How to wash the mold off clothes at home: 6 slaughter methods


  • 1 Methods of getting rid of moldy fungus
    • 1.1 Means 1. Laundry soap
    • 1.2 Means 2. Peroxide
    • 1.3 Means 3. sal ammoniac
    • 1.4 Means 4. Domestos
    • 1.5 Means 5. a piece of chalk
    • 1.6 Means 6. Turpentine and white clay
  • 2 How to clean the carriage
  • 3 What contributes to the appearance of mold?
  • 4 Output
Stains from mold to withdraw possible even at homeStains from mold to withdraw possible even at home

Once I got out of the far corner of the closet dress, and was horrified - it was covered with mold. I do not know what to do and how to wash the mold off clothes. But I had plenty of time to fix it. And I want to tell you how to act if the clothes were ugly gray spots and a musty smell.

Methods of getting rid of moldy fungus

I gather up a few tips and a lot of information as to wash the mold off the fabric with your hands, and decided to try some of the techniques in action.

Means 1. Laundry soap

To start prepared solution of soap and lathered them damaged by fungus sites.

Laundry soap removes mildew stains and odor from clothesLaundry soap removes mildew stains and odor from clothes

Further dress plunged into a container with liquid soap and left for 30 min. In order to completely wash off the mold, once again washed cloth and rinse thoroughly. I was lucky - after washing outfit looked like new.

instagram viewer

During rinsing soapy water thing is completely clearedDuring rinsing soapy water thing is completely cleared

Means 2. Peroxide

Another effective method of hydrogen peroxide mixed with 0.5 liters of water and fill the resulting liquid clothing. Leave for 20 min. Then erase the thing in a familiar way.

Use of hydrogen peroxide stain any outputUse of hydrogen peroxide stain any output

Means 3. sal ammoniac

To destroy the mold can prepare a solution containing water and ammoniaIn a ratio of 1: 1. Soak victim thing prepared mixture for a while. Next will wash the product with the addition of detergent.

Ammonia removes the smell of mildew and stains displaysAmmonia removes the smell of mildew and stains displays

Means 4. Domestos

With cotton cloth can remove fungus well-known detergent "Domestos".

Detailed instructions how to act:

Illustration Sequencing
Step 1

Dilute cleaning agent - 1 spoonful per 500 ml of water. The concentration must be strictly observed to avoid damage to the fabric of chlorine contained in Domestos.

step 2

Received means bring to a boil.

step 3

Immersed in this thing, watching the reaction.

step 4

Once the mildew stain goes, immediately pull out the clothes.

Means 5. a piece of chalk

To destroy mildew stains from clothes, sewed of color and cotton material, Useful chalk. Sprinkle with grated chalk contaminated sites, top cover with gauze and an iron to iron the problem areas.

Grated chalk rid of mold affected thingsGrated chalk rid of mold affected things

Means 6. Turpentine and white clay

Another effective meansLike part with moldy fungus forever - turpentine and cosmetic white clay.

White clay helps to get rid of stains on clothesWhite clay helps to get rid of stains on clothes

The algorithm is:

  • expanded dry cloth;
  • stain liberally moistened with turpentine and sprinkle with white clay;
Turpentine should be applied only to the affected areasTurpentine should be applied only to the affected areas
  • the whole area is covered with tracing paper tissue;
  • thing is ironed with a hot iron about 5 minutes;
  • Next you need to wash and dry the product;
  • then repeat the steaming iron with two sides.
clothes steaming iron helps remove mold from the fabric clothes steaming iron helps remove mold from the fabric

The price of funds used above symbolic, so the easiest way to display spots and erase things with his hands.

After drawing on funds fabric stain removal necessarily wash thingsAfter drawing on funds fabric stain removal necessarily wash things

How to clean the carriage

Along the way encountered a secure method of how to bring the mold from the fabric in a wheelchair. So:

  • baking soda mix with water to form a slurry;
  • We treat the damaged areas;
  • three brush;
  • wash off residues with prams mixture with cold water;
  • wipe areas further washcloth.
The use of environmentally friendly products will maintain the health of the whole familyThe use of environmentally friendly products will maintain the health of the whole family

And one way to destroy the mycelium with the stroller fabric:

  • damp cloth with turpentine;
  • sponge we put a little soda and wipe the entire surface of the well;
  • breed detergent solution consisting of the washing powder and hydrogen peroxide;
  • they soak the cloth baby carriage;
  • rinsed with warm water, adding detergent or acetic acid;
  • wipe dry;
  • after drying collect the remains of tools and vacuum soda.
Soda, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide guaranteed to destroy tissue with the fungusSoda, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide guaranteed to destroy tissue with the fungus

What contributes to the appearance of mold?

Not to resort to scrubbing things on a regular basis, I advise you to understand what mold is and how it appears. Mold - a microscopic fungi that prefer the heat and humidity. Apparently, my dress was bad to dry when placed on a shelf.

The photo - a mold under a microscopeThe photo - a mold under a microscope

To prevent the development of mildew on clothes, you must:

  • fold in wardrobe well dried things;
  • coats, jackets and coats to dry in the open air;
  • stored in the wardrobe only to clean, wash clothes;
  • be cleaned regularly on the cabinet shelves;
  • Ventilate all things;
  • put the closet, some will fall away from the wallAs well as the need air circulation;
  • control the humidity in the house.
Regular cleaning of the dressing prevent the appearance of mold on thingsRegular cleaning of the dressing prevent the appearance of mold on things


I told him how to wash mold and what to do, so she did not appear. I suggest to watch the video in this article to learn more visual instructions.

If you are faced with the moldy dirt and successfully dealt with them, share experiences in the comments.

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