The case where the balls spoil the mood // How to remove pellets from the clothes: 6 proven ways


  • 1 Causes of
  • 2 Methods of getting rid of pellets
    • 2.1 Method 1. Shaver
    • 2.2 Method 2. Brush for cleaning teeth
    • 2.3 Method 3. Adhesive tape or adhesive tape
    • 2.4 Method 4. Sandpaper
    • 2.5 Method 5. dry-cleaning
    • 2.6 Method 6. Machine from pellets
  • 3 Output
I'm looking at the photos already experiencing discomfort and the desire to get down to business!I'm looking at the photos already experiencing discomfort and the desire to get down to business!

Sooner or later appear on clothing pellets, especially if that contributes to tissue type. Because of these small balls every thing looks unkempt and worn. To be able to wear your favorite clothes for some time, it is necessary to put in a full order. In this article I will share with you how to remove the pellets from the clothes with the help of available tools - quickly and easily.

Causes of

Spool called small glomeruli compacted yarn, which are often formed in the wool and knitwear. This process is inevitable.

Unfortunately, this situation happens oftenUnfortunately, this situation happens often

But it can delay, if we know the possible causes of their formation, and try to avoid them:

  1. Features of the product composition
    instagram viewer
    . I must say, there are pellets even at the highest quality and expensive materials. Moreover, natural fabrics (cotton, linen, wool) covered them much faster than synthetic. But pay attention to the quality of things when buying is still necessary.

If the fiber material are twisted loosely, then the probability of the formation of small balls at times increases. Give preference to the clothes from tightly twisted fibers.

For example, a large knitted sweater made of weakly twisted yarns, because more susceptible to the problemFor example, a large knitted sweater made of weakly twisted yarns, because more susceptible to the problem
  1. Improper wash water wrong temperature, drying and ironing. On any product there is a label, which is made acceptable care for him. Manufacturer conventional icons explains what the temperature and the number of revolutions during the spin cycle is optimal for a particular thing. Expensive and very "capricious" product is better to refer to the dry cleaners.
Pay attention to the labelPay attention to the label

Knitted fabrics washed in water no higher than 30º, plus mode "delicate wash". For woolen clothes in general, it is desirable to buy a special powder and softening conditioning, and of course include "hand wash" mode.

  1. Intense and frequent washing their hands. Yes, these little balls can also occur due to increased friction and spin. If you know what kind of thing tends to this, it is best gently squeeze it and hang to dry on a hanger.
From intense friction may occur pelletsFrom intense friction may occur pellets
  1. Improper detergent. This may also promote the formation of a pellet. Today a lot of powders and gels with all sorts of different components for a given material.

Of course, it would be good to use the tool for the type of fabric, but not everyone can afford to buy as many household chemicals. Simply buy a universal powder. Then, it is desirable that it was labeled "softens fibers" - which means to prevent them from rolling.

A very useful guide! Save yourself, not to lose.A very useful guide! Save yourself, not to lose.
  1. Active lifestyle leads to rapid wear certain apparel sites. Most often it is the armpit, groin, a place of contact with the bag and the bottom of his pants. I advise you to stock up on a few outfits on the yield and alternate them.
Active lifestyle, rubbing things with other surfaces - all this contributes to the formation of unsightly "balls"Active lifestyle, rubbing things with other surfaces - all this contributes to the formation of unsightly "balls"

Do not neglect the proper wearing and caring for clothes. And if suddenly appeared pellets, remove them immediately. Otherwise soon want to have just the thing to record in the category of "home." Agree, to delete a few dozen balls from sweaters easier than a couple of thousand.

Methods of getting rid of pellets

These little balls like and are not a problem of global scale, but can spoil the mood. Especially when you find them just before you leave home.

It's time to tell you how to get rid of the pellets on clothes. Here is the most effective way - to choose a suitable, and forward, to revive your favorite thing!

Method 1. Shaver

A disposable razorA disposable razor

It is desirable that the razor was old-fashioned, with a slightly blunted blades. Otherwise you may accidentally rezanut workpiece, then still have to think about how to patch the hole.

This method is more suitable for thicker materials, but on the delicate tissues it is better not to apply, or do so very carefully.

To remove the pellets with pants, skirts, coats and other things, lay it on a flat hard place, and gently stretch the "shave". First, move the top-down, and then vice versa - from the bottom-up. In the process, do not forget to cut smack balls.

