Malfunctions of Zanussi washing machines

Repair of Zanussi washing machines( Zanussi) is a frequent occurrence. Despite the fact that these cars leave the assembly line under the sign of a foreign brand, they can also break. And often the manufacturer is not at all involved in the fact that the machine broke too soon.

External factors and improper operation - these are more likely causes of failure of the CM.

material Contents:

  • 1 Weaknesses washing machines Zanussi
  • 2 Common washing machine codes Zanussi
  • 3 fixing common faults machines Zanussi
    • 3.1 Clean filter - perfect work
    • 3.2 Repair blocker washing machines Zanussi
    • 3.3 replacement heater in the machine Zanussi
    • 3.4 Checkdrive belt

Weaknesses of washing machines Zanussi

Using the statistics of service centers, you can quickly understand which components and parts in the deviceZanussi's flax machines are the most vulnerable.

  • Parts depend on water quality. By the way, this is typical not only for the brand Zanussi, but also for other machines. Saturated with salt water with strong heat accumulates scale on the heater and other elements.
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    The purity of the water in our water mains is also not different, so the filtration systems of the machine can become clogged with dirt and rust over time. As a result, the typesetting and drain system suffers.
  • Lock hatch. This is the fault of the manufacturers: both the blocker and the sensor are slightly flawed, therefore, they break more often than those of other brands of AGR.
  • Heater( TEN) is quickly overgrown with scum. Experts believe that this is also due to the fact that manufacturers have lost in the selection of components from which the tubular part of the heater is made.
  • Drive Belt. It does not differ in reliability, so every 3 months it does not hurt to check its tension and integrity. If you see signs of stretching or damage to the belt, a tightening or node replacement is required.

The only good thing is that it is possible to identify a malfunction on time, since the Zanussi “smart” automatic washing machine notifies the user about problems using fault codes.

Common Zanussi

washing machine codes Usually the Zanussi washing machine gives the following error codes: E11, E12, E21, E22.Consider the most frequent combinations.

Code Problem
E11 There is no washing water. Most often, the code lights up if the valve that supplies water from the water supply to the machine is closed.
The pressure in the pipe may also be weak.
It is possible that the filter screen on the intake valve is not blocked. The integrity of the hose is checked and the filter is cleaned. It is advisable to check the resistance of the valve coil - a serviceable element will give a figure of 3.8 kΩ.
E12 The problem with the gulf of water during drying. If the cause is a water inlet valve, the code will appear on the display 10 minutes after the start of the wash cycle.

Water does not leave the system - cleaning of the drain filter and checking the nozzles for blockages is required.

It is also necessary to check the efficiency of the pump impeller - it should rotate freely in both directions. If the stroke is difficult, replace the pump.

E22 Indicates a low level of water drainage during drying. You may need to clean the condenser.

Elimination of typical faults of machines Zanussi

Complicated breakdowns should be entrusted to a professional, but easy repair of Zanussi washing machines can be done easily by yourself.

Next, we will look at how to repair the Zanussi washing machine with our own hands.

Clean Filter - Perfect Performance

All filtration systems periodically need cleaning. If we neglect this rule, then subsequently problems cannot be avoided. If any of the filters have a blockage, then there are problems with the abstraction or discharge of water.

In the Zanussi SM, the filler filter is most often clogged. What to do to normalize the work of the machine?

  • Just unscrew the inlet filter - it is located on the water pipe.
  • If you did not install such a filter, then you need to clean the filter mesh.

Caution! Experts advise to put the inlet filter on the pipe with a special filtration cassette that softens the water.

To clean the filter mesh, proceed as follows:

  1. Find the connection point of the water intake hose to the washer body.
  2. Remove the top cover of the CM to unscrew the valve and filter.
  3. Disassemble the filter and rinse it under the tap.
  4. Set the filter back.
  5. Collect everything in reverse order.

Important! The device of the washing machine Zanussi with a horizontal load is different from the frontal design, but the cleaning of the filter is the same way.

By the way, pollution can accumulate not only because of the “errors” of the water supply system, but also because of the very clothes that you send to the drum. With too dirty things in the system of the machine penetrates sand, dirt, debris, threads.

