Gidroplomba to the well, the best ways to sealing joints w / w rings

To flow into the well could seriously affect the quality characteristics of drinking water. Through seemingly small hole in the concrete shaft will penetrate domestic waste water spilled on the ground technical liquids. Will crumble from the sand horizons, lying above the water-carrier, which has a negative impact on transparency. Unpleasant, right?

In order to restore the integrity of the well of the barrel need fast hardening composition, allowing promptly remedy the defect in the concrete construction. Gidroplomba to the well to get rid of leaks, large and small cracks. We'll show you how to choose the right.

We have described in detail the process of blending repair structure. We offer recipes for self-seals. Information is supplemented by useful diagrams, photos and video guide.

The content of the article:

  • Types of seals for hydraulic structures
  • Ready waterproofing seals
  • The technology of using finished formulations
  • Production of seals with their hands
    • # 1: Homemade pressureless seal
    • # 2: Closing for joints and small cracks
  • instagram viewer
  • Safety for use in the well
  • Selection of the optimal gidroplomby
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Types of seals for hydraulic structures

Previously, before the invention gidroplomb as plugs for wells used wooden boards, hemp and jute material. A significant drawback of obsolete was rapid disintegration and decay, resulting in deterioration of quality and taste of the composition and well water.

With the invention of gidroplomby eliminate leaks and operate wells became much easier. Modern manufacturers of building materials offer a ready waterproofing formulations based on polymer materials.

Pros use gidroplomby

Application gidroplomby allows in a short time to eliminate the defect of the underground facilities, which include not only the wells, but also the foundations and bridge supports

However, many owners of wells and professional maintenance crews preferred to use fillings homemade, rightly considering that this will lead to cheaper repairs without loss a.

Gidroplomby divided into two types:

  1. Pressure, bystrozastyvayuschie mixture. For their solidification need 10 to 60 seconds. Above this seal superimposed special repair composition having waterproofing properties.
  2. Non-pressure, hardens within 5-7 minutes. Such mixtures are not used during emergency operations, and prevention, such routine isolation joints.

For more information about each option analyze further.

Concrete pit needs a reliable waterproofing

If time does not eliminate the leak and did not make the sealing seams, the ground water will penetrate into the well, changing the quality of water in it

Waterproofing plugging materials (gidroplomby) is often used in cases of emergency, when the curing time depends on how much water will run or leak, so the quality and accuracy of application depends gidroplomby magnitude and severity of damage that succeed prevented.

Qualitative gidroplomby able to fix the leak in 30 seconds, stopping the flow of up to 7 atmospheres!

Waterproofing seals are applied in the following cases:

  • for the protection of drinking water in the well against the ingress of groundwater
  • plug breakthroughs water in basements, tunnels, wells
  • Insulation breakthrough in the field of contact floor, walls, between the adjoining blocks
  • hermetic sealing of joints and cracks in wells
  • rapid repair of pipelines.

In concrete manholes gidroplomba serves not only for emergency repair and removal of leaks, but also to prevent changes in the water quality in the areas of thinning, increased filtration.

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Loss of seam tightness between the rings

A common cause for imposing gidroplomby a depressurization joints of concrete shafts

Leak in the assembly

Because of leaks in the walls of the well will get the flood and waste water, as a result of sharply worsen quality of extracted water

Gidroplomba around input pipe

Gidroplomboy blind hole in the barrel, arranged to enter the pipeline

Invalid drilled hole

Gidroplombu put on a hole drilled in the wrong height, and cracks in the concrete rings

Loss of seam tightness between the rings

Loss of seam tightness between the rings

Leak in the assembly

Leak in the assembly

Gidroplomba around input pipe

Gidroplomba around input pipe

Invalid drilled hole

Invalid drilled hole

Waterproofing seal for wells must meet the following requirements:

  • securely to seal joints, cracks, creating a monolithic connection;
  • have a resistance to stress cracking, to low and high temperatures;
  • do not change the quality of water;
  • quickly grasp;
  • not subjected to deformation, corrosion;
  • be easy to use.

Almost all offered on today's construction market gidroplomby meet the above requirements.

Homemade fillings, subject to certain rules, which describe below, will be effective and will eliminate the leak or conduct maintenance work in the pit. As a result of activities restore water quality it will be possible to spend much less.

Gidroplomba reliably eliminating the gap and sealing the seams

Deciding to use a ready gidroplombu industrial production, be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions and pay attention to the expiration date.

Ready waterproofing seals

Gidroplomby ready for concrete manholes are very convenient: for the use of such seals sufficiently diluted with water solution according to the manufacturer's instructions. Consider the most popular waterproofing filling mixture.

Ready-to-use gidroplomby

Use ready-made seals can quickly eliminate accidental leaks. They include active components responsible for setting speed (+)

Option # 1: Waterplug. The composition of the mixture includes small fraction quartz sand, aluminum cement, active chemical additives, which give the composition flexibility and allowing to solidify quickly. With this type of seal can be quickly eliminated to flow for 2 minutes.

