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In Mongolia, the mountainous regions of China, on theAltai and other harsh regions of Asia are growing bergenia or bergenia, whose healing properties and contraindications to which have long been the focus of traditional and official medicine.
Aboriginal inhabitants of the bergenia habitats have long valued the plant for the tonic properties of the brewed beverage. Today, on the basis of careful research of the composition of the “Mongolian tea”, physicians not only confirmed the guesses of folk healers, but also seriously expanded the scope of bergenia.
Useful substances in the composition of badan
For medical purposes, the roots and leaves are used, containing an incredible amount of tannins, antioxidants, trace elements and other bioactive compounds that have a therapeutic effect on the human body. Badan is several times larger than other plants in a number of indicators.
For example, in terms of the positive impact on the liver, bergenia is superior to milk thistle, which is widely used in hepatotoprotectors. And the concentration of tannins in vegetable raw materials from bergenia is 2-4 times higher than in the famous oak bark.
The most interesting are perennial roots of bergenia, whose use in medicine is due to the presence of:
- from 15 to 35% tannins;
- polyphenolic compounds;
- essential oils;
- fructose and glucose;
- starch;
- flavonoids;
- phytoncides;
- salts of iron, copper and manganese;
- resin.
Badan contains a record amount of arbutin and gallic acid. An unpretentious frost-resistant plant can grow for many years in one place, while the beneficial properties of bergenia, namely its rhizomes, are only increasing. The collection of raw materials start only on curtains no less than 10 years of age. In recent years, biochemists and physicians are closely looking at the lush rosettes of leaves.
Although the content of active components in leaf blades is less than in roots, the collection of greens allows for a more careful attitude to the nature and population of plants.
Benefits of Bergenia
Today, preparations based on bergenia are included in the arsenal of not only traditional medicine, but also official medicine. A set of medicinal properties of the root of Bergenia and contraindications that must be considered when using it, depends entirely on the composition of plant raw materials.
Properly harvested leaves and roots:
- have pronounced binding properties;
- can reduce inflammation;
- resists inflammation;
- to stimulate the healing of wounds of different nature;
- to resist microbial and bacterial infections;
- strengthen blood vessels;
- to lower blood pressure;
- activate heart rate.
According to medical research, the medicinal properties of Bergenia tea are not limited to this, already a considerable list. The use of a natural remedy is fully confirmed:
- for digestive disorders;
- in inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and larynx;
- for skin problems, including difficult healing ulcers and tissue damage caused by bruises;
- at elevated body temperature;
- for seizing, spasmodic pains.
Badan infusion helps to speed up rehabilitation, strengthen the immune defenses and keep yourself in the hands even with a strong emotional load. As part of herbal mixtures Badan helps improve appetite, raise the tone and improve the psycho-emotional state.
Non-contracted badan and its healing properties are actively used to heal the skin. Decoction and cosmetics based on it are useful for increased skin secretion, acne and inflammation caused by it. The decoction can be added to water for washing and washing the body with excessive sweat.
Badan root is also actively and successfully used in gynecology:
- for menstrual disorders and abundant, debilitating bleeding;
- for painful menstruation;
- for the treatment of erosion;
- during rehabilitation after childbirth and abortion.
Bergenia decoction is used for the treatment of gynecological diseases in the form of douches. Skin imperfections are eliminated with the help of external application of the remedy, and to alleviate the condition of gastritis with low acidity and other diseases, extracts of roots and leaves are taken orally.
Harvesting leaves and roots of bergenia for medicinal purposes
Bergenia roots for the preparation of therapeutic preparations and tonic, firming tea are harvested after flowering, from June to August. If the crop is grown on a plot, getting perennial rhizomes is easy during transplantation.
The medicinal properties of badan leaves and contraindications to their reception are close to the qualities of the roots. However, collecting this plant material is better not in summer, but in spring. So do in the Altai and Mongolia, where they prepare traditional tea. Greens appearing from under the snow undergo natural fermentation, and also contain not only tannins, tannins and antioxidants, but also ascorbic and other organic acids.
Perennial rhizomes in the lower layers of the soil:
- is selected from the soil;
- gently cleaned from the soil covering the roots of brown scales;
- washed in running water;
- dried;
- cut into pieces with a length of 10-15 centimeters.
Drying of rhizomes and leaves is carried out with constant ventilation, in a dry room, at air temperature not higher than 45 ° C.The cleaned parts of the bergenia need to be tilted to prevent caking and mold. Store the finished product should be in paper bags, glass or wooden containers.
The stronger the fermentation, the softer the taste.
To enhance and enrich the healing properties of tea from bergenia, in herbal mixture add:
- lime color, mint, raspberry leaf for colds and inflammatory processes in the throat;
- lingonberry leaf, bearberry and St. John's wort with diseases of the genitourinary sphere;
- rosehips and black currant leaves, ate it is about rehabilitating and strengthening the body.
Contraindications to the use of medicinal properties of bergenia
Bergenia is one of the most bioactive plants of the domestic flora. Therefore, in addition to therapeutic properties, bergenia has contraindications that must be taken into account when taking.
When externally used as a wash, rinse, lotion, or compress, the plant does not exhibit negative properties. However, taking the decoction inside is possible only after consulting a doctor.
In addition, it must be remembered that the systematic use of decoction, even in the absence of contraindications, gives a fixing effect.
Since the badan increases the heartbeat, it should not be taken during tachycardia. Hypotonics after tea or medicinal decoction from this plant, in addition to benefits, can cause an additional drop in blood pressure and a resultant deterioration of health. If a patient has varicose disease or a predisposition to the formation of blood clots, increased blood coagulation can only aggravate the condition.