In the drain filter wizards often find small coins, seeds, hairpins, crumpled checks. All this "nonsense" can provoke a stop in the work of the SMA.

Important! Do not forget to clean the filter at least once in 3 months.

Repair of an interlocking of washing machines by Zanussi

The problem with UBL is a frequent malfunction of the Zanussi Aquacycle CM, but is also found in other models: for example, Zanussi Easyiron.

It is difficult to say right away what caused the lock to be broken - due to the manufacturer’s fault or user negligence. But there may be problems with the control board - then the blocker and nothing at all.

The plastic components of the hatch locking device are unreliable and can break even if you simply slam the hatch. The metal hook will survive, but due to the breakage of the UBL, washing will still be impossible.

Repair of the blocker is usually not made - it is easier to replace it with a new one. For cars Zanussi UBL costs about 1,500 rubles. Expensive, of course, so you should first remove the old bollard, to be 100% sure that it is broken.

Remove the device as follows:

  • Open the door.
  • On the right, you will see a small hole under the locking hook, and next to it there are two screws that hold the UBL.Unscrew the fasteners.
  • Remove the gasket( cuff).It is held by a wire clamp, which goes in a circle along the entire elastic band. Pick it up with a thin screwdriver and remove. Then remove the cuff - do it with your hands, without a tool, so as not to damage the delicate gum.
  • Remove the interlock by disconnecting the wires.
  • Perform a visual inspection of the device and verify the integrity of the plastic part. If the plastic is broken, and the plates have popped out, take the device with you and go for a new one.
  • Show UBL in the store to sell you exactly the same.
  • Install the blocker in the reverse order.

Important! Gently close the door until it clicks, pressing it against the edge to extend the life of the device.

Replacing a Heater in a Typewriter Zanussi

As we have said above, heating elements are one of the most vulnerable points of any washing machine, much less Zanussi. A washing machine with such a breakdown can produce an error E05, while in the tank the water stops heating.

To make repairs yourself, you have to disassemble the body a little CM:

  1. Turn the machine over to the front wall.
  2. Remove the bolts from the panel to remove it.
  3. From the bottom of the tank you will see the heater shank - there are 2 contacts and wires coming from them.
  4. Measure resistance, armed with a tester. If the device shows a value close to zero, the heating element will have to be changed. The testimony of a working heater is 20-40 ohms.
  5. . To remove the heater, unscrew the nut located in the center of the shank.
  6. Disconnect the wiring to the heater.
  7. Make an effort to get the heater from the groove. If he had a lot of plaque, he could stick to it. Take WD-40 grease and sprinkle lightly. Loosen the old heater and pull over.
  8. Clean the hole thoroughly.
  9. Install a new heater, connect the wiring.
  10. Fasten the back panel in place and start the test wash. If the water is heated, and the code E05 is gone, then you did everything right.

Important! Selecting TEN for the washing machine Zanussi, buy only original parts. Do not take cheap Chinese counterparts - they will not last you for long. An unsuitable heating element can also provoke a breakdown in the control unit, and then the repair will definitely “fly into the penny”.

Checking the drive belt

Breakages caused by the drive belt are accompanied by the fact that the motor in the washing machine does not stop working, but the drum does not rotate. To check the integrity and location of the belt, proceed as follows:

  • Remove the back cover by unscrewing the fasteners.
  • In the niche you will see the pulley of the drum, which should be wearing a belt. The motor pulley is much smaller, it should also have a belt.
  • Adjust the belt if it has shifted.
  • If the drum does not rotate and the belt is in place, then a replacement is necessary.
  • After correcting or installing the new belt, fasten the panel in place and start the test wash.

As you can see, the repair of Zanussi washing machines is to eliminate typical failures and breakdowns. Fortunately, these faults are such that you can easily eliminate them without the help of a wizard.

We advise you not to touch the electronics. Even if you have a Zanussi washing machine circuit, in order to repair or replace an electronic module, you need special tools and relevant knowledge and experience. Do not want to provoke additional breakdowns - difficult problems trust the master.

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