The reproduction of roses cuttings in the garden

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Reproduction of roses with cuttings is considered the easiest and most affordable way to breed flowers. It is this technology that makes it possible to achieve the production of own-rooted roses, which are a real rarity today. The use of the vegetative breeding method is very popular among gardeners, as it is very simple to propagate roses by cuttings, and this process also has a high percentage of successful rooting.

The main advantage of own-rooted roses is their durability, high adaptability to the growing conditions and soil characteristics. It is these roses do not grow into wild shoots. Therefore, in regions characterized by difficult weather conditions, it is better to give preference to root-bearing roses.

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When to make cuttings of roses?

Before you grow a rose from a cutting, you need to decide when it is better to do it. The optimal time for the formation of a sapling is the period from the moment of formation of a full-fledged bud until the petals are completely dropped from the inflorescence. If this is done earlier, then most likely the cutting wood will not be matured. With later terms on the branch begins the awakening of the kidneys, and all plastic substances will not go to the formation of the roots, but to their development.

As for the choice of the season, you can grow roses from cuttings at any time. Some flower growers are advised to give preference to cutting in the fall, since it will be much easier to root the rose stalk after autumn pruning. This factor is explained by the fact that the bush is preparing for winter rest and maximally accumulates nutrients. In addition, when trimming a bush for the winter, it is possible to choose suitable planting material.

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Preparation for growing roses from cuttings

When choosing planting material, it is necessary to pay attention to the internal state of the stem, since it will be very difficult to propagate roses with stiff cuttings.

The most successful are the seedlings obtained from shoots not too thick and not very thin.

Cutting of roses is carried out in the following order:

  1. After selecting the appropriate stem, we prune, stepping back 1.5 mm from the bud. The bottom cut should be slightly angled.
  2. The upper cut is made in a straight line, departing from the bud by 1 cm.
  3. Remove all thorns and leaves in the lower cut area that are removed. The leaves at the top of the shorten by one third.
  4. Process the upper cut with potassium permanganate or dip in wax.
  5. Before rooting the stem of a rose, it must lie for about 24 hours in water or a special solution with the addition of a preparation to accelerate the formation of roots.

At this the preparatory stage for the propagation of roses by cuttings is completed and proceed directly to their planting.

How to plant a rose cutting?

To plant a rose by cutting into the ground you will need to pick up an open area with a light shade that will protect the planted plant during the hottest hours from burns.

If there are many cuttings, then special rows are formed on the bed.

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As a soil for planting you can use a nutrient substrate consisting of the following components:

  • turf soil( 4 parts);
  • leafy ground( 1 part);
  • sand( 1 piece);
  • humus( can sour peat 2 parts);
  • wood ash( 0.5 cups).

Pour the mixture into the prepared depressions( up to 15 cm) and plant a rose there. From above the bed is sprinkled with clean sifted river sand( layer up to 2-3 cm) or mixed with peat 1: 1.The cuttings are planted to a depth of 2 cm at an inclination of 45º.The distance between them should be 3-6 cm, and the width of the aisle about 8-10 cm.

Next, pour the cuttings with a strong solution of potassium permanganate and cover each with a plastic bottle. If possible, you can install metal wire frames and wrap it with plastic wrap. Such a mini-greenhouse will allow growing roses from cuttings to be more efficient, since it will be sufficiently tight and will not allow water to evaporate too quickly.

Caring for a rose cutting

When cutting roses, air humidity and temperature play a huge role. Therefore, within 2-3 weeks after planting the cuttings, it will be necessary to observe an air temperature of about 20-25º C, which will make it possible to quickly form the primary roots “callus”.The average air humidity should be within 85%.This value is easily maintained by frequent spraying. It is very important that the leaves of the cuttings are always wet. Watering at this stage of development should be moderate, since the planted plant in too wet soil begins to rot.

Primary roots on the handle begin to form at 13-15 days, and full roots appear after a few more weeks. At this time, young seedlings begin to air more often, less often to spray and water.

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Further care for the young rose

conditions and fertilizers.

Tips to get a flowering rose bush in a few years:

  • It is not recommended to plant a young rose in heavy, clayey soils, as well as in places where the groundwater is located very close to the ground( less than 1 m).
  • Since the root system of a young bush is on top, they require frequent watering.
  • It is best to plant seedlings on loose beds, raised above the ground level. Such an arrangement will avoid stagnant water and it is better to warm the soil.
  • Periodically, the soil under young bushes must be mulched with sawdust or chopped straw.
  • It is very important not to forget to feed roses with fertilizers, since young plants need to gain strength in order to safely winter. To do this, suitable complex fertilizer in liquid form.

Cultivation of roses is not only a moral satisfaction at the sight of a beautiful abundantly flowering bush grown by hand, but also the ability to preserve valuable varieties in your garden. And having a lot of experience can allow an exciting hobby to turn into an additional source of income.

Video how to propagate roses by cuttings( wicking)

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