An illustrative example of the "before" and "after" processing machineAn illustrative example of the "before" and "after" processing machine
More advanced casesMore advanced cases

After the procedure will remain on the fabric surface roughness. They can be removed with adhesive tape. Just attach it to the product and tear off sharply - it will look like new!

Method 2. Brush for cleaning teeth

A toothbrush to remove pellets - who would have thought! However, it is perfectly removes matted strands with woolen clothes angora, mohair, gabardine, felt, cashmere, etc.

Cleaning should be implemented along the pile. But in the opposite direction to do so not worth it - high likelihood of damage to the fibers. Although this method is quite time-consuming, the result is worth it.

To consolidate and even improve the appearance of wool products, you need to briefly soak it in warm water with vinegar. Then give a good dry in a natural way, without any heating appliances and direct sunlight.

If you follow all the conditions, you can enjoy a hitherto unprecedented tenderness and softness of pile favorite things!

Method 3. Adhesive tape or adhesive tape

By the way, there's selling such devices with several layers of sticky paperBy the way, there's selling such devices with several layers of sticky paper

You can try to remove the pellets from the clothes with the large stationery adhesive tape or adhesive tape. This method is gentle, but is less effective than the previous ones. He fits virtually any tissue - in some cases svalyanye balls will be removed, and some remain.

It is undesirable to conduct a "sticky" on cleaning products with a long fleece. In an extreme case, be sure to try it first on an inconspicuous area of ​​the material.

The essence of the method:

  • a small piece of adhesive tape adheres well on studded spool section;
  • then abruptly breaks away;
  • This action can be repeated several times until you get the desired result.

And can be simply an excuse tape on fabric. But if a lot of pellets, do not expect that they will be removed.

Cut a little tapeCut a little tape
How to glue the sticky stretch and tearHow to glue the sticky stretch and tear

Method 4. Sandpaper

If no razor or toothbrush of the pellets are not suitable for your case - you can use an alternative method. nazhdachkoy cleaning effect will be if you combined toothbrush and razor.

Take a fine-grained sandpaper and slowly slide it over the clothes.

Nazhdachku apply only to smooth product, ie with pellets sweaters its not clean, but only exacerbate the problem.

The fine-grained sandpaperThe fine-grained sandpaper
Granular surface is convenient to remove pellets with coatGranular surface is convenient to remove pellets with coat

Method 5. dry-cleaning

A good solution, if you have time and money to spare. In professional dry cleaners use a special agent from the pellet on clothes.

After this treatment not only removes all the unwanted formation, but much more slowly, new. Plus disinfection and updating the look of the fabric!

Dry Cleaning - the best solution!Dry Cleaning - the best solution!

Of course, everything thing to bear is not necessary, but expensive and very "capricious". The price of the service "cleaning of textile" - from 400 rubles and above. It all depends on the size and amount of clothing.

Method 6. Machine from pellets

PHILIPS company's machinePHILIPS company's machine

The most convenient and the perfect way to remove the pellets from the clothes - buy specially designed for this machine.

She rolled up the fiber removes not only the wardrobe items, but also with upholstered furniture, toys, carpets, etc. It can be purchased in the shop of home appliances and household goods.

Drive a car in a circular motion over the fabricDrive a car in a circular motion over the fabric

Pellet machine from clothing to work on the principle of the razor, however, unlike the latter, it will not be able to damage the fabric or cut the user. In the case of the device mounted blade covered by a protective pad.

They carefully cut matted strands, which then fall into a special container. It is only necessary to clean it periodically.

Remove the container and shake out all the contentRemove the container and shake out all the content

Such machines are compact and operate on battery or conventional batteries. This allows their use not only at home but also in the need to bring, for example, on a business trip or vacation.

Result cleaning children kolgotochekResult cleaning children kolgotochek
That's how the machine eliminated the pellets with dresses of costume fabricThat's how the machine eliminated the pellets with dresses of costume fabric


Completely avoid the appearance of pellets impossible. But if you choose things of good quality, and then to properly care for them, respecting the manufacturer's recommendations, then this problem can be delayed.

And when she did overtake, use one of the six ways in which I shared. I would be glad if you tell us how do you deal with annoying little balls on clothes! Share your experiences in the comments and watch a useful video in this article.

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