1 Mote - a threat to the life of plants
- 1.1 Why lice infest
2 How to get rid of black midges
- 2.1 effective ways
- 2.2 Traditional methods of destroying lice
3 How to deal with white gnats
- 3.1 Effective methods of combating insecticide
- 3.2 Traditional methods of white gnats
- 4 prevention
- 5 Output

If spraying their biological realm, you suddenly find scatters mosquitoes, then immediately there is a feeling of disappointment, and then by the question of how to get rid of lice in the colors? In this article I will discuss the most effective ways of fighting. And, following the instructions, you will save their flowering favorites.
Mote - a threat to the life of plants

Nearly 30 genera of midges in the room colors make a threat to plants. White midges harm the land part of the flower, and black (its larvae) destroys the roots. Therefore, if the plant has stopped growing or has lost a healthy appearance, we will look for pests.
Shake the pot. On infected plants, they scatter. If not, then we examine the ground. To do this, pour water in the pot, so she stood a centimeter above the ground. And if there were gnats in the colors, a little later, float their larvae and eggs.

Why lice infest
If your houseplants you find insects, you must first remove the cause of the problem, and then start a fight with midges.
Let's understand why lice can live on your favorite plant:
- Fell outside: flown from the street or from the cellar. But perhaps you have already purchased the infected plant.
Bring these pests with purchased flowers. So, the new plants should arrange quarantine, even if ground surface net.
- Arose from the acidification of the soil. The ground was already infected with the larvae, but not disinfected before planting. A soil acidification caused by drainage disadvantage.
- Waterlogging: water the plants should be in moderation.
- Standing close plants infected by such overcrowding. For here the air circulates poorly. A ventilation - a preventive measure.

- Organic fertilizers accelerate the proliferation of pests. So do not abuse them.
- The wet vapor from the air temperature is 20 degrees - the same reasons for the appearance of insects.
How to get rid of black midges

If your houseplants were black small insects - start the fight now! It stsiaridy, flies, fungus gnats order Diptera. And while they are larvae feed on the roots.
Komariki have dark elongated body (4 mm) long whiskers. Doe in flower pots reserves 300 translucent whitish eggs. They turn into larvae - white 5-millimeter worms with black heads and no legs.

effective ways
Isolation of infected flower will protect the rest of houseplants. From that start the fight against fungus gnats and other harmful trifle. However, a one-time preventive treatment plants neighbors also needed.
But, as has already been infected to get rid of lice in the colors:
- Razovo pour any soil insecticide (Aktelik, Akhtar, Fitoverm, Tanrek).
- "Mukhoed" Also florists recommend the granules of special preparation. A guide will indicate the amount required for the soil.

- Young plant is better to get out of the pot and rinse the roots. Then replace the ground in a pot. The larvae are killed (all!) At -15 degrees. In winter, we can decontaminate soil, relegate it to the streets.
- The pests flight places to hang sticky tape. So we catch adults.

- When the gnats in room colors already flying clouds, aerosols cope with them Raptor, dichlorvos.
- The edges of the pot denote crayons cockroaches. This also means in the form of powder scatter a thin layer of soil.
- Pour sick flower as little as possible. Drought disappear larvae black gnats and other pests.
Traditional methods of destroying lice

Try recipes from improvised folk remedies, exterminating pests:
- Potassium permanganate (pinch) 2 tablespoons baking soda food soluble in 10 liters of water. Such a solution of potassium permanganate 2 weeks water the soil, then the larvae will die. But only spray the plants with clean water!

- Soap solution (100 g of economic or green soap and 500 ml of water) and moisten napkin wipe the leaves and stem of the flower home. Adults pests die.
- Alkaline solutions of soap and fear stsiaridy-miner flies. Soap covers plant fatty acids film destructive insects. In this case, be sure to water the plant with a solution of manganese to destroy larvae at the same time.

- Small midge can not tolerate sulfur. Just arrange the match in the pot to the head 1 cm rose above the earth. When watering occurs frightening stsiaridov sulfur smell. But here the manganese needs watering.

