Characteristics and description of tomato variety Olya F1

Tomato variety Olya is a relatively young plant, but it is already a success with many gardeners. If there is a desire to plant such a crop in their beds, you should find out the details of its cultivation, description and characteristics.

Contents:Diseases and their prevention

  • How to collect seeds
  • Description and characteristics of tomato Olya

    Hybrid plant, from its seeds are obtained crpkie bushes, bringing a great harvest. The variety is able to withstand many diseases and harmful parasites.

    The tomato determinant , stretches to a certain height and stops, forms about eight brushes. Bushes sredneroslye, just above the meter, need tying.

    Seedlings are grown for one and a half months, the plants are bearing fruit 100 days after the sprouting.

    The yield is good, subject to the rules of cultivation from one plant, you can get from 8 to 10 kilograms of tomatoes, which are used for sauces, ketchups, vegetable salads. In addition, tomatoes are pickled and salted.

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    Fruits are almost identical in size, reach seven centimeters in diameter, and weigh from 70 to 100 grams .Their shape is rounded, the shade is red.

    Fruits of the variety have a rounded shape and weigh from 70 to 100 grams

    Natural growth region and peculiarities of growing in other regions

    The Olga variety owes its origin to Russian breeding specialists, who bred it in the twenty-first century and added it to the State Register with a recommendation to growNorth Caucasus region.

    If greenhouse conditions are organized for cultivation, the tomato perfectly produces not only in the central regions, but also in the northern areas of the .

    Advantages and disadvantages of

    The main advantages include a number of features:

    • excellent yields ;
    • resistance to low temperatures;
    • ability to tolerate hot weather;
    • the ability to resist diseases , characteristic of most tomatoes;
    • normal growth in low light conditions;
    • versatility.

    One deficiency is noted - seed is not recommended for subsequent planting from tomatoes.

    Sowing seeds for seedlings

    Seeds of tomato variety Olya

    It is best to sow in March , so that by the end of the spring season the seedlings are ready to move to the open ground.

    Preparation of containers with ground

    The soil for planting should consist of peat, sawdust and greenhouse earth , taken at a ratio of 1 to 1 to 2. Sawdust is poured with boiling water, then - twice with urea solution, which is boiled beforehand.

    A couple of handfuls of chopped egg shell, a half-liter jar of wood ash, a few tablespoons of superphosphate or potassium sulfate are added to the bucket of the prepared mixture. Everything is mixed, a hot manganese solution is added.

    The earth should be allowed to cool, and it can fill the landing tanks to half.


    Planting time depends on the growing region. It can be starting in February and ending in March .Prepared for sowing seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil and sprinkled with a centimeter layer. Tanks covered with plastic wrap, put in a warm place.


    After the emergence of shoots, it is necessary to begin to harden the

    seedlings. As soon as the first shoots begin to appear, the seedlings are advised that take out for some time the glazed loggia.

    The first time to be watered should be four days after the start of growth, feeding water in the amount of two spoons and distributing it around the edge. When three leaves are formed on sprouts, the rate of water can be increased to 100 ml per seedling.

    Tomato seedlings dive twice to slow its growth. The first procedure is carried out after the third sheet, the second - after three weeks.

    To improve the immunity of seedlings, seedlings on the seventh day of are treated with Epin .For the first time, seedlings are fed one and a half weeks after picking.

    Transplantation of tomatoes in open ground

    At the end of spring, when the threat of night frost disappears, tomato seedlings can be transferred to a permanent place. Olya
    is a tall variety and requires the obligatory

    garter. Landing is carried out at the rate of 4 bushes per square meter .A support column is immediately installed near each plant. Place under the tomatoes should well illuminated by the sun .


    After a couple of weeks, the bushes need to dock and tie up .Pasykan plants as needed, until the brush is formed.

    Abundant watering of tomatoes is necessary during growth and the appearance of the ovary. With the beginning of ripening, the amount of moisture must be reduced so that the tomatoes do not lose their taste.

    Some gardeners use fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium content to feed the plants at the time of flowering and fruit formation. But if the soil is prepared correctly, then such efforts will be unnecessary, the crop is guaranteed to you anyway.

    Excessive fertilizer contributes to the growth of green mass by the plant, the fruits are small, contain a lot of nitrates.

    Features of fruiting of the

    variety Tomato is not afraid of temperature changes and it will produce a crop in any conditions
    Tomatos are not afraid of temperature differences, and they are capable of producing a crop in any conditions.

    When ripening fruits, the amount of watering is reduced, the dosage of water is reduced, so that tomatoes do not deteriorate their taste. Fruit ripening occurs quickly and almost simultaneously .

    Diseases and their prevention

    The plant has an excellent immune system that can withstand many diseases. But from the Colorado potato beetle , treatment of the beds should be carried out to scare away the pest.

    From the , the crown in the row between rows is dripped with poisoned wheat grains or bottles with an odorous composition.

    For prophylactic purposes, the bushes are sprayed with solutions that create protection from the fungus. This should be done three weeks after transplanting seedlings.

    To protect against fungus, it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying.

    Many gardeners, in protecting plants, use biological formulations so as not to harm the human body. Excellent helps manganese solution with the addition of soap. He will protect the plant and feed its root system.

    whitefly can be scared off with tobacco extract, onion or garlic peel.

    How to collect seeds

    Recall that the variety Olya is a hybrid plant. This means that its seeds for planting next season is better not to collect .Of them are unlikely to grow good bushes. It is recommended to purchase planting material in specialized stores.

    Tomato variety Olya does not require any special care. This allows you to grow it even novice gardeners who do not have enough experience for this.

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