Ways of using ammonia in the garden

Nitrogen for plants - the most basic element in the diet. In order for any plants - indoor, garden, even cereals in the fields - to actively grow, flutter, increase the green mass, actively bloom and bear fruit - they need nitrogen. The most accessible form for nitrogen absorption is ammonia or ammonium nitrate NH4CL.On its application in the garden and the garden, we'll talk further.

Table of Contents

  • What is Ammonia
  • Benefits for the Gardens for the Workers for the Builders for the Templates for the Candidates for the Pets?- NH4CL.In the surrounding nature, nitrogen is most often found in the form of chemical forms such as amide NH2 +, ammonia NH3, ammonium NH4 +, nitrite NO2-, nitrate NO3-, which as a result of natural circulation in nature pass from one form to another under the influence of bacteria andmicroorganisms.

    As you know, plants very quickly absorb nitrates in any quantity, but they do not like nitrogen in the form of ammonia. Rather, nitrogen in this form is not able to accumulate in the tissues of plants, that is, feeding fruits, vegetables, flowers and ammonia can not be afraid of oversaturation with ammonia.

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    In order for organic fertilizers to finally saturate the plants with such necessary nitrogen, they must undergo a process of decomposition of organic matter( manure, litter) with the help of microorganisms. Ammonia is converted into forms available for absorption by plants directly, without the participation of any microorganisms from the outside.

    Ammonia - this is the same ammonia solution.

    Use for the garden

    So, nitrogen is the main source of nutrition for plant organisms. A bright green lush crown, an abundance of flowers, and then fruits, active vegetative development all depend on the nitrogen content in the soil, as plants can take it only from the soil( up to 78% of nitrogen in the form inaccessible to plants). About the lack of nitrogen will tell the state of your pets:

    • yellowing, pallor of the lower leaves on seedlings and adult plants;
    • thin, weak stalk and small leaves;
    • growth retardation, lack of flowers;
    • weak immunity - low resistance to frost.
    Lack of nitrogen during the developmental period will lead to significant crop loss.

    In this case, immediate feeding of plants with nitrogen is required. In order not to oversaturate them with nitrate, which they will accumulate in their fruits and tissues, it is best to apply ammonia in the soil( recipes for dressings will be given below)

    Strong smell of ammonia deters garden pests

    In addition, the sharp smell of a means deters many pests and insects, and ammonia is an excellent means of combating them.

    Ammonia Solution as an

    Fertilizer Solanaceous crops such as potatoes, eggplants, as well as peppers, cabbage, pumpkins, and squash need a large amount of nitrogen in the soil for active development and fruiting. From fruit crops - raspberries, blackberries, cherries and plums react very well to fertilizing with liquid ammonia. They need to be processed several times during the beginning of the growing season, bud formation and flowering.

    Dahlias, roses, peonies, clematis, violets, tsinii and nasturtiums will delight in the luxurious flowering - these flowers simply adore nitrogen fertilizing in the form of ammonia solution.

    Cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, beets, corn, garlic, currant and gooseberry bushes, apples and perennial flowers are content with an average nitrogen content in soils.

    Watering the onion and garlic beds with water and liquid ammonia

    A moderate amount of nitrogen consumed pears, radishes, onions and bulbous flowers .But legumes do not need additional feedings at all - they are able to absorb nitrogen from the air and accumulate it on the nodule roots, enriching the soil for other plants.

    A universal solution of nitrogenous feeding of any vegetable and fruit crops - dilute 50 ml of sal ammoniac in 4 liters of water. If you need a weak solution - dilute 1 tablespoon of the product in 10 liters of water, a solution of strong concentration( maximum allowable) - 1 teaspoon per 1 l of water.

    How to feed

    Fruit trees, bushes, perennial flowers are watered with a universal solution 2-3 times per season. Tomatoes are fed 1 time per week, starting with the minimum dose and gradually increasing the concentration. Under the cucumbers at the beginning of the formation of the ovaries make a solution of 2 tbsp.spoons / 10 liters of water.

    To obtain a lush green arrow in onion, culture is watered with a concentrated solution( 1 tsp / 1 l of water). But in order to get a good harvest of large-headed onion and garlic, they are watered once a week with a weak solution of the product.

    As a preventive measure, all vegetables, berry bushes, fruit trees and flowers are watered 1 time in 7-10 days under a root with a weak solution of ammonia - 1 tablespoon for 1 bucket of water. Gradually, the dose can be increased if the plants need it.

    Fertilizing with ammonia has a very beneficial effect on the seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, and cabbage, which are produced 2 weeks after the pick. When planted in open ground, half a liter of the mixture( 10 ml / 10 l of water) is poured into each well - this also serves as a top-dressing and fights very well with the bear.

    For the prevention of disease, plants are watered with a very weak solution of ammonia

    Pest control

    A strong smell of ammonia affects a lot of pests, even in an imperceptible concentration for humans. It is successfully used against insects such as:

    • ants;
    • bear;
    • wire;
    • aphid, midges on indoor plants;
    • onion and carrot flies.

    To do this, prepare a soap solution: 100-200 g of soap are rubbed on a fine grater, dissolved in 1 liter of hot water, and then gradually, thoroughly mixed, added to 10 l of plain water, 50 ml of 25% ammonia. Immediately obtained solution sprayed the fruits on the trees, leaves, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers - in a word, all the crops that need processing. This will not only scare off pests, wasps and beetles, but will also be a good foliar nutrition for plants.

    Soap is added to the solution to ensure that the solution adheres better to the leaves, and before eating it is sufficient to simply wash the fruit thoroughly with running water.

    To get rid of flies and ants, you can water the beds with a weak solution( preventive feeding will have a complex effect).

    Ammonia perfectly fights various pests of the garden.

    Safety measures

    The pungent smell of ammonia and its vapors, if elementary protection measures are not followed, can be dangerous:

    • sharp inhalation can cause respiratory arrest, therefore solutions are better mixed in well-ventilated rooms;
    • in people suffering from hypertension may cause a sharp increase in pressure;
    • liquid ammonia - a drug and in no case can not be mixed with chlorine-containing substances;
    • in order to avoid burns, to be cautioned against the ingress of funds on the skin and mucous membranes.

    If used properly, following proportions and rules, ammonia will become your indispensable helper and friend for plants. They will certainly thank you with a healthy appearance and a rich harvest.

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