The benefits and harm of potatoes, its juice, starch, decoction, sprouts

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Potatoes No cultivated plant in the world caused so much controversy and controversy as potatoes, because the benefits and harms of its use were discussed literally from the first daysI tubers in Europe.

Potatoes were planted and, on the contrary, prohibited. Because of the poisonous fruits, which unknowingly poisoned the peasants and noble grandees, the culture was called the “damn apple”.The famous “potato riots” are associated with the spread of the vegetable, but a little later the poor harvest of cheap and nutritious tubers in Ireland generated the greatest exodus of the population from the inhabited places and the death of hundreds of thousands of people.

When the passions around the garden crop subsided, and the tubers became indispensable on almost all continents and continents, it was time to pay attention to the medicinal properties of potatoes, plant flowers and even its shoots.

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Useful properties and composition of potatoes

Today the biochemical composition of all parts of the plant and its products are well studied, so we can say with certainty that the benefits and harms of potatoes, potato juice and starch are determined by the content of certain substances.
Potato tubers, considered to be the “second bread” in most of the population of the Old World and America, contain proteins necessary for building human cells, unsaturated fatty acids and dietary fibers, mono- and disaccharides, organic acids, moisture and other components.

About 40% of the polysaccharides in the potato composition are starch widely used for culinary and medicinal purposes.

Also in potatoes there is fructose and glucose, pectins, minerals and many vitamins. The main value of the mineral composition of potatoes is a high concentration of potassium, in addition to which calcium and magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium and iron are found in tubers and other parts of the plant. Potato is rich in vitamins, including vitamin A and B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9, C, E, H and PP.

What are the benefits and harms of potatoes after heat treatment?

Traditionally, potatoes are served on the table in the form of cooked dishes. Tubers are fried, boiled and baked, served separately from other products and as part of soups and complex side dishes. At the same time, almost all the vitamins present in potatoes dissolve in water, and some of them do not tolerate heat. Therefore, when cooking potatoes, you should not abandon the use of overcooked potato broth.

The best from a dietary point of view is baked potatoes.

Such a dish can be useful in the presence of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Dietary fiber, abundantly contained in boiled and baked tubers, will help to normalize the motility of the intestine, actively cleanse the stomach and intestines. Cellulose adsorbs and promotes the excretion of accumulated toxins and cholesterol, neutralizes excess acid, which is extremely important for gastritis with high acidity and peptic ulcer.

Due to the presence of potassium in tubers, potatoes are often introduced into the diet of patients with essential hypertension, heart failure, and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Potassium is a support for the heart and an element that can normalize water balance in the body. Therefore, as a prophylactic agent, baked potatoes are recommended to anyone who is engaged in physical labor, is actively involved in sports or regularly carries serious loads. However, it is worth remembering that an excess amount of potatoes is not useful, but harmful and can contribute to weight gain.

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To satisfy the daily need for potassium, a person needs to eat 0.5 kg of potatoes, and the highest concentration of this element determines the soft diuretic properties of the product.

Mashed boiled potatoes in traditional medicine are used to treat:

  • skin diseases, burns and long-term unhealed, purulent wounds;
  • inflammation in the upper respiratory tract;
  • Sharp, Grueling Cough.

The benefits of potato broth

Growing potatoes on your site without using chemicals, you have an excellent opportunity to use all parts of potatoes for your recovery. Potato decoction obtained after boiling tubers contains a lot of mineral salts and vitamins that have passed from vegetables to water. The benefits of potato broth in traditional medicine are used:

  • for arthrosis and polyarthritis;
  • in diseases of the intestines and other organs involved in the digestive process;
  • in cardiovascular diseases;
  • , if necessary, to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins;
  • during rehabilitation after serious illness and exhaustion.

Fresh potato broth is useful in the formation of gallstones and obesity, difficulties with defecation and goitre's disease. Due to the abundance of potassium, the fluid can help activate urination, reduce pressure, normalize sleep, and calm down.

Potato starch: the benefits and harm of

The most valuable product obtained from potato tubers, is starch, which is used in food and medicine.

In the absence of harm, potato starch is useful for its strong enveloping and anti-inflammatory effects. This product is indispensable for inflammatory processes and excess acidity in the gastrointestinal tract.

It is on the drying effect of starch based on its use in the composition of powders and lotions on damaged skin.

The benefits and harms of potato juice and raw potatoes

Not less, and perhaps more pronounced compared to boiled and baked potatoes, raw tubers and the juice obtained from them have healing properties.

