Infrared heater or convector?

Both devices are so different that it makes no sense to compare subjects. Selecting an infrared heater or convector means determining the purpose of the device.

Convective heaters

Convection refers to the circulation of the medium, but when it comes to heaters, air is meant. The flow goes around a powerful radiator with a large area of ​​plates and carries heat away. The principle of operation of the convector heater is based on this.

The coolant circulates in a relatively small cross-section tube, equipped with ordinary heating elements or other type of element. Source energy:

  1. Gas.
  2. Electricity.

Accordingly, convectors are divided by the indicated sign into two global types. The first are not bad, if you remember the cost, take into account the independence from the central supply networks. At the same time it is necessary to make a hole in the wall under the coaxial pipe. Through the device gas is fed into the convector, the products of combustion go outside.

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Drilling holes uncomfortable, does not cause much desire. Works of this kind are interfaced with the preparation of a project plan, the coordination of papers in the prescribed manner. We are talking about documentation produced by specialized organizations that have licenses of an established type.

Gas is a risk. According to science, the owner of the house can not perform independently. Within the city limits, contact a special service. In private homes, the method will be much cheaper than electric heating and firewood, the latter cost money. An additional advantage is that you put the gas convector anywhere, and the stove needs to be built, it’s easy to get burned about the stove. If gas is cheap in areas where you need to warm up food, the choice is obvious.

Electric convectors are good instead of radiators. There are models that are built under the floor.

Typical convector heaters for a house are equipped with a closed loop of pipes, where coolant circulates. The branched radiator effectively selects energy and gives to space. The geometric shape of the product is designed so that the air flow with maximum speed passes through the numerous slots of the metal surface. For greater efficiency, convector heaters are often supplied with fans that speed up the process. The radiator exchanges energy with the air much faster, respectively, the room is filled with heat.

Features convectors

Convective heaters raise the temperature in the room. Similar - at the same time advantage of devices and a weak spot. When you want heat in the back street, convective heaters could not be more appropriate. A warm stream will quickly spread through the room. If we are talking about a workshop with drafts, convective heating is not the best solution. The room will become cooled, and the long-awaited heat will not come. In the latter case, infrared heaters will be much better.

Not always want to see weighty radiators on the walls. Hanging on the ceiling is simply impossible, the batteries for the action are not intended. When a warm convector jet strikes from under the floor, it is not bad, but if you try to build a thing in the ceiling, the circulation of air masses is disturbed. Warm air rises, we observe the likelihood that there will be warm there. Installation under the floor does not always please convenience - you must leave large gaps under the circulating flow.

The advantages of convector heaters manifest themselves in a small room, soundly isolated from the external environment - for example, windows are insulated. Then the devices give a tangible result. Already in 4-5 minutes you will feel the effect of heat spreading through the hall. The temperature of the radiators is relatively small, the devices do not burn the air, do not cause harm to a person when touched, indicating a sensible choice for a nursery or bedroom.

This type of appliance has limitations, but it is simply incorrect to speak about the shortcomings of convector heaters.

Infrared heaters

Varieties of infrared heaters

The family is so large that it is possible to discuss the shortcomings of infrared heaters only in relation to individual families of numerous constructive devices. There are 5 types of devices:

  1. Quartz.
  2. Halogen.
  3. Carbon.
  4. Micatermic.
  5. Gas.

And sometimes it includes electric fireplaces, including with gas heating. The first three types are not very different in appearance. In everyday life, these are called infrared heaters. The instruments consist of an irradiating lamp and a reflector, not counting the controls.

Infrared heaters with an

lamp. The lamp operates as a radiation source. The air does not heat, giving heat to objects. It is easy to understand, if we recall the sunny morning: in the rays of the rising star it is impossible to freeze, but the air remains fresh. Dew disappears instantly when the energy of the star reaches the leaves and blades of grass. By noon, the air becomes hot due to convective heating from the ground.

The design form distinguishes between floor and ceiling infrared lamp-type heaters. Units are often erected on a light stand and only warm the space bounded by the radiator opening. Putting the device in front of him, it is easy to immediately feel the heat. This is a unique feature of infrared heaters - instant action. It is necessary to turn on the device - you immediately feel the heat.

Advantages of convector heaters over infrared: warm in the cold, in windy weather. With a reservation - this applies to professional models used, for example, on construction sites. The infrared heater, like the sun, bakes only the side, turned to the heat source.

Lamp models are equipped with a spiral thread located in a vacuum or inert gas environment. When current passes, the lamp radiates heat. The reflector is needed to direct the energy in the right direction. For this reason, the heat behind the device is almost not felt. Of course, not 100% of electricity is converted into radiation energy, but a significant part.

The main advantage of infrared tube heaters is to easily point to the desired point from an arbitrary position. Acceptable: hang the

  • on the ceiling;
  • put on the floor;
  • reinforced on the wall.

Convenient - the heater does not interfere under your feet. The disadvantage is that the lamp is fragile. Mechanical shaking will render the heater unusable. The device is light, it is possible to take the road.

Mica Heaters

Mika from English - Mica. The term is the etymology of the name of the heaters with powerful plates, resembling a kind of oil tanks. Insulation from the external environment will allow the mass of the metal to gain the desired temperature without causing oxidative processes. Micatermic heaters radiate in the infrared range no worse than lamp models.

The high temperature plate is protected from the surrounding area by stainless steel gratings, helping not to burn permanently when handling the device. Mica coating inertly, being heated, does not oxidize the air. The design does not resemble spiral heaters. Mica dielectric, isolates heat, transmits radiation. The work of mikatermic radiators is based on this property.

The internal plate is heated to a high temperature( 450 degrees), the device begins to radiate. Heat evenly goes in both directions, such models are rarely supplied with reflectors for an obvious reason: the plate has a too large area that can block the reflector, disrupting normal operation.

Models are designed to replace oil heaters, demonstrate acceptable results in enclosed spaces.

Gas Infrared Heaters

The principle of operation of an infrared heater on gas fuel is to heat metal surfaces to the temperature at which the radiation starts. Depending on the heating part, the devices are allocated to the classes:

  • light;
  • dark.

In the first case, the fire is visible from the outside, contributing to the resulting radiation. For example, a stainless steel mesh is placed inside a heat resistant quartz glass tube. The torch of a flame washes metal, heating up to temperature when radiation begins. In mobile models, quartz glass is missing, due attention should be paid to safety.

In dark infrared gas heaters, the fire moves inside the pipe. Models are hung on the ceiling and walls. It is important to understand that it is incorrect to talk about the shortcomings of a certain type of heaters. There is just a concept area of ​​applicability. Convector set lower for benefits. The infrared source irradiates the surface where the reflector of the device looks( the working element).

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