Pools for cottages - an overview of structures

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The modern dacha is a rest area surrounded by green lawns and lawns, garden or ornamental trees, saunas and a gazebo. Have among this magnificence your own pond - the dream of every owner of a summer residence. Install it today is not a big problem.

How to choose a swimming pool for a summer residence?

Modern manufacturers offer a large variety of pools for cottages: from economy class to expensive engineering facilities. To determine the choice of a specific model of the dacha reservoir, a number of factors should be studied:

  • the size of the pool and suburban area;
  • the feasibility of using the pool;
  • year-round or seasonal operation;
  • mobility and transformation.
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Nowadays there are three types of swimming pools:

  1. demountable;
  2. inflatable;
  3. stationary.

All of them have both positive characteristics and negative. But with the function assigned to them they cope in full. The difference between these containers is in size, design and shape. They influence the purchase decision of the pool, and will prompt the answer to the question, how to choose a swimming pool for a summer residence.

Overview of summer cottages

What is the purpose of the dacha basins? The photographs of the country pools are attached to the article and are a good example of the variety of solutions.

For example, for children of small and middle age, the optimal solution will be an inflatable pool that does not occupy a large area, is mobile and easily moved.
For a family that rests in the country all summer long, the winning option will be a folding frame pool.
A large company, which at the cottage is throughout the year, will appreciate the stationary plastic or concrete pool with a removable roof and heating. Below is a more detailed overview of the country pools.

Read also:Detailed guide to the construction of swimming pools for cottages

Inflatable pool house

With compactness, simplicity of construction and inexpensive price, inflatable pools for cottages are the most common among the owners of holiday villages. They are made of a durable PVC film and look like a double case with a hollow chamber, where air is injected to shape the pool.


Inflatable pool designs are small in size and round in shape. The largest model in diameter reaches 5 meters, its depth does not exceed a meter. At the top of this design is an inflatable ring that serves as a holder for a large volume of water. When filling with a liquid, the walls of such a pool stretch, and it takes the form of a bowl, while the diameter of the structure decreases. As a rule, large pools are reinforced with a frame consisting of aluminum thin-walled tubes. For small children, shallow containers with a soft structure of the bottom and sides are produced.

Inflatable pools for cottages are easy to transport, for their installation no special conditions are required, it is only necessary to find an even place.

Cons of construction:

  • periodic air pumping is required;
  • the fragility of the shell;
  • poor fitness for water treatment;
  • frequent replacement of water is required.

Frame-type cottage swimming pool

The pool frame house has a collapsible structure. In appearance it is a frame frame of an oval, round or rectangular shape with even edges, covered inside with a strong PVC film and filled with water. The frame is designed to retain the shape of the pool and reduce the water pressure on the walls of the structure. For the summer season, this design is installed in the villa area, and with the onset of cold weather - it is easily dismantled for storage.

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Pools for cottages are very reliable and stable, have a long period of operation. As a rule, there are different sizes: can have a depth of up to 2 meters, and the volume - up to 250 m3. In such reservoirs you can dive, swim on the mattress and even play with the salon or with the ball.

Cons of construction:

  • an awning is necessary to avoid contamination;
  • a long bay and a drain of water;
  • high cost of accessories;
  • a system for water purification is needed.

Plastic swimming pool

Plastic summer cottages are suitable for those who want to install a pond of the required shape and has enough space for it. Such models are installed for a long period of operation, do not understand at the end of the swimming season and need to be excavated.

In form - a plastic bowl of a small mass of a durable material, resistant to chemical reagents and mechanical influences. Manufacturers produce bowls of the most diverse, non-standard forms. They can have smooth contours, asymmetric edges, cast steps or differences of different heights. The thickness of the walls of the bowl can reach 1 centimeter. The container is manufactured in the factory, so it has no seams and does not need finishing. The largest bowls can hold 9000 liters of water. In such pools you can dive, swim, have fun and even mount massage aids.

As a rule, the container buries into the ground, accordingly for it it is necessary to prepare a pit, a concrete pillow or a timbering.

To use the pool throughout the year, it is necessary to install a water purification system, a filling and draining mechanism, and an indoor pavilion.

Cons of construction:

  • capacity of the tank;
  • high price;
  • a heavy truck is needed to deliver the bowl to the site;
  • to install the tank will require a special mechanized technique;
  • multi-day preparation of the site.
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Stationary pool of concrete

This design is built for many decades and requires significant financial investment. For its unique appearance, decorative tiles or mosaics are required. The pool can be installed in a variety of forms, equipped with drops of depths, towers, massage devices. For swimming at any time of the year, it is necessary to install both a pavilion, a removable or sliding roof. The design of the pool provides for the need for a preliminary design, installation of a network of underground communications and the complexity of installation work.

Overview of filter devices for swimming pools

Regardless of what kind of construction the reservoir has, it requires constant care. The outdoor pool is contaminated much faster than the indoor pool. Therefore, before installing pools for cottages, you need to review the filter equipment to choose the best option for yourself.

To remove small debris from the surface of the water of small pools, special nets are quite useful. For large and voluminous reservoirs you need a water vacuum cleaner.

To remove dirt from the bottom of the tank, you will need to purchase a filter unit with a pump, for example, a sand filter. The water passing through it is cleaned of fine dirt and sand and returns back to the pool. The filter power for each type of pool is calculated separately.

For the excellent functioning of the pool, its disinfection is necessary. To obtain crystal transparency of the liquid, chemical reagents - liquid oxygen, bromine and chlorine - must be used. They coordinate the level of water hardness, help to cope with its turbidity and the appearance of algae. Without chemical disinfection, the cottage dwelling quickly turns into a blossoming pond.

And now some photos of country pools:

Which pool to choose: inflatable or wireframe (video)

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