Waterplug can be applied at a temperature from +5 to +35 degrees. It is used in waterproofing swimming poolsin, underwater bridges and similar structures. Among the shortcomings of this gidroplomby can highlight the need for dilution with warm water + 20-25 degrees, in some cases, is not very convenient.

Option # 2: Peneplug. Available as a dry powder which has to be diluted in water. This mixture is used for waterproofing of concrete wells and wells paved with brick, natural or artificial stone. The basis gidroplomby - high-quality cement, quartz sand, and polymeric additives.

This mixture is able to stop the flow with the pressure of 5 atmospheres. The hardening time of 40 seconds.

Option # 3:puder ex

Rapid waterproofing seal, which setting occurs within 10 seconds after application. Such a seal has excellent characteristics: resistance to frost, resistance to aggressive media, ease of application.

The disadvantages of this mixture are the high costs and the impossibility of operation at a temperature below 5 degrees.

Gidroplomba puder-ex

The composition of the marketed for rapid elimination of leaks in the basement, well, roof, wall, made on cement basis. It supplied as a powder, in a simple mixing and application

After the application of any chemical means to carry out repair operations, well water to be handed over SES analysis or accredited laboratory to carry out the specified type of research. The study of the composition of water will help to find out whether there were not in the mine sources of pollution are not affected if the repair material to the qualitative characteristics.

The technology of using finished formulations

Ready waterproofing seal is most often used to seal leaks formed when water, which flows or seeps capable of causing serious damage.

Using ready gidroplomby, technology works to be observed strictly:

  1. surface preparation. At this stage, with the help of punch or a hammer is necessary to clean the surface of the well by exfoliating concrete. First, however, the surface must be cleaned of dust, dirt, mildew.
  2. Enhanced repair area. Necessary to expand up to 20-30 mm and the recess holes 30-50 mm. This is done in order to "refresh" the hole edge. At the same time we must try to be sealed to give the fracture a funnel shape. When sealing of the seam is required to make its cleaning and deepening of 5-10 mm. To expand the best to use a wide spatula, treating the damaged area from top to bottom. Small cracks and holes can be expanded in any direction, as convenient repairman.
  3. Preparation of the solution. The solution is prepared no later than 2 minutes prior to use. Recommendations for the preparation, the ratio of the proportions, the optimal temperature of the water - still required to examine the preparation of the waterproofing mixture. To reconstitute the powder uses pure metal (not aluminum!) Capacity.
  4. Filling the cracks. Fill in no more than 50-70%. This is to ensure that the expanding during solidification waterproofing solution does not damage the well wall.
  5. Stabilization of the seal. The finished seal presses hands for 3-5 seconds to a few minutes (indicated in the instructions for use).
  6. Care. Depending on the mixture used, it may be necessary periodically to wet gidroplombu for 12-24 hours. If a statement is not provided, you do not need.
  7. Processing seal waterproofing compound. At this stage permeable waterproofing material is used, which protects the concrete wall of the well and mounted gidroplombu from further destruction. Waterproofing of the finished mixture can be selected: "osmosis", "Hydrotex". Apply waterproofing is possible only after complete solidification of the seals, unless otherwise provided by the manufacturer.

Dilution solution obey the proportions specified by the manufacturer. Not worth saving, and try to dilute the mixture thinner or by seeking to improve its effectiveness, make it too thick. In both cases, the waterproofing properties of the seals were broken.

Installing gidroplomby industrial production

Gidroplomby Installation should be carried out quickly, it is advisable to do this with an assistant who divorces mixture while you prepare the hole for sealing of

Often simultaneously with the closing of cracks revealed more serious damage requiring major well repair. Be sure to check the information about their methods of elimination.

Production of seals with their hands

Gidroplomby made independently, are some of the features. As they are somewhat inferior ready fillings, produced by industry.

These disadvantages include:

  • there is no guarantee of inertia, ie, "Homemade" may come into contact with the environment, any change in its properties;
  • homemade seal hardens more slowly than the sample industrial production;
  • it is possible collapse of the seal and its components falling into the water.

Based on this last point, we do not recommend to create a "home" gidroplomb use toxic compounds!

The advantages of home-made fillings include low cost and availability, which is especially important in cases of emergency, when the hand is not an industrial seals.

# 1: Homemade pressureless seal

To prepare the waterproof seals are necessary material: fine-grained, preferably sieved sand, cement brand not lower than the M300. Proportions - 2 parts sand and 1 part cement. Immediately prior to use of the water is added.

Water must be added gradually, stirring constantly. Consistency must be thick, so that the mixture can be easily formed into a ball, which would not flowed.

Seal large cracks in the paid hands, in small - rubbed spatula. After the repair of the well site is necessary to close the iron plate. After 2-3 days iron is removed, and the filling is processed with cement mortar and covered with waterproofing.

