Blender for meat: Comparative characteristics of devices 2


  • 1 Best home assistant
    • 1.1 View 1. The stationary device
    • 1.2 View 2. compact device
  • 2 Advice on how to carefully use the blender
  • 3 Output
Effectively grind the meat, you can use the home blender.Effectively grind the meat, you can use the home blender.

Blender - a universal helper in the kitchen. With it, you can chop anything - from ice pick, finishing preparing smoothies. I wonder whether it is possible to grind the meat in a blender and then what power it has to be? Let's investigate.

Best home assistant

Oddly enough, but for the grinding of solid products is not only a powerful grinder, but also high-quality blender. These devices can be divided into two main categories:

  • stationary
  • submersible.

Their major structural differences are presented in Table I (examples pictured):

Picture Characteristics
table_pic_att14968221501 Model 1. Stationary blender.

The design represents a robust metal body (inside the engine) and capacious cup, which is fastened on top.

Inside the cup is a knife for chopping, which is rotating, finely chops the products.

yvaryvoa2 Model 2. Hand blenders.

Long handle on one end of which is mounted removable rotating nozzle.

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The principle of operation is quite simple: you have to turn the unit into the wall socket and lower the rotating part in a product that requires grinding.

Hand blender is more versatile, so its price can be higher than the analog.

To understand whether the blender for grinding meat, you need to take into account the peculiarities of their work. These are going to do.

View 1. The stationary device

Can I make the stuffing in a blender? Can. In fact - this is the only option of using a stationary device. Due to the special design of this type of device can not cut into pieces or sliced ​​products. Therefore, if you need to fine minced smooth consistency, easily turn a traditional blender.

For a couple of minutes from the dense pieces of meat turn into a homogeneous stuffing.For a couple of minutes from the dense pieces of meat turn into a homogeneous stuffing.

For minced meat suit is not very powerful device:

  • raw meat - 600 W;
  • boiled - 300 watts.

It is important to bear in mind that the output will slightly watery stuffing, which then may need to thicken their own hands.

View 2. compact device

Hand blenders are suitable for meat more than the traditional. This is due to the versatility of their use. Such an arrangement is easily the dough, chop and slice on vzobet cream. Much depends on the selected nozzle.

Instructions provided in the table will tell you what you can do from meat using a submersible devaysa:

Picture Description
table_pic_att14968221574 Method 1. forcemeat.

It can be made from minced meat desired consistency. The main advantage is that you can do to adjust the degree of grinding.

If the meat immediately add spices and herbs, you can significantly save time on cooking.

table_pic_att14968221585 Method 2. Small pieces.

This device is perfectly suited for chopping meat. For this purpose, a special nozzle with small holes.

table_pic_att14968221596 Method 3. Cubes.

From a single piece of meat can make cubes of the same size. Special knife for cutting into cubes should be bundled with the device.

Now find out what kind of power should be a blender to grind various types of meat:

Picture Description
table_pic_att14968221617 View 1. Raw streaked.

If not previously removed the fat and veins from the fibers need to power up to 1000 watts.

table_pic_att14968221628 View 2. Raw, without streaks.

Such a product may be milled from the tool 600 watts.

table_pic_att14968221639 View 3. Boiled.

The thermally treated product is easily chopped into pieces at a power of 300 watts.

As mentioned earlier, the submersible device much more versatile. In the basic configuration of the device has at least three attachments:

  • bladed knives;
  • whisk for whipping;
  • bowl with double bottom.

But progress does not stand still, and most modern models are equipped with a vacuum pump.

Vacuum pump - a small nozzle, which due to its great functionality sucks air.Vacuum pump - a small nozzle, which due to its great functionality sucks air.

Usually there is included two or more special storage container, which are rectangular in shape and are made of durable glass.

Advice on how to carefully use the blender

To the blender served as long as possible and become an indispensable assistant in the kitchen, try to adhere to these guidelines:

  1. When buying, pay attention to the material. Preferably, the body and the blades are steel, and the cup - from a special glass. Plastic analogues deteriorating rapidly.
  2. Power is of great importance. For example, chop carrots solid device with only 600 watts, otherwise the device can not withstand the stress and break.
  3. After each use, the device must be washed. We hand blender all attachments are removed and washed by hand in the traditional - is a function of self-cleaning.
To wash the unit, pour enough water, a little detergent and enable maximum power. All that remains - to rinse the bowl.To wash the unit, pour enough water, a little detergent and enable maximum power. All that remains - to rinse the bowl.
  1. Try not to overload the device. It is better to give it a little cool down after every 10-15 minutes of operation.
  2. If you plan to mix products of different density. Pouring the first liquid and then the solid components are placed.


We found that grind the meat can be both stationary and submersible device. To make the right choice, you need to determine in advance the purpose for which the blender will be used:

  • If the cooking liquid stuffing and mashed potatoes - the traditional.
  • If chopping, slicing and shredding - submersible.

Videos in this article clearly show the advantages and disadvantages of these devices. If you have any questions - I wait for them in the comments.

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