even if there is no garden - at least one or two trees are necessarily present near the house or even in the middle of the flower bed. Not the northern regions of our country are an exception, but not everyone is able to choose the best variety of cherries for the Moscow region. First of all, this is due to the special climatic conditions of the Moscow region, because often the frosts in this region reach 35 degrees. Before finding out what characteristics varieties of cherries should have for growing in the northern regions, and which cherry will successfully take root here, it is worth talking a little about the climate of the Moscow region.
Severe winters of the Moscow region
As noted above, winters in the Moscow region are quite severe, moreover, such cataclysms as icing occur frequently. Therefore, the varieties of cherries for the Moscow region should have:
- good frost resistance - to withstand such a low temperature regime;
- winter hardiness - to withstand severe frost or icing.
The most common diseases of fruit trees
Fruit trees growing in the region are often prone to diseases, among which were obtained:
- Kokkomikoz. It affects the leafy part - the leaves gradually change color, turn yellow and fall off.
- Monilioz. Fruit is amazing - cherries are covered with white bloom and rot.
That is why cherries for the Moscow region should also have an increased resistance to these diseases, since cherries can be rid of them only with chemicals, and this will make the fruits unfit for human consumption.
Comparing all the necessary characteristics that the best sorts of cherries for the Moscow region should possess, among them there are several types that feel great in the local climate and are not prone to diseases:
- Lyubskaya Cherry;
- Apuhtinskaya cherry;
- Turgenevka;
- Youth cherry.
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Cherry variety Lyubskaya
One of the advantages of this variety is its small height to reach adulthood - cherry grows no more than 3 meters, which greatly facilitates harvesting.
Not unimportant is the fact that Lyubskaya cherry forms a moderate crown density, although sprawling. This makes it easier to follow it during trimming. The side branches have the shape of an arc and are located at an acute angle to the main trunk. The color of the bark of the cherry is brown with a gray tinge, the very surface of the bark is covered with cracks.
Berries of a beautiful rich red color, sour taste prevails in taste. For this reason, cherries of this variety are most often used in compote or jam roll-ups, where the acid note can be smoothed by adding sugar.
Variety Lyubsky belongs to the self-fertile varieties of cherries for the Moscow region, and bears fruit even alone. Harvesting is possible from the second year of the tree's life, when it reaches 9 years of age, the cherry comes into full force and abundantly bears fruits, while the fruits are resistant to transportation. However, after 20 years, his life cycle comes to an end and the tree is exhausted.
The disadvantages of the Lubskaya cherry variety are the peculiarities of the bark. Through the cracks in it during severe frosts, the cherry can get burned, so the trunk, as well as the roots, need additional shelter.
When growing Lubskaya Cherry on sour soils, it is necessary to lime the soil before planting the seedling, since this variety grows poorly with high acidity.
Also Lyubskaya cherry variety reacts poorly to frequent chemical dressings, but it will gratefully accept organic matter. In care, the variety is unpretentious, does not need pruning( except for the removal of dry shoots) and abundant watering( it is necessary to water moderately so that there is no stagnation of water near the root system).
Cherry variety Apukhtinskaya
The variety also does not differ in great height( 2.5-3 m), resembles a bush in shape. Abundantly fruiting in the second year large dark red cherries, a bit like the heart. Fruits slightly gorchat.
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variety Apukhtinskaya cherry belongs to late self-fruiting varieties, blooms in June, harvested at the end of summer. Due to the late flowering cherry is quite winter-resistant, but at the same time because of this, it is not suitable for use in cross-pollination. In addition, in the event of an early onset of autumn and a sharp cooling of the cherries, they may not have time to mature and fall off. But the variety is almost immune to coccomycosis.
When planting Apukhtinskaya cherries for the Moscow region, you need to choose a two-year-old sapling. The most suitable place for the tree will be the south side of the garden, where the seedling will get enough sun rays, necessary for normal development.
It is better to plant cherries in the fall, while choosing a place away from the groundwater( no closer than 2.5 m to the ground surface).
This variety can be attributed to the best cherries for the Moscow region, since it is completely undemanding in its care. Enough time to fertilize and prune the tree. The first dressing is made at planting( superphosphates, potash and organic fertilizers), the subsequent dressing is carried out once every three years. When pruning on a tree need to leave only 5 shoots per crown. The first pruning is carried out immediately after landing. Then every autumn the crown is simply thinned to maintain shape and produce a bountiful harvest.
As for irrigation, it is mandatory only when planting a seedling and during a drought. In the future, cherry is well costing natural precipitation.
Turgenevskaya Cherry Variety
Turgenevskaya Cherry is bred on the basis of the Zhukovskaya Cherry variety. The tree is also low, not more than three meters, the crown is in the shape of an inverted pyramid. Fruit ripening begins in early July, with sunny summer with sufficient rainfall in juicy cherries there is practically no acidity.
In contrast to the previous two varieties, Turgenevka has low self-fertility, and therefore needs pollinating varieties. The best neighbor in this case will be Lubskaya cherry.
And in general, Turgenevka is the best variety of cherries for the Moscow region. It winters well at low temperatures, has a resistant resistance to diseases. Also, the variety is characterized by high yield, large fruits are well transported.
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When caring for this variety of cherries, you need to pay attention to the following points:
- Avoid lowland beds when planting.
- Annually prune a tree, paying attention to the lower branches, to dilute the crown.
- During the ripening of berries to carry out additional watering.
- In order to protect the tree from pests, it is better to hide it for the winter.
When choosing a Turgenevka cherry variety for cultivation in the Moscow region, it is worth considering that cherry starts to bear fruit only from 5 years after planting, and flower buds are afraid of spring frosts.
Cherry variety Youth
Youth cherry is a hybrid bred when two varieties are crossed - Lyubsky and Vladimirsky. Cherry in this variety can grow in the form of a tree or shrub. The tree grows to a maximum of 2.5 m, the crop is harvested at the end of July.
Fruits are rich red in color, have juicy flesh and taste sweet and sour. Most often, Youth variety cherries are consumed fresh, and it is also good in conservation.
Cherry bears fruits annually and abundantly, tolerates winter frosts. But, like Turgenevka, flower buds are not resistant to frost in the spring. In addition, with a rather wet summer, which is accompanied by high fever, they are often affected by fungal diseases.
For the cultivation of cherries in this class, you need to choose a well-lit place, it is better if it is on a hill. Youth cherry loves sandy neutral soil and moderate watering, and also needs pruning to form a crown and remove dry branches. Young saplings for the winter need additional shelter.
The listed varieties of cherries perfectly survive in the climatic conditions of the Moscow region. They will bear plenty of fruit with proper care and create the necessary conditions for their development.
Video review of the best varieties of cherries for the middle band and the Moscow region