Instructions for use of the drug baikal em1

Baikal EM-1 is not a fertilizer in the traditional sense of the word. It is a concentrate of beneficial microorganisms that improve the soil and contribute to the development of plants. The letters EM mean “effective microorganisms”, and the name “Baikal” indicates their origin - from the Baikal region.

. Ref.


  • . Designed for


  • in the garden Disadvantages of
  • technology Storage conditions and shelf life
  • Safety
  • Form of release of fertilizer

    For sale you canmeet two versions of the drug for a vegetable garden.

    1. Concentrate uterine with “sleeping” microorganisms - for the manufacture of a concentrated solution with active organisms. It is packaged in a small white bottle with a yellow cap, packed in an orange box. Volume - 30 ml( manufacturer LLC "EM-Cooperation").Volume - 40 ml( from the company "Argo").
    2. Concentrate solution with active microorganisms .Before use it is diluted in water. It is packaged in white bottles( from plastic) with green caps( these caps are measured - they hold 5 ml).Volumes: 100, 250, 500 ml and 1 liter. The manufacturer is only EM-Cooperation LLC.
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    There are no other official packages for EM-1.Each package is equipped with a special hologram, barcode. Be careful, there are fakes.
    Baikal EM-1 drug release form - concentrate in large and small

    bottles. Composition of the drug

    The technology idea belongs to the Japanese. At the end of the twentieth century, and Russian scientists created an EM drug with a complex of microscopic organisms. It contains a concentrate of beneficial bacteria, yeast and fungi( 8 dozen varieties), as well as their metabolic products. M , the lenticular composition is viable with and without oxygen access;not capricious in the choice of food, aimed at quick work.

    Microbiological agents( Baikal, Radiance) are created NOT for single use. They are an element of the system of "organic live farming".

    Mechanism of Action

    Many modern land areas are depleted and poisoned, with few valuable inhabitants left in the soil layer. Introduced EM begin to multiply rapidly, releasing biological substances( amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, etc.). Due to this:

    • activates the primordial microflora, decomposing organic matter;
    • stimulates plant development;
    • partially suppressed pathogens.
    The Earth becomes healthy and fertile for 3-5 years. The effect begins to appear in the first months.
    EM-1 Baikal mini-concentrate, ready for breeding

    Expected results

    The technology has become popular due to real achievements.

    1. Organic residues quickly turn into compost( 2-6 weeks).
    2. The nutrient layer of the soil( humus) becomes three times thicker and richer over 3 years.
    3. The Earth acquires friability, optimal moisture capacity.
    4. Soil is made slightly warmer, and this accelerates the phases of plant development( earlier flowering and fruiting).
    5. Plants are less sick, more successfully resist attacks of pests and weather cataclysms.
    6. The amount of the harvest increases( approximately by half; the result is variable).
    7. The quality of products is significantly improved by various indicators: color, taste, sugar content, starchiness, fullness of vitamins and proteins, keeping quality, etc.
    8. Ecology is being restored.
    9. Greenhouse ground is being restored.
    10. Decorative cultures look more beautiful.

    And this is not a complete list of the consequences of the competent application of Baikal EM-1.

    Instructions for use of Baikal EM-1

    Instructions for use of the tool is quite simple. If you need a little drug, it is easier to buy ready-made "live" concentrate in a bottle with a green cap. When large volumes are needed, it is more profitable for to prepare the product independently from the masterbatch( “sleeping”) concentrate:

    1. . Pour into the container water without chlorine( natural or distilled, filtered) with a temperature of about + 25 degrees.
    2. Pour 30-40 ml of masterbatch there, add 100 ml of special EM-molasses( commercially available) or 6-8 tablespoons of honey( jam, sugar);stir
    3. Pour the mixture into plastic bottles just below the bottle. Immediately close the lids. It is desirable that the process went without air.
    4. Put containers for 4-7 days in a dark place with a temperature of +20 +30 degrees( not higher than + 40).Every 2 days you need to open the lids( so that the gases are gone) and immediately close again.
    The process of awakening of microorganisms, their rapid reproduction in a nutrient medium( FALLING) occurs. The final product should have a pleasant sourish flavor.

    The prepared concentrate solution is stored in a dark, cool place( not in the refrigerator) for 6-8 months( not longer than a year). With further use, dilute with non-chlorinated water. Similarly come with bottles( with green caps), bought in the store.

    Instructions for use of the drug baikal em-1

    Areas of use of the finished concentrate

    With the help of it are produced:

    1. EM-solution for various purposes.
    2. EM-compost: a lot of organic matter is poured over with a solution - half a glass of concentrate to a bucket of water plus half a glass of jam.
    3. EM-extract( fertilizer herbal concentrate-infusion): half a liter of concentrate per 30 liters of water-herbal mixture plus half a liter of jam.
    4. Urgasa( fermented food waste).
    5. EM-5( protection against pathogens): mix half a glass of Baikal concentrate, jam, vodka and table vinegar( not essences), 3 glasses of water. Keep the week warm, in a dark plastic bottle with a cap. To repel pests and prevent diseases: 1-3 tsp of the mixture is diluted in a bucket of water and sprayed on plants once a week( more often if threatened).

