two, or even three crops per season. This allows you to enjoy the taste and aroma of berries from the first hot days before the onset of cold weather. Such varieties differ from garden ones in that their bushes are smaller. However, the taste of strawberries and its usefulness is not affected. Plants quickly form new buds after the previous harvest has been harvested, which requires a lot of energy from the plant. For this reason, the care of strawberries of such varieties is special. Features and care for strawberries, its varieties
Remontant crops live less compared to conventional ones. Two years is a normal time for them. Experienced growers know this and take into account, as well as try to choose varieties that are more resistant. These are species with small and large fruits. They also differ from each other in their breeding methods. There are varieties that do not give tendrils, so these varieties of strawberries are propagated by seed. Planting and care for different varieties are very similar. But a lot of differences.
Varieties with small fruits unpretentious, resistant to heat and frost. Their landing is easier due to the fact that they do not give antennae. Marks "DSD" or "unauthorized access" can be decoded as varieties for the long and neutral for the duration of the daylight hours. When purchasing any of the varieties, you need to know about the method of its reproduction, cultivation, resistance to pests and diseases. Some gardeners choose hybrids - species obtained by crossing different varieties. They rarely get sick and are less likely to be affected by pests, and the hybrids also have higher yields. Their disadvantage is the lack of ability to reproduce. Designate hybrids marked F1.
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The features of some popular varieties are given in this list:
- Alexandria - a strawberry variety with small fruits, propagating in the seed way. It has great frost resistance and good "immunity".
- Ali Baba variety is in many ways similar to Alexandria in its characteristics. Gives a good harvest. Strawberries of this variety are very tasty.
Snow White is also a small-fruited strawberry, which is propagated by seed. The yields are quite abundant. The berries themselves taste similar to pineapple and have white flesh, for which they got their name. - The American variety of strawberry Diamant is chosen by experts for its resistance to disease and frost, as well as for large berries. They have an elongated shape, orange-scarlet color, characteristic brilliance and stunning taste. The yield of this variety is also high.
A variety native to the Netherlands. Vim Rin is also distinguished by large fruits, resistance to drought and disease. It can be recognized by dark, slightly curled leaves. Wim Rina berries - pointed, red, with a sour taste. The density of these berries allows you to successfully transport them. - Queen Elizabeth - Russian variety, characterized by large berries, it is well suited for a neutral day light. It has tall bushes, a few whiskers, berries have the shape of a cone and have a sweet-sour taste. Their flesh is dense, making it easy to transport. The yield of this variety is high - for the season you can get up to 3 kg of berries from each bush.
Variety Laurent is marked F1, that is, it is a hybrid, it also has the designation of unauthorized access. The bush of this variety is powerful, has large leaves and berries of dark red color with a sweet, slightly sourish taste. It can be grown in the middle lane. - Strawberry inexhaustible - German variety. His bushes can be recognized by the large dark leaves. The fruits are very tasty, large. The second harvest of berries from these bushes is relatively late, so it is convenient to freeze these berries for the winter.
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Planting, growing and caring for remontant strawberries
Strawberry plantation should be constantly updated. This is usually done in late July or early August. Before the onset of autumn, the bushes manage to settle down and prepare for wintering. So, you need to choose the antennae with well-developed rosettes and disembark them. Peduncles appearing on them should be removed so that next season the bushes will give an early harvest. At the end of the summer, replanting is necessary. This method of growing strawberries is best practiced with tamper varieties.
Strawberries need light soil with a neutral pH.The plant is usually planted in spring, but it can be done at the end of August. Planting method - breeding. Repairing strawberries, planting and caring for which is somewhat more complicated than caring for garden strawberries, needs more space. It is necessary so that new shoots can take root. The plot before planting strawberries dig and fertilize. Care for strawberries in spring( in April) is to prepare the soil - manure is brought into it. Sand is also added to heavy soil. In mid-May, the plants are planted. Between the holes leave at least 65-75 cm. Young bushes require daily watering. And the autumn landing is actually held at the very end of summer.
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Repair varieties need to be watered often, water for this purpose should be taken warm. Useful for strawberries infusion of herbs - nettle, wormwood and yarrow. They are crushed and filled with water, left in the sun and after 7 days used for irrigation. After watering or good rain, you need to gently loosen the soil at the roots. In the care is considered important and pruning strawberries.
Mustache need to be trimmed regularly. In the autumn it is necessary to prepare the bushes for the winter - remove all flower stalks, trim the leaves.
It is also necessary to check that the roots do not remain bare. It is necessary to gnaw the earth, and then to mulch the planting of deciduous humus. Bushes cover grass only with the onset of frost. Insect pest control and disease prevention is carried out both in spring and autumn. As well as garden strawberries, remontant varieties also require care. Even more intense. But the harvest is richer.
We recommend you to look at the cultivation of strawberry repair varieties: