Description and characteristics of tomato varieties Chio Chio San
Conservation lovers, as well as digging in the ground, experimenting with tomato varieties, further information may be of interest. After all, it will be about one of the hybrid varieties Chio-Chio-San. Which has no positive trait. Tomato is known for its unique antioxidant properties, below we will talk about other advantages and give a description and description of the variety.
Table of contents
Characterization and description of the tomato variety Chio-Chio-San
Advantages and disadvantages
Cultivation and care
Diseases and pests
Harvesting and storage
Characterization and description of the variety Chato -Ca-as-we -4-a-as-4-a-as-as-4 Harvesting and storing
in 1998, and a year later became popular in the countries of the former Soviet Union.
The variety of this type of tomato - indeterminant culture , to put it simply, is constantly growing. Shrubs tall, the length of which can be 2 and 2.5 m, so when they are grown it is worth using supports.
In addition, supports are necessary due to the fact that the variety is very fertile ( approximately 50 tomatoes from one bush).The ripening period is 100-120 days .
Description of the fetus:
weight up to 40 g;
hot pink color.
The fruit weight of tomato is about 40 grams.
This variety is very fertile both in the soil and in greenhouses, but it is worth noting that a great harvest can be achieved in the second case. With the right approach, one bush brings 6 kilograms of sweet tomatoes.
Advantages and disadvantages of
This class has more positive qualities, such as:
high yield
tolerance of many diseases
There is also a minus, as this species is growing very strongly, followed by regular care, to control growth, to apply brush patterns.
Tomatoes are beneficial for people with diabetes.
Cultivation and care
It is possible to plant Chio-Chio-San after frosts end, it will be in May or in June depends on the region.
But before planting it, the seedlings are being prepared. And it all starts with the fact that it is necessary to soak the seeds in salt water, disinfect with a solution of potassium permanganate and then rinse with clean water. We also note that all these processes begin long before landing, approximately in March of the month.
Seeds Tomato Chio Chio San
Seeds should be placed in a prepared moist soil, some use a special primer. Seeds need to be placed at a depth of 2 cm, and sprouts will begin to appear within a week. When 2 or 4 leaves appear, they should be seated so that the roots do not grow together, but on the contrary increase.
When the last frosts are gone, one should prepare for planting the seedlings, before that it is advisable to accustom them to fresh air, as well as to the sun's rays.
It is better to plant the plants at such a distance from each other, so that with further growth and the formation of bushes not in one stem, but in two, or even three, they do not interfere with each other.
The optimal even if not an economical distance 60 cm .It is also worth thinking in advance about the supports, to which in the future you will have to tie up branches of bushes.
Tomato Chio-Chio-San is life-loving, and he survives in various conditions, in particular, withstands heat. However, it should be remembered that as soon as the earth begins to dry, the plants watered with warm water .
Depending on fertility, it is worth thinking about fertilizing, which is carried out as soon as fruits begin to form. How often to do this, everyone determines for himself, namely, the level of nutritional value of the soil. Top dressing is carried out after watering, about ten days later.
The variety needs compulsory stading
Do not forget to weed and remove weeds. Also, the plant will be useful various fertilizers: compost, chicken manure, mullein.
As the greenhouse or vegetable garden has not turned into impassable thickets, should also be considered tomatoes. Moreover, the lack of such care can lead to fungal diseases. All stepchildren who are below the most developed, are necessarily removed.
However, it is also not worth it, and overdo it so that instead of growing fruit it does not grow greens.
Diseases and pests
Although it was previously mentioned that it is not exposed to diseases that other species suffer from. For example, he is not so terrible dangerous disease late blight. But he also has weak points, such pests as:
whitefly( they feed on plant sap, cause great harm to it)
spider mite( appears in very dry air, sucks cellular sap)
nematodes( the most dangerous pest that can harmnot only the plant, but also human and animal health).
If a nematode is damaged, a threat is created to a human
. To avoid the problems associated with the above-mentioned pests, should be prevented. :
normal moisture levels
Harvesting and storage of
Whether a crop is at its maximum depends on how carefully it treats plants. Only with careful care, garter and all the above conditions can achieve the desired. Indeed, due to its fertility and resistance to any weather conditions, this species is often used by for commercial purposes .
Harvesting must be done on time. Fruits can ripen after harvest, but if you do not remove a tomato in time, then it will simply burst.
Fruits Chio Chio San can ripen after harvesting
Further use of this variety is at the discretion and taste. This variety is perfect for salads, and for the preservation of , pickles. He will not spoil, on the contrary will add fine taste and sauces, juices. Any dish with the addition of tomato juice, even in the icy winter will be able to remind of the summer.
Due to its small size, they can be compactly placed in a jar, the appearance will also be a pleasure to please the eye. Moreover, when pickled, they will retain their original appearance and will not crack.
Such tomatoes will be able to decorate any table and not a single holiday will go without them. But should not be used when souring .
No matter for what purpose to grow Tomat Chio-Chio-San, commercial or just for yourself. It is unlikely that this variety will cause negative reviews, except for a beautiful garden, which will be decorated with bright, elegant bushes, on which tomatoes hang like garlands. Moreover, adhering to the basic rules of growing seedlings, caring for this species, you can achieve maximum yield.
To understand whether this variety is suitable, you need to try it at least once, and only then decide whether to choose it as your pet or refuse it once and for all.
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