    Terms and methods of processing

    This tool has a wide range of actions. Dosages are different.

    Preparation of

    The concentrate is shaken and poured into water, sometimes a little jam is added. Mixtures allow to stand for several hours in a warm shaded place, then use( during the day, a maximum of three days).Before spraying, filter( through gauze).

    Starting dilution of Baikal EM-1 concentrated fertilizer for spilling

    beds Scheme of work with

    I solution. Soaking:

    • seeds( except radish, radish) for 1 hour - 5 ml per 10 l.water;
    • planting material for 15 minutes - 10 ml per bucket of water( or replace it with a spray with twice the concentration of the solution).

    II. Soil break:

    • seedling soil( 20 days before sowing): 30 ml per bucket of water;
    • in spring ground in greenhouse and open ground( 7-15 days before sowing, planting): half a glass on a bucket of water at 6 square meters.meters;
    • after flowering tree trunks of bushes and trees: 20 ml per bucket of water for 5 square meters.meters;
    • in the fall on the ridges freed from plants: half a cup on a bucket of water( abundantly, repeatedly);
    • in the fall moisture charging for trees, bushes( including grapes): 15 ml per 10 l.water.

    III. Watering and spraying all plants 2-5 times a month during the whole season( bushes after flowering and until mid-August): 10 ml per bucket of water. Watering 2-5 liters per 1 square.meter;spraying until wet foliage.

    Important Restrictions

    1. Overdose can lead to inhibition of plants.
    2. Baikal do not water plants with a weak or disturbed root system:
    • immediately after transplanting( wait 3 weeks);
    • young shoots( up to three weeks of age);
    • rooting cuttings, whiskers, layering;
    • specimens with diseased, rotten roots.
    Baikal EM-1 is not recommended for use on plants with a weak root system.

    Conditions of work of microorganisms

    A small assistant farmer must provide a comfortable environment.

    Main factors:

    1. Food .Organisms work only in the presence of organic matter: this is their food. They will not be able to turn pure sand or bare clay into the soil.
    2. Moisture. A wet substrate is required.
    3. Lack of chemicals .Destructive: bleaching powder, synthetic detergents, many mineral fertilizers, pesticides( toxic chemicals).
    4. Heat ."Kids" are active at a temperature not lower than +10 degrees. Partially dying out at +45 degrees, die when boiling, in a fire.

    Compatibility with other tools in the garden

    Manufacturers do not recommend mixing Baikal and inorganic substances.

    1. The joint introduction of EM-1 and any chemicals, including chemical fertilizers, is prohibited.
    2. The product has an acid reaction, it should not be mixed in one container with alkalis( ash, lime).
    3. Do not combine with immunostimulants, biological fungicides and insecticides: it is difficult to predict the consequences.
    4. Organic farming does not reject the enrichment of the soil with microelements, but you should not add them to the EM solution.
    Baikal EM-1 successfully works in conjunction with organic fertilizers - manure, droppings, compost, herbal extract.
    The preparation is not recommended for use with any fertilizers of chemical origin.

    Disadvantages of the

    technology There are certain difficulties in the implementation of the “organic” approach.

    1. This is a “long-running” project. There is no quick and bright result.
    2. Acquisition of the drug involves certain financial costs.
    3. Baikal EM-1 is more profitable to use as part of the full system of “organic live farming” .For many people, this requires a serious restructuring of the usual way( rejection of chemicals, green manuring, mulching, etc.).
    4. Only living organisms are effective. If the tool is damaged( at any stage of production or storage), there will be no sense.

    Storage conditions and shelf life

    Uterine concentrate is stored no longer than a year( from the date of issue) at a temperature of from +10 to +25 degrees.

    Concentrated solution with live bacteria is consumed during the year, and better for six months. Efficiency decreases over time. Storage temperature from +10 to + 25 degrees( no higher than + 40 or in the refrigerator).We must protect from sunlight. The formation of a small sediment is allowed. The smell is normal - sour-pleasant;putrid - indicates damage.

    The diluted concentrate is used during the day( maximum of three).

    After dilution baikal em-1 is recommended to be used during the day.


    The preparation Baikal EM-1 belongs to hazard class IV.This means that it is completely harmless to humans and the environment. If you drink a large amount of peroxidized solution, the result will be comparable to the body's reaction to acidic kvass.

    Some owners are skeptical of EM technology. On the one hand, it is criticized by adherents of the traditional way of life: with compost and watering, the crop will grow without additional costs. On the other hand, fans of modern achievements of agro-chem consider the rejection of “chemistry” unprofitable. In any case, Baikal EM-1 is a chance to think about the ecology of agriculture. And the way to use the tool is very simple.

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