How to wash the tiles in the kitchen from fat: 7 the most effective popular recipes


  • 1 The main rules tile cleaning
  • 2 How to clean the tiles?
    • 2.1 7 popular recipes
    • 2.2 Household chemicals
  • 3 Finally
If time does not wash out the fat, it is a thin film covers the whole kitchenIf time does not wash out the fat, it is a thin film covers the whole kitchen

Greasy dirt - the inevitable result of the constant cooking, which can not be prevented, but can be eliminated. In this article you will learn how to wash the tiles in the kitchen of the fat and return it to the original luster.

The main rules tile cleaning

To fully understand how to wash the tiles on the kitchen grease, and do it quickly and surely, you must adhere to certain rules of cleaning. Their implementation will not only help get rid of blemishes, but will protect the surface from damage:

  1. Do not use steel wool. They are easily scratched tiles and lose the beautiful appearance. Replace the usual scrapers special brushes for ceramics. They effectively remove dirt, without spoiling the surface.
Soft sponge or special brush (pictured) Clean tile and retain its lusterSoft sponge or special brush (pictured) Clean tile and retain its luster
  1. Do not put off cleaning. Tile is best cleaned after each cooking. This will prevent the appearance of dried spots of fat, which is much more difficult to remove.
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  2. Heat detergent. Before using the detergent little heat it. So the effect of it at times will increase - check!
Heated detergent better and will remove stains on the tile, than the same, but room temperatureHeated detergent better and will remove stains on the tile, than the same, but room temperature
  1. Steamed tiles. Before you wash the walls of the fat, expose them to steam - the spot is much easier to peel.
  2. Always read the instructions. If the cleaning you resort to the help of household chemicals, carefully study whether it is suitable for ceramics.
  3. Work only with gloves. Regardless of whether you wash the walls or tiles on the floor, using a folk remedy or household chemicals - wear rubber gloves. Do not forget the irritation of the skin of hands.
Rubber gloves will save your skin from irritationRubber gloves will save your skin from irritation
  1. Put them in a certain sequence. It is best to start to clean the tiles with the bottom row, but to wash it clean - from the top down.

How to clean the tiles?

Choosing the best remedy for fat in the kitchen, the housewife can be divided into two camps: one prefers the use of public money and who are more likely to use household cleaning products. Let us both.

7 popular recipes

Folk remedies very effectively cope with the removal of fat on the tileFolk remedies very effectively cope with the removal of fat on the tile

Wash inveterate fat in the kitchen, you can use the available tools. What?

  1. Baking soda. Grease stains will disappear without a trace when they rinse soda solution. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of powder per liter of water, wet sponge in a solution of it and walk on the problematic zones. Finally, wipe the surface with a damp cloth, removing the remnants of the substance.
Soda not only removes fat but also whitens joints between the tilesSoda not only removes fat but also whitens joints between the tiles

Soda - it is also an answer to the question of how to clean the joints between the tiles in the kitchen. Moisten solution old toothbrush and walk on its seams. So you not only clean, but also bleach them.

  1. Lemon. Take a small slice of lemon, wipe the ceramic surface and wait a few minutes. Under the influence of citric acid fat residues easy to split, after which they can be easily removed with a damp sponge.
Citric acid is very efficiently breaks down even a dried fatCitric acid is very efficiently breaks down even a dried fat
  1. Vinegar + Soda. Clear tiles from old contamination is possible by means of the available tools. To begin with dilute soda with a little water until mushy consistency and apply it to the fat stains. Then with the help of an atomizer spray vinegar on top of it.
A solution of vinegar give tiles glossA solution of vinegar give tiles gloss

After the reaction of the components to remove fat will be very easy. In addition, the vinegar will add a nice shine ceramic surface.

  1. Ammonia. Washing ceramic sponge dipped in liquid ammonia, you can not only clean the tiles, but also provide it with a shiny surface.
  2. mustard powder. In the process of cleaning, you can use mustard powder diluted to a paste consistency. Apply gruel on the tiles, wait a few minutes, then rinse with water. After that, the kitchen will shine - literally, too!
Mustard powder - effective cleaning tiles with folk remedies from fat stainsMustard powder - effective cleaning tiles with folk remedies from fat stains
  1. Baking powder. This component has a mild abrasive properties and copes with grease residues.
  2. steam purifier. If you are looking for the best way to remove fat in the kitchen, then you should definitely consider buying a steam cleaner. He very quickly and effectively cope even with old stains and disinfects the surface.
Steam cleaner not only to quickly clean tile, but it cleansSteam cleaner not only to quickly clean tile, but it cleans

Household chemicals

Despite the efficacy and safety of people's money, some housewives still prefer to household chemicals. The range of such tools in the shops is enormous, as their price. The most positive feedback I've heard about these brands:

  • "Schumann";
  • "Silit Bang";
  • "Mr Muscle";
  • "Santry»;
  • "Sanit".
Drug Reference should contain information that the device can be applied to the tilesDrug Reference should contain information that the device can be applied to the tiles

The first thing to do when buying household chemicals - read the instructions. It indicates the substance is suitable for cleaning tile or not. For example, I do not recommend washing the tile:

  • Means for stainless steel surfaces. They are deprived of its original luster tiles.
  • powdered drugs. Such substances can scratch the surface.
  • acidic compounds. Using this product, you will destroy with his own hands the seams between the tiles that are not protected with epoxy paint.
Cleaner spray which is consumed sparingly, so I recommend to give preference to himCleaner spray which is consumed sparingly, so I recommend to give preference to him

Instead, a specially designed household chemicals to wash the tiles can be any dish detergent or windows.


Now you know enough recipes for how to clean the tile in the kitchen. This means that no oil for you is not terrible. Even more useful tricks to eliminate the fat on the kitchen tiles shown in the video in this article.

If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments - I'd be happy to help.

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