This method can only be used to remove non-pressure and slabonapornyh leaks. Under high pressure (above 3 atmospheres) of such home-made composition is rapidly eluted.

Gidroplomba own hands

For sealing deep cracks recommended sealing two layers, wherein the first seal (lower layer) to be more dense, nearly dry than the second

# 2: Closing for joints and small cracks

For all its faults homemade gidroplomby excellent for sealing joints in concrete pits. They cope with this task "to excellent", while allowing to save a considerable amount on the products of industrial production.

Being environmentally friendly and safe, improvised gidroplomby of sand and high-quality cement reliably protect the well water from entering groundwater contaminants of soil.

To improve the efficiency of the well sealing joints in sand and cement solution may be to add a part of "liquid glass". This mixture will make a seal of quality and durable. Ratio of 1: 1: 1 (sand: cement: water glass). Add "waterglass" necessary for 1 minute before the sealing, since hardening of the composition is very fast!

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Step 1: Prepare the imposition gidroplomby

Before applying gidroplomby necessary to prepare the surface: clean it and embroider problem areas

Step 2: Preparation gidroplomby by the manufacturer's instructions

Cook the mixture should be in those proportions which are indicated by the manufacturer in the instruction for products

Step 3: Consistency repair concrete solution

Stir the solution should be such that in its mass remained undissolved lumps. Consistency gidroplomby indicated in the instructions

Step 4: Application of repair mortar at the site of injury

Repair mortar is uniformly applied to the problem area of ​​the well wall, then gently leveled

Step 1: Prepare the imposition gidroplomby

Step 1: Prepare the imposition gidroplomby

Step 2: Preparation gidroplomby by the manufacturer's instructions

Step 2: Preparation gidroplomby by the manufacturer's instructions

Step 3: Consistency repair concrete solution

Step 3: Consistency repair concrete solution

Step 4: Application of repair mortar at the site of injury

Step 4: Application of repair mortar at the site of injury

Production technology works on the sealing of concrete joints well as follows:

  1. Surface preparation, which consists in removing exfoliating concrete, remnants of the old seal.
  2. If necessary, the walls of the well treatment composition to remove the antibacterial / mildew prevention.
  3. Cleaning joints from dust, dirt, old waterproofing. The expansion joint of 5-10 mm by shtrobirovaniya. Used tools - hammer, hammer, wall chaser.
  4. Preparation of the waterproofing mixture.
  5. Pre-wetting of joints. The joints must not be wet, but it was wetted. Optimally, use a cloth to absorb water for this procedure.
  6. Application of a waterproofing mixture with a spatula. Filling cracks and plaster joints.
  7. Applying penetrating waterproofing solution.

How often does the work on sealing the joints? Waterproofing concrete joints performed well on average, 1 in every 5 years, provided that the well is being operated correctly. Emergency waterproofing is carried out in the event of leakage, deterioration of the quality of well water, after abrupt draining.

Carry out waterproofing work best in spring, after the final snow melt, when the established daily average temperature below 5 degrees.

Sealing concrete joints well

Implement necessary sealing, moving upwards simultaneously inspecting the wall of the well by eliminating chipping and closing up the existing cracks and crevices

Safety for use in the well

Work to eliminate leakage or seal the well refers to the actions of high-risk, so you need to strictly comply with safety regulations.

In the preparatory stage to be carefully handle the hammer or hammer drill, which are used to clean the surface of the concrete and exfoliated chips.

Mixing gidroplomby you must protect your hands thick rubber gloves. Used for applying gidroplomby tool should immediately after use to clean the remnants of the waterproofing mixture.

When using ready gidroplomb make sure that the composition did not get to exposed skin. Dilution powder avoid inhaling the vapors generated, because they can harm the mucous membrane.

Selection of the optimal gidroplomby

Waterproofing seals for industrial or domestic production - an easy way to remove the pressure or pressureless flow into the well. Application Technology gidroplomb very simple to make waterproofing the concrete pit the power of even a non-specialist.

When choosing a method to eliminate the leak pay attention to its characteristics: Pressure leaks, we recommend using the ready-made fix gidroplomb rapid solidification.

Not to make the elimination of pressure leaks and waterproofing of joints in the well may be using gidroplomb made with their own hands. The use of improvised gidroplomb possible only in a dry well, since available water wash solution prior to solidification.

The list of measures for maintenance of wells is not only to repair. Significantly more likely to have to spend cleaning of the well shaft, Methods and features of performance that are detailed in our proposed article.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Clip introduces the procedure and process steps grout in the concrete pit:

Detailed video instruction on elimination of the pressure leak using gidroplomby Peneplug:

Proper production of handwritten seals and industrial use compositions ensures an excellent result, eliminate the leakage and cracks in a reinforced concrete manhole trunk.

We are interested in your personal experience to address the well leak in the concrete shaft. Please write comments in the block, which is under represented to familiarize article. Here, ask questions, share useful information and photos of the process sealing cracks and weak spots in the trunk well.

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