How does thyme plant in open ground and boxes?

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Planting thyme is a simple procedure that even an inexperienced florist can handle. To grow a beautiful and healthy plant, you need to follow tips and some rules. How to plant thyme, and where it is better to do, can be found in the article below.

Feature of the plant

Thyme has long been famous for its qualities. Ancestors believed that this is a divine grass that can not only improve human health, but also bring it back to life. At the present time, leaves and flowers are used to make tea. Thyme drink is not only very fragrant, but also healthy. This is due to the presence of a huge number of different trace elements.

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This plant belongs to the group of low, ground cover crops. Knowing where to plant thyme, and how to properly care for it, you can grow grass with an incredibly beautiful smell.

In order for thyme to give as much greenery as possible, it must be cut frequently.

In nature, there are about 400 species of this plant. They are all undersized perennials. The maximum height of the bush is within 35 centimeters.

Main types of thyme:

  • ordinary;
  • creeping;
  • lemon-scented;
  • vegetable medok.

Stems in all species dense, brown shade. They are abundantly covered with leaves, the color of which may be different. Depending on a grade, plates get a different form. Flowers are small. They form a small inflorescence, which can acquire a different shade. The first buds appear in June. The flowering process lasts until the end of August.

Description of thyme common

Distributed variety of almost the entire territory of our country. Growing common thyme is very simple, which gave it particular popularity.

This is a perennial shrub that has a huge amount of essential oils and other beneficial trace elements, such as tanning components, phenol, fatty acids. The plant has a spicy taste.

A distinctive feature of the species are small lanceolate leaves. On both sides they have a dark green tint. The buds are small. In the loose form they acquire a gentle lilac tone.

More delicate flavor is not in the leaves, and in the flowers.

Grow thyme in a garden should be in a well-lit place. This species reacts poorly to shade and partial shade, so if you want to observe a beautiful bush, you need to adhere to this condition.

Description of creeping thyme

Because of its unusual appearance, this species is often called Bogorodsky grass. It grows in the form of a half-shrub, the stalks of which creepingShoots bare. On their surface, like other species, there are no leaves. From each of them there are straight branches, the length of which does not exceed 15 centimeters.

Before planting creeping thyme, it is necessary to prepare the ground. It should be light and nutritious.

Deciduous shoots of small size. They can be oblong or oval. Blooms purple-pink shade. In place of buds, fruits are formed in the form of four grains. Seed collection is carried out in September, and green mass - in August. Only seasoning tips are used as seasoning. They should be cut only with a sharp knife or sickle. So that the blanks do not lose their qualities, they should be dried in the shade at a temperature of about 350 ° C.Often it can be seen in dry pine areas and among shrubs.

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In order to grow thyme creeping on the plot, you need to know when to plant it. After all, it depends on this not only the appearance of the bush, but also the profusion of its flowering.

Description of lemon-scented thyme

This is a hybrid species that needs special care. Thyme lemon-scented does not like low air temperatures, so it requires shelter before the onset of cold weather.

A plant grows in the form of a beautiful bush. The length of the shoots does not exceed 30 centimeters. The leaves are rounded and rather small, shiny. A distinctive feature of the form is the lemon smell, which appears during the flowering period and at the break of the leafy plates.

Many gardeners use it to create unusual landscape design. Achieve the desired on your site can be due to the fact that the bushes well branched and need to be cut. This allows you to create beautiful living figures that can not be compared with ceramic statues and other artificial elements.

It is very simple and easy to care for and multiply lemon thyme. To grow a young plant, you can use cuttings, seeds, or to separate parts of bushes with roots. Grass is taken very quickly. Just a few weeks and you can watch the active growth of new shoots.

Description thyme vegetable medok

Thyme of this species is particularly in demand among gardeners and amateurs. Stems from thyme vegetable creeping. They can grow up to 25 centimeters in length. The plant is distinguished by its leaves, which, on the one hand, are dark green and, on the other hand, are purple-grayish. The plates are small round shape.

With the correct cultivation of thyme thyme, you can observe flowering several months after planting. In loose form, the buds have a light pink tint. Flowers are collected in unusual inflorescences, which are located in the apical part of the stem.

This is the most productive variety. From one bush can be collected about 50 grams of seasoning. The leaves have an incredibly pleasant aroma with a slightly bitter taste. This type of thyme is mainly used for the preparation of various dishes. Also, green shoots put in a jar for conservation.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Thyme does not like dark areas and this should be taken into account when planting it. The plant should be grown only in well-lit areas, near which there are no trees and buildings. With proper placement, you can make the site more stylish and modern.

Land for planting thyme should have minimal acidity. Failure to comply with this rule can harm the plant.

Stages of sowing seeds:

  1. Before planting thyme, you need to properly prepare the soil. It is best to plant the grains in loose soil. The soil should pass air well and not retain moisture. Before planting, the ground should be carefully dig. The first treatment is carried out in September or October, and the second - just before sowing. Remove all weeds and roots from the ground. Loosened soil should be fertilized. Best to make humus or compost. Also do not forget about drugs based on phosphorus and potassium. Before carrying out the second treatment in early spring, a small amount of urea should be added. The optimal volume will be 20 grams per liter of pure water. Dig up the soil again and let it stand for a day. After 24 hours, you can begin planting seeds.
  2. It is necessary to sow grain in an open ground after heat comes. If according to the weather forecast frosts are foreseen, then sowing should be postponed for several days. On the prepared soil need to do small rows. They should be at a distance of 35 centimeters from each other. Observe this figure is mandatory, as adult bushes are able to grow.
  3. Put the grains in the prepared wells and sprinkle them with river sand on top. It has a large amount of minerals that are necessary for the plant. To the grain quickly sprouted, the bed covered with polyethylene.
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If you plant the thyme seeds correctly and observe the maintenance, then the first shoots can be observed in two weeks. Whoever seeds have grown densely, they will need to be thinned out, leaving the most beautiful, large and strong. Also, young plants can be transferred to another place so that they can develop well.

