How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony of 3-effective method


  • 1 The harmful pigeons
  • 2 methods Arsenal
    • 2.1 Method 1. deterrence
    • 2.2 Method 2. The discomfort
    • 2.3 Method 3. drastic action
  • 3 Non-standard situations
  • 4 Finished goods
  • 5 Output
The main problem of the neighborhood pigeons - their droppingsThe main problem of the neighborhood pigeons - their droppings

Settlement of birds near our windows can create big problems. To overcome these disadvantages, it is necessary to know how to get rid of pigeons on the balcony, in the attic or window sill - offer proven ways.

The harmful pigeons

Citizens often experience discomfort from birds living in the yard. Not so scary cooing, fluttering feathers and wings of noise, such as that pigeons - vector control. Harmful microorganisms found in feathers and droppings are dangerous for animals and humans.

Most often, the pigeons spread encephalitis, psittacosis, toruloz and other unpleasant diseases. The primary infection is concentrated in bird feces. Therefore, direct contact with the pigeon waste products is very dangerous.

To the pigeons did not settle on the balcony - do not leave food out there and it does not clutter upTo the pigeons did not settle on the balcony - do not leave food out there and it does not clutter up
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The pigeon droppings are enzymes and uric acid, which destroys even finishing materials and corrode the paint. Birds excrements spoil property nezasteklonnoy loggia / balcony and difficult operation.

If you notice that a few pigeons have chosen your balcony - you need to take action. That they are not made a nest and settled with their offspring for a long time, it is necessary to wean them from their favorite places. I'll tell you how to scare away pigeons from the balcony.

It is not recommended to go for direct contact with the pigeons - this is dangerous. Removing litter, wear rubber gloves and wash all equipment with bleach. Used wipes / cloths throw. Pigeons - peddlers infections.

Pigeons can create huge problemsPigeons can create huge problems

methods Arsenal

The earlier you begin to take action, the easier the process will go. Let us consider three basic methods of how to scare away pigeons from the balcony.

Method 1. deterrence

Your actions are humane and do no harm. How to scare away pigeons from the balcony - not all known. To do this, you need to know what scared doves. Start with simple methods.

CD in the sun gives a glare - it's pretty effective deterrent pigeonsCD in the sun gives a glare - it's pretty effective deterrent pigeons
  • moving objects. Start with a hanging light rustling objects. You can use strips cut foil, foil on audio and video cassettes. Put the entire area under the ceiling. The rustling in the wind and sparkle in the sun create a feathered discomfort and affect their behavior. This is the most simple and effective protection against pigeons.
  • Glare. Bright light dazzles the bird and it is very do not like her, she is afraid. In the house there are always unwanted CDs. Tie them with a rope / silk thread and hang it in a few places in the balcony. Suffice it to 3-5 pieces. You can place these items on the inner side of the balcony, just so that the discs do not touch the walls and can rotate freely on a string.
Gray crow pigeons find a predator and are afraid of itGray crow pigeons find a predator and are afraid of it
  • scarecrow crows. The stores are sold to truckers dummies crows. Like a scarecrow frightens pigeons.
  • discord - scaring pigeons. If you are at home - put on a balcony column. When the birds include it. With regular use of loud music helps to remove pigeons.
How to drive the pigeons off the balcony, knows your catHow to drive the pigeons off the balcony, knows your cat
  • Cats and dogs. Birds do not settle next to the animals. If you have a cat or dog to release them to the balcony. Birds understands the danger of the situation and try to stay far away from these places.
  • Balloons. Hanging colored balls will not spoil the design of the balcony, but really do not like birds.

Do not feed the pigeons on the windowsill and the balcony. The birds get used to, and you will create big problems.

Method 2. The discomfort

If humane methods were powerless - create uncomfortable conditions. Several options and everyone will be able to find an acceptable for themselves:

  • Spleen toy - the ideal means. Take a few splinok, drag them to the place of landing of birds (balcony railings, furniture). Edge reliably fix a stapler, nails, because you deprive bird seat.
Fighting blue toyFighting blue toy
  • Buy adhesives from pests. Spent place vending birds. You can use the masking tape from the flies. Remove the tape, put or hang. If you use this tool for the first time, the instruction will help you to print the packaging and not to stick to.
  • Well there are spices. They can be used in places where there is no draft. On the surface of the pour mustard, chilli. Pigeons at landing and take-off will be provided in ostropryanom cloud - this is unbearable for the birds.
  • studded belt. A win-win depriving birds landing. Sale of building materials.

Method 3. drastic action

If humane methods have not helped the situation or too advanced, it is necessary to proceed to drastic measures:

  • Netting made of fishing line. It is done quickly by hand. In several rows stretch the fishing line along the parapet. landing birds will be entangled in it.
  • Traps with bait. A loop of cord yarn is expanded on the plane. Around the lure of the slices of bread. After contact with pigeon legs in the loop pulls and you catch it. Birds do not need to kill - let go, it will never arrive at this place.
  • Replacing eggs. Finding slot, replace the clutch pieces of chalk or white balls. Dove, without waiting for the chicks leave the nest and will never come back here for rearing.
  • nest ruin. At detection of empty nest, it must be discarded. Birds return to the liked place for breeding. After ejection, they look for another place.
Nest and chicks appear quickly - do not breedingNest and chicks appear quickly - do not breeding

Non-standard situations

Pigeons often take positions next to the balcony, it is usually the top ledge. How to get rid of pigeons on the roof of the balcony?

Birds have a habit of looking down and it can be used against them. Use the method used at airports. Arm yourself with a laser pointer and dazzle the birds. They immediately fly away.

Laser pointer, you can act, while on earthLaser pointer, you can act, while on earth

Bryzgalki can be used for pouring. Aiming the jet provide water pistols. Systematic action to dazzle and pouring all help wean the birds from your roof.

How to get rid of pigeons on the windowsill? There are two ways:

Method 1. The entire length of the window Pull the foil strip. The lower part is cut into strips, creating a kind of fringe.

Method 2. Fixing the cornice of thorns. It is the most effective way of working at 100%.

Protivoprisadnye spikes - a win-win option for those who do not know how to scare away pigeons from the window sillProtivoprisadnye spikes - a win-win option for those who do not know how to scare away pigeons from the window sill

Finished goods

Fishing net or mesh for floral tapestries can be an obstacle for the birds. Polymer Durability sufficient for holding the pigeon. The grid is stretched vertically across the open space. Used for fixing the frame of the timber. The price is low 20 rbl. / Sq. meter.

Grid is an insurmountable obstacle. Thorns make it impossible to land. Such articles may be fixed temporarily until otuchat birds.

Protivoprisadnye spines, spikes silicone pigeon 100% block landing. Bought at hardware stores, building materials and products for gardeners. Several unsuccessful attempts to make the pigeons avoid such places. Running meter 70-100 rubles.

In the photo - Silicone Spike for birdsIn the photo - Silicone Spike for birds

You can buy an ultrasonic device. a certain frequency sounds do not affect humans, but unbearable for birds. Price - within 1,800 rubles.

Bio-acoustic devices that simulate the sounds of predators. Triggered periodically, scaring birds visitor. It costs about 2,500 rubles.


You met with proven methods and now know how to get rid of pigeons on the balcony. Since the action, use humane methods, they are in 90% of cases resolve the issue.

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