- 1 Features and causes of fruit flies in the apartment
2 Getting rid of lice once and for all
- 2.1 folk ways
- 3 summing up

Drosophila - annoying midges which appear in the house in the warm season. Despite the fact that the immediate danger of a person they are not, these small insects can significantly spoil the mood and appearance of the apartment. That is why the question arises, how to get rid of gnats in the kitchen, the answer to that is in this article.
Features and causes of fruit flies in the apartment
Small fruit midges have some features to be aware of before you start a fight with them. You should keep in mind a few nuances:

- Drosophila - very "loving" and prolific insects. Thus, one is able female offspring at a time to delay of almost 20 units. What is most interesting ones will be able to multiply within 8 hours after his birth.
- Mote may emerge from eggs laid just under the skin ripe soft fruit.

- Drosophila can easily settle in the shells with clogged drains, which constitute the company sewer flies.

- The emergence of midges can not immediately noticed, as they infest the early morning, when the person is asleep. And then he woke up, observes in his apartment the whole multitude of insects.
- Despite the fact that the fruit midges are slow, they are very attentive. Drosophila easily fix any sudden movement and immediately fly away. Therefore, in the process of hunting an insect, you should move like a ninja - smoothly and slowly.
- Drosophila do not like to dry the surface, so remove any moisture in the kitchen. In addition, the midges did not afraid of the frost (they will not catch it), and just loves alcohol.

With the main features of these pesky insects you have read. Now we need to deal with the fact where they appear in the apartments. The reasons for the emergence of fruit flies can be a number of factors:
- The remaining unattended decaying fruit, berries and vegetables. It is a popular place for fruit midges, hence the name.

- Lack of cleanliness of the room. We do not keep up with some rolled under the table berry or fallen for the sink with a sponge? But small midges and it definitely notice oblyubuyut.
- Those who hold the home of rodents (rats, pet, rabbits, etc.) are particularly exposed to the risk of the appearance of these pesky insects. They lay their eggs in the food residues to get lost among the sawdust. Therefore watch carefully for your pet clean cells.
- Trash can - another popular place for fruit flies. There, they will always be able to find yourself something tasty. So try to change it as often as possible.

- Another risk area is the sink. If not constantly engaged in its cleaning, accumulated in the pipe coating putrid, lured to his flies.
- The following paragraph does not apply to you if you do not live in a house with a lot of apartments and private homes. Otherwise there is a risk that some midges simply flies in your apartment by a neighbor. Earlier I wrote how quickly these insects breed.
- If you treat people who are addicted to too frequent watering houseplants, do not be surprised when you zavedutsya little black gnats.

Getting rid of lice once and for all
This section is intended for those who wish to know how to get rid of lice in the apartment and never allow their appearance.
folk ways
Get rid of gnats in the kitchen can do without strong chemicals. You may well be able to manage proven popular recipes and tips:
- The first thing you need to destroy the culture medium, which is the "mother house" for any mosquitoes. Organize a major house cleaning, discard any leftovers, rotten fruit, raw meat or simply overripe fruit.

- Do not forget that the main weakness of Drosophila - sweet. Try to pour down the sink a little syrup or sugar water and wait until all lice are gathered in the drain. Then you can only escape from the gnats, having to wash them with syrup.
- Get rid of the lice home, you can use special traps. To make it very simple - enough to put in a regular plastic bag a slice of peach, slightly rotted banana, melon or watermelon. Package leave open all night and in the morning a neat movement close it with flies located there. Do not forget to immediately throw out the packet, otherwise all have to start again.

- From small black flies in the kitchen saves another type of trap. To create it, you will need apple cider vinegar and a paper funnel. In conventional floor liter jar pour weak solution of vinegar, neck plug funnel. Every two or three days, do not forget to change the solution, simultaneously removing dead Mushnuts.
Vinegar, you can also replace the sour juice, compote or fruit slices.

- Get rid of the lice home and may be removed mechanically. Thoroughly vacuum the places insects cluster - with due skill flies can be fished just on the fly. The container must be cleaned of garbage outside the home.

- Crushed camphor - is another effective remedy for lice in the apartment. Pour it into a heated pan, and wait until it will not go on steam. Then walk around with a frying pan in the apartment - despite the fact that for a man like flavor is harmless, for it is extremely unpleasant Drosophila.

- Folk remedies for fruit midges suggest another way. Pour into a conventional plastic cup sugar water or fruit rot put into it. Top glass cover with cling film and do it a few tiny holes.

Leave the trap at night. Chasing midges sweet easy to get inside, but could not get out already.
If you spent a lot of time trying to get rid of fruit flies, then definitely you do not want them to come back. Instructions for action in such cases is as follows:

- Do not delay taking out the trash for later - do it every day.
- Do not forget about the constant cleaning of the kitchen. Make sure that on it was always dry and leave no leftovers.
- Never leave dirty dishes in the sink, or in the morning on it already accommodates intruders.

- Regularly clean the cage of your pets. Price your laziness - a regiment of small and pesky fruit flies, settled in your home.
- Wipe the condensation formed on the wall near the sink.
- Never store food in open warm places. Always cover food with thick paper, film or plate.

summing up
I told you how to get the lice from the apartment the most effective way. You can either choose one of these methods, or to use several recipes.
Hopefully, with the methods set out above, your fight against fruit flies will be much easier. Even more useful information about this tedious business you get from the video in this article. If you still have questions, please ask me in the comments.
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