Detailed description of radish pests and methods of controlling them

Radish grows well in the middle lane. Gardeners shoot several harvests per season, using several varieties. And even though the plant has not so many pests, you should not let your guard down and fight them.


Major pests of radish

The best of these are radishes of early varieties. Seeds are planted in the soil until the moment when the spores of fungi and larvae become active, therefore the fruits form and ripen without much difficulty. It is more difficult for middle and late ripening vegetables, the vegetative period of which coincides with the intensive reproduction of harmful microorganisms and insects. They literally attack young shoots, wanting to drink all its juices.

If there are signs of damage to plants, it is impossible to delay; parasites can destroy almost the entire crop in just a few days. Serious problems can be avoided if timely preventive maintenance is done.

Insects are more likely to attack weak shoots, so ignoring the introduction of fertilizers and dressings is not worth it. Adequate nutrition strengthens the immune system of the plant, which means that the chances of catching the disease or lesions of the garden by insects are significantly reduced.
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Damaged radish leaves

Treating a plant against the flea cruciferous

Insect is the main enemy of the radish. Small black bugs jump over the bed very intensively, so they are easily detected. Pests gnaw leaf fragments, quickly increasing the area of ​​damage. The damaged plant stops growing and dries out. Parasites are particularly dangerous for young shoots. Their activation and increase in the population is observed in dry hot weather.

The probability of a flea attack is reduced if you promptly inject feed to a bed of slurry. No less effective is the treatment of their powder, which is made of wood ash and tobacco dust in equal proportions. It is necessary to carry out procedures once every 5-7 days.

Crucifer flea on the leaves of the radish

Than to spray against the whitefly

The white butterfly presents a danger to the radish by laying its eggs directly on the soil. Emerging caterpillars easily move to the leaves and eat them.

In order to protect radishes from whitefish, it is necessary to sprinkle with a solution of mustard( 2 tbsp), ground black pepper( 1 tsp) and table salt( 2 tbsp) based on a bucket of water.

Fighting the cruciferous bug

Black small bugs with bright orange stripes suck the juice out of the radish, causing the young sprout to dry out.

Protect the bed from the pest can be if sprayed with infusion of dope ordinary or henbane. Preparation of the working solution involves the infusion of 500 grams of leaves in a bucket of water for 12 hours. To the composition longer remained on the leaves, it is recommended to add 2-3 tablespoons of chopped laundry soap.

How to protect seedlings from rape sawfly

In the second half of May - early June, the female of rape sawfly lays eggs. When choosing a place, preference is given to radish, located on the underside of the sheet. Already after 6-10 days, very voracious caterpillars appear from the eggs, which can make a lot of holes in the plant tops and thereby kill it.

To protect a plant from this pest, it is necessary to treat it with a special infusion of black henbane. For 500 grams of dry leaves take 2 liters of water, you need to insist at least 12 hours, after which the liquid is filtered through a sieve. The resulting infusion is diluted with 8 liters of water, add grated soap and treat the beds.

How to process a radish against babanukha

Listoed, having a wonderful appetite, can destroy the bed in a matter of days. You can recognize it on an even color with a greenish tint and brown paws. As soon as the parasites leave the wintering grounds at the beginning of June, they begin to feed on the lush green of the young shoots. Right in the gnawed leaf pits, females lay eggs.

Prevent insect invasions can be preventive measures that include autumn site cleaning and soil digging.

Rapeseed beetle

A small bug( body length not more than 2.5 mm) black with a blue tint, perfectly tolerates frost in plant debris. In spring, it is activated, laying eggs in unblown buds.

When a parasite is detected, it is recommended that treatment be carried out without delay using one of the following tools:

  • etaphos( 0.2%);
  • anometrine( 0.04%);
  • Tiodan( 0.2%);
  • Zolone( 0.3%);
  • Cymbush( 0.03%).

Cabbage fly and cabbage mole

Both parasites attack almost all cruciferous plants. Insects are terrible not only because they lay off the larvae, which later feed on the sap of the plant, but also the ability to tolerate various diseases.

Among the important measures for the protection of radish from pests:

  • compliance with crop rotation;
  • thorough autumn cleaning;
  • fertilizer in the soil;
  • selection of quality seeds for planting;
  • application of top dressings to strengthen the immunity of plants;
  • spraying with karbofos;
  • treatment of beds with biological products( Dendrobatsillin, Lepidotsid, etc.).

Preventive treatment of radish from pests

Young shoots attract insects. To protect them from the invasion of uninvited guests, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures. Among the effective methods are:

  • dusting plants with a powder mixture of naphthalene and road dust( 1: 1);
  • spraying on the beds of powder from wood ash, slaked lime and tobacco dust( all components are taken in equal proportions);
  • morning sprays with a solution of wood ash( for 3 liters of water a liter can of ash and 2-3 tablespoons of chopped soap);
  • spraying shoots with vinegar solution( 1 cup of 9% vinegar per water bucket);
  • spraying plants with a decoction of green wormwood.

It is clear that one treatment is indispensable, therefore experienced gardeners practice weekly procedures that are repeated for 1.5 months.

Properly selected crops planted next to radishes can scare off the pest invasion. These are: potatoes, cumin, dill, tomatoes. Fragrant tops of these plants discourage any desire from the parasites to colonize and postpone the larvae.

Treatment of radish against pests
When choosing neighboring plants, it is worth considering the option of planting marigolds, nasturtiums, fennel, mustard and other repellents.

After each season, thorough cleaning of plant residues should be carried out. It is in them that most of the pests overwinter. Closer to the frosts, the bed needs to be dug up so that the larvae and adults are frozen out.

Spring diet supplemented with fresh salads, the main ingredient of which is often radish. Proper care, prevention and control will not leave the parasites to destroy the crop of bright root vegetables.

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