In these products in a pristine form are all the useful substances inherent in the culture, so you can expect from the correct use:

  • powerful anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antimicrobial action, accompanied by active regeneration of damaged organs and tissues;
  • antispasmodic action;
  • stimulation of the gastrointestinal system and a laxative effect;
  • manifestations of diuretic properties;
  • tonic toning action.
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Due to the presence of vitamin C, which is almost absent in boiled potatoes, raw tubers and healthy potato juice without harming the body increases natural protection, provides energy, reduces the risks of developing colds and infectious diseases, improves elasticityvessels.

The favorable effect of potato juice and thermally untreated tubers is marked on the central nervous system. Substances in the composition of the potato:

  • stimulate the activity of the endocrine glands;
  • helps to cope with manifestations of anemia;
  • have anesthetic and sedative effect;
  • inhibit the formation of cancer cells and the development of neoplasms.

Gruel from crushed raw potatoes in the form of compresses and lotions is used in dermatology in the treatment of ulcers and eczema, dermatitis, fungal infections and difficult healing skin lesions.

For inflammation of the joints and pains in them, the potato pulp mixed with olive oil will help.

But gruel from grated raw potatoes or rubbing the spots with a tuber slice will help restore the natural pigmentation of the skin. At the same time, such a procedure will relieve fatigue, tighten the facial contour and remove excess sebum.

Potato juice for digestive problems

Especially useful is potato juice for stomach ulcers and gastritis, accompanied by the formation of excess acid. Due to the anti-inflammatory effect, the juice from fresh potato tubers effectively neutralizes the lesions of the mucous membrane, softens and anesthetizes. For therapeutic purposes, first take a small dose of juice, but gradually increase its consumption, bringing the daily intake to 100 ml three times a day. The strongest effect of the juice is to be expected if it is drunk half an hour before the main meal, with courses throughout the month.

Hemorrhoid Potatoes

For hemorrhoids, traditional medicine recommends using candles cut from a fresh tuber. Candles from potatoes for hemorrhoids help, providing anti-inflammatory, drying and a slight analgesic effect.

It is necessary to use such a folk remedy twice a day, pre-lubricating the candle with vegetable oil or, in the absence of an allergy, bee honey. Regular treatment of hemorrhoids with potato candles will allow you to feel relief in a week. Pain syndrome will decrease, and inflammation may disappear altogether. Procedures are conducted courses with monthly intervals.

Potato sprouts in traditional medicine

Traditionally, in traditional medicine, potato sprouts are recommended as an effective antifungal and antiparasitic agent.

This part of the plant, which is not used for food due to the extremely high content of solanine, which is dangerous for humans, may be useful in combating allergic reactions and inflammations on the skin. Possess sprouts and a pronounced cardiac stimulating effect. Used drugs based on potato sprouts for joint pain, are effective against arthritis and gout, benign tumors and some eye diseases.

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Medicinal properties of potato flowers

Like the potato seeds, this plant has an application that has antifungal, anesthetic and stimulating heart activity. The buds and inflorescences of potatoes are used for exacerbations of allergies, including allergic rhinitis and cough. Since such medicinal properties of potato flowers are due to the presence of solanine and other active compounds, it is necessary to use preparations on such a vegetable base very carefully.

A decoction of flowers helps reduce blood pressure, and a pinch of powder from crushed corolla gently relieves heartburn symptoms.

Harm of

potatoes Despite a lot of benefits from potatoes, harm from the use of this crop and preparations based on it is also not excluded. Damage to health can be caused in the case of:

  • poisoning with solanine, formed in the peel and surface layers of tubers under the action of sunlight and having a toxic effect on the body;
  • overdose of easily digestible high-calorie potato dishes, leading to metabolic disorders, obesity and diabetes mellitus;
  • is an oversupply in the menu of fried potato dishes that absorb a lot of oil and harm digestion.

Do not forget that a measure of the benefits and harms of potatoes depends on the amount of tubers consumed with insufficient composition to provide a person with all the trace elements he needs, vitamins, acids and salt. If you prefer potato dishes in the ration, you can doom yourself to a decrease in overall endurance, a dullness of sexual desire and the suppression of nervous activity and digestive problems, especially with low acidity.

Formed in the light, toxic substances can cause poisoning not only by eating the green parts of fresh tubers or juice from them, but also from potato broth, which is useful in other circumstances.

Solanine accumulates not only in tubers, but also in sprouts, this substance is present in the inflorescences, fruits and tops of potatoes.

The result of poisoning with this compound is manifested in nausea and gagging, dizziness, diarrhea, headaches, shortness of breath and shortness of breath, as well as general weakness and poor health.

Especially solanine is dangerous for pregnant women and young children.

When green and long-lasting tubers are eaten, they are peeled off with a thick layer, breaking off all the sprouts. And when using traditional medicine from potato sprouts and inflorescences, it is important to strictly adhere to the dosages and be sure to consult with a specialist about the available contraindications.

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