- Citrus peel, cut and dried, also deter the flying pests. Corky Simply plug in the pot.
- Cut garlic cloves, pressed into the ground, too, can help.
- Dill sprigs or seeds on the ground will release a house plant from harmful flyers.
- Burning ground pepper sprinkle the ground.

- Tobacco infusion destroy adult mosquitoes. They need a month to spray the affected house plant. 50 g tobacco fill the 1 l of water, insist 2 days and filtered infusion to refill another liter of water.
How to deal with white gnats

200 known species of these pests. Previously lived in a warm climate, these white lice are now adapted everywhere. They spoil our vegetables, flowers, particularly greenhouse.
Ornamental plants are infected hothouse, citrus and tobacco or cotton whitefly. As you can see from the names, these parasites are not afraid of any tobacco or citrus peel. Quite the contrary.
Small (2 mm) white moths have wings as if covered with wax, flour. Their gray oval and slightly flattened larvae in search of food rushing bezostanovachno15 hours. Dangerous if bred midges of this type, because the wax coating protects the larvae by insecticides. So, with them until the fight is pointless.
The adult female lays a piece of each month for 250 eggs. And after 3 weeks of a new generation destroys our flower garden. A year can count up to 15 tribes of parasites.
Coolness and drought - their enemies. When the wax capsule swells, which means the insect grows. Now we have to beat midges flower beds in the room.

So, if in the land of indoor plants bred white insects act in complex:
- post near the infected flower glue trap for flies;
- remove areas inhabited by the larvae;
- smoem soap solution to surviving leaves eggs;
- loosening the upper ground.
Then his hands processed flower insecticides or folk remedies.
Effective methods of combating insecticide

I'll tell you how to get the lice out of pot plants with insecticides:
- Drug Akhtar pour soil and spray the pests on the leaves. Its combination with aktellik accelerate our victory.
- The drug Tantrek 3 weeks after spraying retains its devastating effect on the parasites.
- Fitoferm drug (biological insecticide) is effective even in minimal doses, although not burn leaves and safe for us.
- Also whitefly destroy Mospilan, Intavir, Ambush, Fury, Pirimifommetil, cypermethrin. Price funds - about 50 rubles.
It is possible to pour insecticide shampoo solution. And workers are advised to dilute the greenhouses a weak solution laundry soap, to extend the effects of the insecticide. Shampoo or soap paste this drug to the leaves.
Traditional methods of white gnats

At the beginning of the infection from the flies in a flower pot to help traditional recipes:
- Yarrow (100 grams) zaparivat liter of boiling water. Day insist, filter and spray the leaves.
- Wormwood (3 spoons) zaparivat cup of boiling water and after 2 wash broth chasa affected leaves.
- Dandelion (30 g, and its roots 40 g leaves) liter fill with cold water, and after 6 hours infusion sprayed plants - 1 every 2 weeks.
- Garlic (10g pound) per day to insist in a liter of water and spray affected leaves.

- Soap solution (100 g of economic or green soap and 500 ml of water) and moisten napkin wipe the leaves and stem of the flower home. Then the adult pests die.
Whiteflies are attracted yellow. So, yellow paper smazhem Vaseline, which flies bogged down.

So, learn how to get lice from indoor plants, we understand that it is easier to prevent infection:
- frequent inspections greenhouse favorites;
- watering only after drying of the upper layer;
- constant drain from the pan unnecessary standing water;
- loosening the soil for access to oxygen;
- solution or by treatment with manganese boiling vessel for planting.

By purchasing a new instance:
- ground calcined in an oven or freezer promorozim, from which larvae and die;
- pot bottom paved with crushed expanded clay, gravel or coarse sand;
- liberate drainage holes;
- wood ash in pots deter pests.
Caring as follows:
- dried and remove fallen leaves;
- dirt, not to get involved in organic matter;
Tea leaves and coffee grounds - a dubious fertilizer accelerating proliferation of flies!

- when the need for frequent watering will cover the land with coarse sand, which quickly dry up, and with it - and the egg-laying;
- treated plants contained in the cool and dry.

Now, after reading this article, you will easily cope with the lice and loosen them from their green pets. Information from the video in this article is also useful Buda. And all the questions on our subject in the comments ask - answer!
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