Diseases of cucumber seedlings and methods of dealing with them

Growing cucumber seedlings allows not only to get a good harvest of crispy and flavorful vegetables in summer. This method of planting makes it possible to successfully grow cucumbers even in the northern regions of our country. However, sometimes cucumber seedlings can catch the disease and die, it would seem, for no apparent reason. And it is very disappointing when it is not possible to grow healthy and strong seedlings due to diseases of seedlings.

Table of contents

  • Why are seedlings sick?
  • Major diseases of cucumbers
    • Fade leaves or powdery mildew
    • Ascohytosis
    • The roots of seedlings die - how to deal with black leg?
    • Root rot
    • Dying off the roots
    • Leaves die in cucumber or cucumber mosaic virus
    • Peronosporoz or downy mildew

Why do seedlings sick?

Cucumber seedlings are young and immature plants that are sensitive to any environmental changes and growing conditions. Let us see why cucumbers grown at home on the windowsill can die and what factors make the main contribution to the development of diseases:

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  • a sharp change in temperature;
  • excessive soil moisture;
  • increased humidity in the room;
  • excess nitrogen in the soil;
  • use of infected seeds and soil;
  • lack of air circulation in the greenhouse.
Preparation diseases cucumber seeds as prevention

main disease cucumbers

Violation of agronomic rules of care for germs may lead to the fact that the plant starts to hurt such common ailments as a peronosporosis, dying roots, blackleg askohitoz, root rot, powdery mildew and mosaic virus. Most of these diseases can affect young plants both when grown in open ground and in a greenhouse.

If the seeds were not processed before planting, the seedlings are close together in a box, or the sprouted weeds are not removed in time from the seedling pots, all the seedlings can be infected.

Fade leaves or powdery mildew

The disease manifests itself on leaflets on the lower and upper sides with a grayish or whitish coating. At the very beginning, these are small individual foci, which in the process of developing the disease are interconnected and cover the entire leaf area. Infected leaf rolls up and dries.

High humidity( over 90%) and sudden changes in temperature( from +14 to +26 degrees) contribute to the rapid defeat of young plants.

What to do if a whitish bloom was found on at least one seedling? The plants should be immediately treated with a solution of a mullein or the leaves will disappear and the bush will die. For 10 liters of water, you must take 1 liter of mushy fresh mullein and 1 tablespoon of urea. Stir the solution well and strain through a thick sieve. Treat leaves with a warm solution( about 25 degrees) on both sides, preferably in the evening.

When a mass lesion should be used drug "Topaz", preparing the solution according to the instructions.
Powdery Mildew on

Sheet Ascochitis

Is considered one of the most dangerous diseases of seedlings, which manifests itself in the form of longitudinal cracking and desiccation of the stem. The first visible manifestations of the disease can be seen in the area of ​​the root collar and gradually rise along the stem. Cause of infection can become infected seeds and plant residues in the soil.

Special pastes with contact active substances( Strobilurin and Rovral) are effective for combating the pathogen. Paste gently applied to the infected place, slightly capturing and areas of healthy stem. Such treatment prevents not only the spread of the disease through the stem, but also the ingress of spores on neighboring, healthy seedlings.

The seedling roots die - how to deal with the black leg?

Another dangerous fungal infection of seedlings, associated with excessive concern for young sprouts. The reason for the appearance and development of the disease is intensive watering. Excess moisture in the soil contributes to the development of fungal bacteria that feed on dead roots. Under appropriate conditions, these microorganisms infect the root system of healthy shoots.

Visible signs of a black leg can be seen when the root neck begins to turn black. After the stem of the plant changes color, it becomes thinner and the upper part of the seedling simply falls.

For the prevention of the black leg, it is necessary to water the plants moderately, provide fresh air and place the seeds at a certain distance from each other when planting. As an effective tool in the fight against infection, you can use wood ash, sprinkling it around the sprouts. It is also possible to disinfect the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate( 3 grams per 10 liters of water).

Root rot

Root rot on seedlings can be detected in the form of browning and thinning of stalks and roots. Young fibrous roots are not formed, and these leaves and cotyledons quickly wither and dry. Frequent watering of seedlings with cold water and sudden changes in temperature during the day and at night become the reasons for the withering away of the roots and the spread of rot. In order to disinfect the soil before planting seeds, you can make the drug "Trichodermin."When growing seedlings also need to strictly follow the rules of watering, cultivation and feeding of young plants. In case of mass death of plants, it is recommended to prepare a new mixture for growing seedlings, since the reason may be in the soil contaminated with fungal infection.

Death of

roots The death of seedling roots can be determined by the sudden withering of young shoots. The most common pathogens are fungal infections. By penetrating the root system through minor injuries, pathogens inhibit the growth and development of plants by secreted toxins. With a transverse section of the spine, a ring of brownish vessels can be observed. The soil urgently needs to be treated with a solution of Trichodermine or planriz biopreparations. Remove diseased plants from the garden bed.

Cucumber leaves or cucumber mosaic virus are dying.

Visible symptoms of the disease are the appearance of dark and light areas on the mosaic sheets. With further development of the disease, the leaves turn down, shrivel and wither. Sprout slows growth, new leaves become small, and small cracks can be seen on the trunk.

A special feature of this disease is that there is still no effective means to fight it.

As a preventive measure, weeds can be used to remove weeds from the site in a timely manner. Affected plants should be carefully pulled and burned.

Peronosporosis or downy mildew

The appearance of round yellow spots on the upper part of the leaflets may indicate the development of downy mildew or peronosporaz. In this disease, the lower part of the leaves is covered with a muddy-gray bloom. With the development of the disease leaves wrinkle, change color to dirty-brown, dry and fall off.

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