Planting thyme for seedlings

In order for the plant to bloom in the same year, it is necessary to sow the seeds in February. This will require the purchase of a substrate for cacti. This is the best option for this type of plant. You can buy land in any flower shop.

Breeding method of reproduction is the most reliable. This is due to the fact that thyme seeds are tight, and young shoots are very thin.

For planting thyme seedlings need to use the container, the depth of which will be within 8 centimeters. At the bottom of the tank will need to lay a good layer of drainage. For this you can use expanded clay, crushed red brick or slate. Its minimum layer should be about 1 centimeter, and the maximum - 3 centimeters.

To the top of the drainage, put a ball of soil and tamp it well. Then shed the soil with clean water. For this it is recommended to use a spray. Top spread the grain and cover them with sand. Container cover with plastic or glass to create a mini-greenhouse. To prevent dangerous bacteria and mold from developing on the surface of the soil, the structure should be opened every day for 15 minutes. The first shoots are observed on the second or third week after sowing.

Growing thyme seedlings provides not only proper watering, but also lighting. The best place for sprouts would be a cooler, but well-lit place. To the seedlings did not receive a "shock", you should not remove the film sharply. Plants need to harden. To do this, every day should be opened thyme. The first time he should be in the fresh air no more than two hours. Then every day you need to gradually increase the time. After the appearance of two full-fledged leaves, you can pick. Planting in open ground do in 2-2.5 months.

Propagation by dividing the bush and cuttings

Vegetative methods are quite popular. To grow a young and healthy plant, you need to divide the bush no more than once every three years. To do this, it will be necessary to remove the culture from the soil and divide the root system into equal parts and unravel the young processes. Landing should be carried out immediately. To quickly get accustomed bushes to a new place, on top of them need to cover a can or other transparent container.

The cutting method is used for small varieties. Separate shoots should be in the spring. For rooting you need to use a vessel with sand. Cover the box on top with foil and put in a warm place. It takes about 20 days for the cuttings to take root. Thyme transplantation in open ground to conduct a month after the appearance of the roots.

Thyme care in the garden

Despite the fact that this plant is unpretentious in caring, you will need to follow some of the rules. An important condition for growing thyme in the garden are frequent weeding. The presence of weeds can adversely affect the growth of the bush. Therefore, in order for the plant to develop well, it is necessary to cultivate the soil around and near once a week. You can also lay a layer of mulch. In this way, the required level of humidity and the temperature of the upper layer are additionally provided.

Proper spring thyme care consists of moderate irrigation. Watering is needed only if the ground is very dry.

Irrigation. The important point of growing thyme in open ground is not only planting and care, but also watering. Since the plant is drought-resistant, wet soil is destructive for him. Stagnant moisture can lead to rotting of the roots and the development of various bacteria. To irrigate the grass you need only well-settled water. It is best to use rain.

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Watering the plant is absolutely necessary. This should be done in case of severe drought and before the formation of buds.

Fertilizer. If the planting is carried out correctly and fertilize the soil with humus, then during the first year of the bush's life, you can not even think about feeding. Make preparations should be in the spring or in the first month of summer. For this procedure, you can use any mineral fertilizer in liquid form. Granulated mixtures are not recommended.

Trimming. To form beautiful bushes, you should periodically remove shoots. You need to do this two or three times a season. The first procedure is carried out after winter. Before you cut the thyme in the spring, you need to have a good look at the bush. Cut off only young shoots. The following procedure is carried out immediately after flowering. In this case, shoots are removed to the woody part. Due to this, the bush will have a beautiful shape, as well as acquire density and solidity.

Pest control

Despite the fact that thyme is slightly affected by diseases, there are still various infections and insects that can harm the plant.

The main problems faced by thyme:

  • aphid;
  • sandy slow fish;
  • meadow moth.

Often, the appearance of these insects leads to improper care of the plant. The presence of weeds and untimely watering are the main causes of the disease. To prevent the development of a meadow moth, you should constantly make sure that weeds do not appear around the bushes. But if all the same leaves and stems are shrouded in such pests, then the best option would be the treatment of the plant with the drug "Decis".

As for the sandy slow fish, it affects the ground part of the bush. To destroy such insects, you need to use bait, which will be pre-treated with pesticides. From aphids are considered a good option drugs called "Antitlin" or "Biotlin."

In addition to the above insects, the weevil occasionally harms the plant. He eats only buds and flowers. This insect also deposits larvae in thyme inflorescences. See the presence of weevil is easy. For this it will be enough to consider the bush well.

In addition to insects, the plant may experience other problems. Often they are associated with improper care. The main reason is excess moisture. First of all, the roots suffer from this. They begin to rot, and if nothing is done, the grass will wither and throw off its leaves.

Thyme is a unique culture, which every year more and more gains popularity among summer residents and professionals. In order to grow thyme on your site, you must adhere to the rules of planting and care. Timely watering and the right choice of place - the key to a healthy and incredibly beautiful bush.

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