The Dutch zucchini Kavili F1 is not susceptible to diseases, but prevention will only help it.
- To protect against spider mites, the bush is sprayed with onion extract( a glass of onion peel is poured with 10 liters of water, a tablespoon of crushed red pepper and a piece of rubbed laundry soap are added).
- When detecting aphids , use drugs "Phosbecid", "Iskra", "Confidor".
- From damage by anthracnose - plants are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture or gray colloid.
- In the fight against with powdery mildew , it is suitable to pollinate a bush with ground sulfur.
Disease prevention also consists in the alternation of planting on the site, as well as the timely harvesting of diseased plants.
Collecting and storing
The first fruits take off after the expire 1.5 months after planting and, although the Kavili variety does not lose its palatability when overgrown, you should not wait for its ripening, as overripe vegetables stop the growth and development of the bush.

Squids need to be cut for quick use at the base, and for a long time - along with a long stalk.
Milk zucchini is stored not more than 14 days at temperatures up to + 2 degrees .After a two-week period, the fruits begin to lose their taste, become coarse and rot. For long-term storage it is necessary to cut ripened zucchini.
Store them in boxes filled with dry straw, so that the fruits do not touch each other. In city apartments, zucchini is stored in a dark and dry place.
The variety Kavili appeared in our country not too long ago, but managed to catch the fancy of many gardeners - amateurs. If you follow the simple rules of care, the soft-green vegetable will please with its taste, fresh - in summer, and in conservation - in winter.