Corn cob, consisting of sun-golden grains, has enjoyed undeniable popularity for many centuries. By the amount of vitamins, micro and macro elements, it occupies one of the leading positions among cereals, and by the importance of , it is ranked third after wheat and rice .What is the history of the origin and distribution of this cereal and what caused the love for it throughout the world.
Table of Contents
- First Mentions and History of Development, Where Homeland is
- Appearance of the Corn of Cultivated Plants where
- Can Be Growsweet corn is definitely America. Its first descriptions relate to the II-III millennium BC.The ancient Indians used the culture as food in roasted, boiled form, made flour from it for baking flat cakes, made from germinated grains wines and various syrups. Suffice it to say that the fertility god Tlaloc among the Indians was considered the god of corn. Even then, she was a cultivated plant and its wild species are unknown.
Corn - the oldest food
To Europe, the "corn maize" was first introduced, of course, by Columbus after discovering America. From Spain and Portugal, the culture spread throughout the Eurasian continent, it began to grow even in Africa. One of the European leaders in growing maize is Ukraine. The Spaniards gave it a sonorous name - "kukuruko", which means "sharp hood".
Proof of how important this grass is for humans is the high degree of its cultivation: corn has lost its ability to shower and replicate grains, and its seeds must be carefully stored for dry sowing, otherwise they deteriorate and lose their ability to germinate.The appearance of a cultivated plant, where you can grow
. High yield of corn is well known, this is how the corn field looks.
Now corn in more than 60 countries around the world is one of the main cultivated crops. This was due to its ability to perfectly adapt to different climatic conditions and gave rise to an abundance of plant forms and species, as well as its high yield.
Corn( maize) - an annual herb with a strong root, reaching a height of 3 meters. Its stem is hollow inside, very strong, covered with long leaves, from the nests of which grow ears. Due to its plasticity - ability to adapt and change - indicators of corn vary depending on the growing areas. :- height - from 80 cm to 6 meters;
- the number of leaves - from 8 to 40 pieces;
- cob length - from 4 to 50 cm;
- weight of one ear - from 30 g to 0.5 kg.
Also the size and number of grains on the cob is different.
Benefits of corn grain for the human body
Corn in
grains In its chemical composition, this cereal is truly unique - 26 elements of the periodic table plus a huge amount of vitamins. Golden grains lead in iron content - 3700 mcg, zinc - 1750 mcg, manganese - 1100 mcg. Potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iodine, gold, selenium, unsaturated fatty acids, mono and disaccharides, ash, a very high content of starch and folic acid( B9), vitamins of group B, PP, C, E - this is not yeta complete list of substances not only useful, but simply indispensable for the human body.
It is proved that corn has a high nutritional and biological activity, is easily absorbed by the body, so it is so useful during diets.With an average caloric content, the product is able to quickly saturate the body, reduce appetite, therefore it is good for consumption even with obesity.
It is interesting that canned cereal grains retain all the useful properties and qualities. Most useful when cooked. Tip: always boil the cobs without salt, otherwise the grains will become dry and hard. Due to its unique composition of , a centuries-old culture has a beneficial effect on a person. :- normalizes the activity of the nervous system, helps to overcome stress;
- a high content of vitamin B1 provides good health, reduces fatigue, fatigue, irritability, regulates the work of the digestive system - in 150g of corn contains a quarter of the daily norm of tyanine( B1);
- vitamin E gives antioxidant properties, helps to prolong youth, prevents sclerosis;
improves cardiovascular function, reduces the risk of cancer; - helps to restore metabolism.
Cornmeal - a versatile product
Application description
First and foremost is boiled cob. Both adults and children eat them with great pleasure. Canned corn is used to make salads and dishes. Very useful corn oil - a strong antioxidant, which is also used for salads, cooking, frying and baking.
By the way, popcorn - fried grains - is even more useful than canned corn, if it is cooked without adding salt, sugar or vegetable oil.
Plant stems have found application in the manufacture of artificial fibers, glue, paper, building materials, packaging, and it is even difficult to list where else.
Corn silk decoction - the hairs around the cob - is a valuable drug and effectively helps with cholecystitis, hepatitis, kidney stones, diabetes, hypertension, and also has a diuretic effect. And how many do not list scopes, all the same you will forget something.How to achieve high yield per hectare
Harvesting by combine
It is a very popular crop, as it easily adapts to weather and climatic conditions, has a high yield and a wide range of applications.Farmers involved in the cultivation of this crop tend to harvest as much as possible.
Yield depends on many factors:- variety of cereal, planting target( grain, silage);
- soil composition, its saturation with oxygen( it is necessary to plow to a depth of 25-30cm);
- weather conditions;
- possibility of watering at least 2 times( some varieties - 3-4 watering).
Under favorable agrotechnical conditions, the most popular varieties in Russia yield high yields:
- Lakomka variety - up to 50 c per hectare;
- Spirit variety - 70ts per hectare.
Good yields give domestic varieties Corsair, Bemo 182, Collective 181, Dokuchaevsky. To achieve high yields, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with organic fertilizers( 40 tons of manure per hectare), to make mineral substances throughout the growing season. Before planting, be sure to destroy all the weeds, otherwise they will not allow the grain to germinate. Potatoes, legumes, pulses, alfalfa or clover should be the predecessors. At the summer cottage, garden, regular soil loosening and timely watering will be effective.
Undoubtedly, corn is a unique cereal crop, therefore, it has been cultivated for several millennia and is still among the top three cereals on our planet.Daily consumption of 100-150g of sunflower seeds will bring you pleasure and benefit to the whole body.