Growing pumpkins in the open field at the cottage

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Pumpkin among gourds produces outstanding fruits. Known record holder, pumpkin weighing 300 kg, obtained by a farmer in Central America. Giant fruits weighing 100 kg are not uncommon in our southern regions. Cultivation in the open ground pumpkin is an easy task, but certain conditions for obtaining a good harvest must be observed.

The benefits of the pumpkin

Like all melons, the pumpkin is thermophilic, and naturally ripens in the ground only in the south of the European part of Russia. The middle lane and the eastern regions receive a harvest only when transplanted in outdoor cultivation.

In a pumpkin, everything is useful - the flesh of the fruit, the seeds and the peel. Even the inner fibrous portion is a drug. Vitamin T, which is rarely found in nature, is found in pumpkin. Pumpkin pulp is used in cooking, which makes excellent healthy meals. Pumpkin seeds go to get oil and are used to expel worms.

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Happy Halloween holiday does not do without dried pumpkins, from which they make images of mythical heroes.

Especially prized sweet nutmeg. It is believed that this variety is more delicious than others. It is poured, creating various forms, and has a different color of the fruit. Small pumpkins are conveniently stored in winter.

Pumpkin planting and care in the open field through seedlings

There are two ways to grow thermophilic vegetables:

  • seedlings;
  • sowing seeds.
Read also: Benefits and harm to the body from the use of pumpkin

Pumpkin can be grown through seedlings in any area, sometimes covering from early frost.

Seeds must first be prepared, heated, soaked in ash or growth stimulants. Sometimes over-dried, unprepared seeds cannot slip through. Therefore, it is better to germinate planting material in the moss, sawdust or damp cloth, and sow with the sprouted shoots.

The land for seedlings is fertile, the cups are large. For germination need a temperature of about 20 degrees, but you can not overdry the ground. Therefore, watering with warm settled water will be useful. Cotyledon leaves are quickly drawn out, so you should leave room for bedding, but first you need to roll up a long stem with a ringlet and sprinkle it with earth. Such a technique is called ringing seedlings. On the southern window in the warmth of the seedlings do not require illumination. Planted in the ground at steady heat. Pumpkin loves to make a biological fire from plant remains, old sawdust, mullein silt, winter bedding from animals. Soil Requirements:

  • is fertile and light; precursors should not be melons;
  • open sunny place with a drawbot of tall plants on the north side;
  • elevation with a deep standing of groundwater.

Planting and caring for a pumpkin in the open field is its protection from pests and diseases. The same diseases that destroy the crop of cucumbers, can cause harm and pumpkin. Therefore, watering plants are gently, only with warm water and around the ring, not wetting the soil at the root. Pumped pumpkin moderately, increase the flow of water during filling and stop for the period of ripening. The root goes into the ground to three meters, and even in a drought pumpkin will have enough moisture.

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Loves organic and mineral plant nutrition. Fertilizer irrigation is done every week, alternating nitrogen and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. The lianoobrazny plant does not love the close neighborhood of other garden cultures. She throws the lash away, and in the internodes they take additional roots, feeding the plant. However, the crop must be regulated. The less pumpkin is tied, the more they will be. Pumpkin pinch, like lash cucumber, not allowing it to grow. Giant fruits grow if they leave one or two ovaries.

With the onset of the morning frosts, it is dangerous to leave a pumpkin without a cover in the garden. Therefore, a temporary tent is installed above it or giant berries are cut. When the pumpkin matures, its crust becomes hard, and the tail dries out. But even unripe, it comes in a warm room for several weeks. And the little pumpkins after the New Year also have yellow juicy flesh.

Sowing pumpkins and caring for melons

Some early ripening varieties can be grown by sowing in the ground in central Russia. This type includes Butternat, which ripens in 100 days and Muscat, but it can be grown only by seedlings. Of the 800 varieties of pumpkins, a little more than 40 are favorite sweets. In the south, the East Dawn, the Gribovsky winter are grown, gaining up to 12% of sugars. Very sweet medium ripening are Barn, Marble, Almond.

In the southern regions, for example, in the Crimea, a large area of ​​farmland is given to gourds with pumpkin. Plants are sown in the wells of several pieces, leaving one, the most powerful plant. The ground under the pumpkin is given loose with acid-neutral medium. Any crops other than melons and gourds can be predecessors so as not to transmit diseases and pests to related crops.

Read also: Let's learn about the medicinal properties of pumpkin honey

The main requirement for this culture is heat. During the day, the temperature should be on average 30 degrees, and at night 18. When the pumpkin is grown in the open ground, pinching is necessary. Overgrowing excess green mass takes food from the fruit. But it is equally important to carry out plant protection measures. In large cooperatives, protection measures are chosen by experts at home, it is better to use traditional methods of struggle.

In private farms, you can use modern tools that are allowed for use on your own subsidiary farms. Especially annoying slugs are struggling, scattering lime, superphosphate, conifer needles around the plant, or creating traps.

False and powdery mildew can ruin the crop in a matter of days. Therefore, spraying against anthracosis and American dew is mandatory. When the pumpkin matures, is determined by the condition of the peel. It should not be pressed by hand, and the tail should dry out. In this case, the ripening period depends on the variety and may occur after 90 or 150 days. Late varieties have time to accumulate more nutrients and sugars. Even immature, intact fruits turn yellow with time and have all the beneficial and palatable qualities.

All about growing pumpkins in your garden - video

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