Instructions for use of the drug previkur energy

Previkur Energy - a drug that is used to treat various crops in order to combat the spread of fungal diseases and bacterial infections. It can be applied at all stages of vegetative growth of a plant: both during planting and during growth. These activities contributes to an increase in yield.

Table of Contents

  • Description of the
  • Tool Impact Mechanisms
  • Treatment Features
  • Processing Methods
  • Application Guide for Cucumbers and Other Crops
  • Safety Precautions for Working with Previkur Energy

Description of the Tool

This tool is produced by a German template, a company, a template, a component, a template, a component, a company, a company, a company, a company, a company, a company, a company, a company, a company, a company, a company, a company, a company, a company, a company, a company, a company, a company, a company, a company, a company, a company, a company, a real. .., propamacarb hydrochloride and fosethyl aluminum. Characterized by this drug as a means of controlling phytopathogens in the soil. He also fights with the causative agent of fungal diseases - oomycetes.

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The release form is a concentrated liquid in containers from 10 ml to 1 liter. Content: propamocarb-530 grams per liter, fosethyl-310 grams per liter.

This tool can be used for direct treatment of the stem and leaves, with drip irrigation of cucumbers, as well as for treating the place of emergence of the trunk from the ground.

A bottle of the drug of precursors of energy

Mechanisms of influence

The drug acts on the cell membrane of fungi, preventing their formation, markedly slows the growth of mycelium and destroys the spores. In addition, the tool stimulates the immunity of planting against bacteria and fungi, helps strengthen the root, stems and leaves.

The product is able to spread and move in all directions inside the plant, due to this its full saturation occurs and the plant organism becomes able to withstand fungal and bacterial diseases. Within one hour, the drug goes to all parts and provides protection for two weeks.

There is practically no presence of resistance or habituation to this drug, this is due to the fact that it affects fungal cells in different ways, inhibiting metabolic processes in them, and the plants themselves are affected depending on the presence of metabolic processes in them.

Treatment features

Starting processing, you should follow the instructions from the manufacturer of this drug, it includes.

  1. Soil and air humidity are taken into account.
  2. Climatic conditions.
  3. Concentration Used.
  4. The extent to which the planted cultures are infected.
Dilution in water of precursors of energy

. Treatment methods

The first treatment occurs immediately after the seeds are introduced into the soil. In this situation, the drug is watered. The second time processing is carried out when transplanting plants to the site. This helps to strengthen the seedlings and increases its resistance to infection. Then after seven days you can re-process it.

All subsequent treatments should be carried out after fourteen days, with the solution irrigating the soil at the root site. In a situation when places appear on a plant, they can be directly treated with fungal infection by this agent.

The preparation should be mixed with water in the proportion specified by the manufacturer. The most commonly used: fungicide - ten milliliters, water - six liters.

Remember that this tool is best used on moist soil, so it is well absorbed and reaches the roots of the plant faster.
Spraying plants with

precursors energy preparation Instructions for use for cucumbers and other crops

This tool can be used for various plants:

  1. Vegetables: tomato, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, and others. The working solution is prepared in the following proportions; thirty milliliters of Pre-Quality Energy should be added to twenty liters of water. Processing with this solution should be done after the seeds have been planted, then after two weeks we water the seedlings, and after planting we re-process them. During the growth of plants produce about six irrigations with the drug every two weeks.
  2. Potatoes. Solution, will be more concentrated to ten liters of water, add fifty milliliters of the drug. Plants are sprayed every twelve days. It is noticed that a certain number of potato varieties exhibit intolerance to the drug, this is manifested in the appearance of spots and death of leaves. How to deal in such a situation, it is best to check the sensitivity of the potatoes in your area on a single bush, for this you need to process it. And after a few days to explore, if there are no visible changes, then this tool can be applied on your site.
  3. Indoor plants and flowers. The solution is prepared at the rate of six milliliters of funds for four liters of water. As a preventive measure and for treatment, they water the soil around the plants; this should be done until the signs of the disease disappear.

Safety measures when working with Previkur Energy

As you know, all chemically active substances are divided into classes. This substance belongs to class 3, so when working with it it is important to adhere to the following rules: when working, use a respirator, rubber gloves, overalls, boots and goggles.

The solution should also not be allowed to get into the skin and mucous membranes. Inhalation of vapors of the drug can cause chemical poisoning and burns of the upper respiratory tract. When using this substance on an industrial scale, it is important to consider adjacent areas.

1 liter bottle of precursors of energy.
. It is necessary to avoid getting the drug into ponds and reservoirs, as it can affect their flora and fauna, and negative impact will be observed on beekeeper apiaries and livestock farms.

Therefore, when processing farmland, it is important to pay attention to the wind rose, the presence and direction of groundwater, the location of drinking water sources. Plastic will be the best container for breeding, so the drug actively interacts with metals. Storage is carried out in a closed container and in inaccessible places.

The use of this substance has already a sufficient base of application, its positive properties are noted, both in the prevention of fungal diseases and in their treatment. Many people note the excellent effect on strengthening the immunity of the plants themselves. We can say that this is an innovative product.

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