Review of the best varieties of zucchini for the suburbs with photos

Most gardeners appreciate zucchini as dignified, unpretentious vegetables used for cooking vegetable dishes and canning for the winter. This diet product is also recommended in baby food.

Peculiarities of growing zucchini in the suburbs form its conditions for choosing the best varieties, based on the climatic conditions, the needs and possibilities of gardeners, the size of the plots and the storage conditions.

Among the evaluation criteria is necessarily present:

  • Yield.
  • Requirements for temperature conditions.
  • Tastes.
  • Storage time.

Considering various zucchini, varieties for the Moscow region can be divided into several groups:

  • Traditional varieties of zucchini with white skin.
  • Zucchini - zucchini with a thicker multi-colored cover.
  • Hybrid varieties.

Each group has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, hybrids are the most fruitful, but the seeds will have to be purchased every year, without having sufficient guarantees that the variety in the package will be the same. Traditional varieties have the most tender pulp, resulting in virtually no storage. More dense zucchini remain fresh in the fridge for more than a month, but have a relatively lower yield.

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It is very difficult to evaluate taste, this concept is subjective, so for every variety there are both ardent adherents and irreconcilable critics.

We give an overview of the best varieties of zucchini for the suburbs with photos, based on their own experience and the statements of gardeners and completely ignoring advertising characteristics that have not been confirmed in practice.

Virtually no list, which includes the best varieties of zucchini for the suburbs, can not do without Iskander F1.This is a unique in its qualities variety with a very high and extremely early yield and tender flesh of pale green color. The variety occupies a minimum of space in the garden, as it grows in the form of large razlapistyh bushes, does not branch and does not spread around the area. This sort of zucchini almost no ill. For an ordinary family, it is enough to plant three bushes that will take up to 1.5 square meters.meters of space and provide a stable harvest throughout the summer.

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In recent years, the hybrid kavach F1 has been called the best variety, which is characterized as a super high-yield variety. The bush is a beautiful spotted, compact. There are a lot of fruits, the harvesting is carried out with the weight of zucchini about 300 grams, but even in overgrown fruits the flesh remains tender and juicy.

Among the white-fruited varieties, a non-hybrid variety can also be called “Roller”.This plant is bush, compact, each bush brings up to 9 kg of fruit. One of the most cold-resistant varieties. If in doubt, when planting squash seeds in open ground in the suburbs, so that they do not freeze, then choose "Roller", he is not afraid of low temperatures. The variety has a strong skin, it can be transported or stored for a long time.

Another popular white-fruited variety has been cultivated for many years now - it is Gribovskie. These are early ripe cylindrical fruits, which are harvested at a weight of 800-900 g. The yield is stable, about 4 kg of fruits are obtained from a bush. Despite the fact that the variety is very old, it is appreciated for its unpretentiousness and the ability to independently store seeds. To date it remains the most common variety.

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Multicolored varieties of zucchini belong to zucchini zucchini. They also have a lot of fans, due to the fact that they have the most durable skin. Despite the external color, the flesh of all remains pale white or with a slight greenish-yellow tinge.

The most common varieties in this group are Zebra, Tsukesha and Aeronaut.

Zebra squash is an early variety for open ground with high yields( up to 9 kg from a bush).It has a striped color, in which the dark stripes are located along the main light green background. Scourge is formed a little, the bush is compact. Seeds are few. The variety requires care, as it is easily amenable to disease and is recommended to experienced gardeners who have an idea how to grow zucchini in the suburbs.

The Tsukesha zucchini is distinguished by the dark green color of fruits that have an elongated cylindrical shape. Productivity is high, the pulp is dense. This variety is often used for canning, as it does not creep away when processed by high temperature. Tsukesh can be stored in the refrigerator for several months. In the Moscow region is preferable to grow under the film.

In taste, the greatest amount of praise is addressed to the Aeronaut variety. This is an early variety with an average yield. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical with pronounced ribbing, the color is dark green. The flesh is delicious, you can use it raw, adding young fruits to salads instead of cucumbers. The peculiarity of this variety is that the fruits first grow upwards and then lean towards the ground. Due to this, young fruits are less affected by pests.

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The new Dutch hybrid variety with colored fruits called PARTENON has begun to gain popularity. It is a parthenocarpic hybrid that does not require pollination for fruit ovary. This quality allows you to get reliable yields in any weather, rain or intense heat does not interfere with the formation of fruits. The color is dark green, shiny, with fine spotting. The variety receives high marks for its yield, disease resistance and taste.

Fans can grow original fruit can be advised variety "Ball", which has a round shape and the color resembles a pumpkin. This is a variety with delicious fruits of early ripening.

“Pear-shaped” variety has small fruits, pear-shaped, yellow in color with dense and juicy orange pulp. Used in all types of processing, for the preparation of sauce, baking and canning.

The given review of the best varieties of zucchini for the Moscow region with a photo does not pretend to be complete. Every year the collection is filled up with new hybrids, which the Dutch breeders tirelessly develop. We recommend planting several already known and liked varieties in the garden and each year trying out new items that are suitable for growing in the middle lane.

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