How to wash sneakers in a washing machine: all 3 phases competent cleaning


  • 1 Can I wash sneakers in the machine-Machine: 4 nuance
    • 1.1 Stage №1. Training
    • 1.2 Stage №2. Wash
    • 1.3 Stage №3. Drying
  • 2 Summary
Wash out can be anything and anywhere, if you know how to do it.Wash out can be anything and anywhere, if you know how to do it.

Sneakers - probably one of the few things that is in the wardrobe of every second person. Cloth shoes are comfortable, but at the same time, they easily get dirty. Sometimes even the meticulous care can protect fabric from stains. What to do? How to wash sneakers in a washing machine and can I do it?

Can I wash sneakers in the machine-Machine: 4 nuance

To get started is to find out whether it is possible to wash sneakers in a washing machine at all? Yes, you can, but only if it is a quality fabric shoes. However, this does not affect all types of shoe.

If you find yourself in the shoes any defects -. Ruptures, deep abrasions, peeling some elements, etc., should refrain from washing machine.

Precautionary measures:

Picture recommendations
table_pic_att15048693181 Tip 1

The first thing to learn - this is something that can only wash sneakers made of fabric materials.

instagram viewer

Leatherette, leather and leatherette cracked in the machine in the first minute.

table_pic_att15048693222 Tip 2

If your shoes have labels or other decorative elements (rhinestones, ruffles, and so on. D.), It is recommended to clean it only with their own hands.

table_pic_att15048693303 Tip 3

Machine wash prohibited Koedam with weakly attached soles.

If the manufacturer has used low-quality glue, you'll notice it after the first walk in the rain - rubber base will begin to flake off.

table_pic_att15048693334 Tip 4

Pay attention to the label. As a general rule, the manufacturer clearly indicates, if not wash.

Stage №1. Training

When you are sure that your shoes are definitely survive washing without consequences, you can safely proceed to the stage of preparation:

Picture instruction
table_pic_att15048693385 Step 1.

Before washing, remove the insole of the shoe. Regardless of the insole material in the manufacture of machine is better not send. Wash them by hand is easiest:

  1. Moisten insole in warm soapy water and apply a thin layer of any detergent over the surface.
  2. Old toothbrush, wipe them without using force.
  3. Shake off excess moisture from the soles, wipe dry towel.
  4. Sprinkle the surface with a thin layer of ash - this will remove the odor.
  5. Face down, place the product on the paper and leave to dry completely.
  6. Shake off the remnants of soda.
table_pic_att15048693446 Step 2.

Remove the shoe laces and tie them in a knot weak. They can be washed by hand or in automatic machine.

table_pic_att15048693497 Step 3.

From coarse dirt and clean the sole of shoes for yourself manually. Running water rinse all the sand and pebbles stuck.

Step 4.

Persistent grime and stains from food, biological secretions, paint and so on. D. pre-treat the stain or alcohol.

For example, I use a tool called «Ace oxi magic». The price of spot remover is about 150 rubles.

Stage №2. Wash

When the shoes are prepared, go directly to the wash. In order not to spoil the shoes, follow the guidelines announced in the table below:

Picture Description
table_pic_att15048693608 Recommendation 1

Wash shoes in a special bag.

If you do not have a bag, replace it with an old pillowcase.

table_pic_att15048693639 Recommendation 2

Laundry shoes you'll need just 40 grams of powder or liquid detergent polkryshki.

table_pic_att150486936710 Recommendation 3

Install a delicate wash cycle without spinning. Work mode is performed at a very low speed, so that you not only get rid of the noise, but also not harm the shoe.

table_pic_att150486937411 Recommendation 4

Machine wash should be accompanied by a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C.

Stage №3. Drying

When all is washed, left to dry all parts of the shoe. Laces enough to hang in any convenient place for you, but for drying sneakers themselves have to exert a little more effort.

It is not necessary to dry the shoes by means of heating devices - it will negatively affect its appearance.

There are three ways to dry shoes:

Picture Description
table_pic_att150486937812 Method 1. newspapers

I believe that this is the most effective and simple method of drying because the paper absorbs moisture very well:

  1. Old newspapers or other paper crumple into small balls.
  2. Place them inside the shoe so that they fit snugly together.
  3. Wrap filled with shoes in other newspapers, preferably 3-4 layers, as in the photo.
  4. Put shoes in a well-ventilated room.

Do not forget to periodically change the wet paper to dry.

table_pic_att150486938913 Method 2. natural drying

This technique is quite long in duration, but the most simple:

  1. By means of clothespins hang sneakers in a well-ventilated room or to fresh air.
  2. Keep the cloth on to avoid being insolated - they can change the color of the material.
Method 3. Electric driers

Do not forget about the wonders of technology. Just insert the electrical device in the shoes and, following the recommendations from the manufacturer, to wait for drying.


I'm not afraid to wash their shoes in the machine, but I do not advise this abuse. Still, glue and other soluble components in water used for the manufacture of footwear. Your questions and additions will be glad to read in the comments.

If you still doubt the machine washing - white sneakers or any other can be washed by hand. As it is well-done, you will learn from the video in this article.

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