Strelitzia: reproduction by seedsHowever, this flower is rarely found in the store, and independent reproduction of arrowhead will help here. You can get a young copy at home using vegetative division or sowing large "crested" seeds. All types of arrowheads are notable for the size of indoor crops, dense leaf rosettes above the soil level, powerful, juicy rhizome, hidden under the substrate and unhurried pace of development.
Transplantation and selection of soil for arrowheading
However, when taking care of a flower, in the first few years it is transplanted annually, carefully transferring an earthy ball to a new larger pot. When a plant is young, it is necessary to handle its root system with particular care, as long as there is not enough side branching on the taproot. They are formed by 4-6 years. And this means that the flower can be used to propagate arrow breeding by dividing the roots. It is more convenient to combine the procedure with the early spring transplant.
How to transplant an African "bird of paradise"?We should start with the selection of the soil for transplantation of strelitis. In order to provide a flower with a reserve of forces for growth, the substrate must be nutritious, loose, well permeable to water and air. Ready-made mixtures for decorative flower crops satisfy these requirements. If you buy such a soil is not possible, it is done independently, in equal shares mixing:
- sheet ground;
- humus;
- coarse sand;
- peat.
Before using, all components of the soil for arrowing are cleaned of large impurities, and then disinfected by heating in a microwave or in the oven.
Since the roots of the flower have a core structure, the pot for transplanting an adult plant or planting a young one needs deep enough with several drainage holes to drain excess moisture. This is also taken into account when self-propagating strelitzia in a vegetative way.
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At the bottom of the pot of claydite or other suitable material make a drainage layer, a little soil is poured over it, and an earthen ball is piled over it. The gaps between the root system of the flower and the walls of the pot are filled with fresh substrate.
Propagation of streptitis by dividing the roots of
If it is a simple transplant, then the choice of the substrate for the arrow and the suitable pot is limited. In this case, with healthy roots do not need to clean up the remnants of the old soil. When a transplant is due, or there is a suspicion of a bacterial or fungal infection of the underground part of the flower:
- roots are freed from the substrate;
- cut off damaged areas;
- neatly separates suitable for reproduction shores of rooted lateral shoots;
- cuts are treated with crushed charcoal and, if necessary, fungicide.
Experienced growers are advised to propagate Streltation by dividing the roots when flowering is complete. This can be done before the onset of the active growing season.
In order for a powerful rosette of leaves to grow from time to time, each of them must have its own growing point or an already formed shoot. A plastic pot with a diameter of 12 to 20 cm is suitable for planting young strelitzia. Soil is immediately used the same composition as for adult specimens.
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Strelitzia: reproduction by seeds
Owners of adult copies of strelitzia can get a new generation of plants using seeds. Unfortunately, purchased seed is not a guarantee of gathering. Even fresh seeds germinate very tightly, and then completely lose their germination.
At home, artificial pollination is used for propagation of seeds by Strelitzia. For convenience and accuracy, you can take a cotton swab, which pollen is carefully removed from one flower and transferred to another.
Read also: Types of Ixory and the rules of its cultivation at homeThe peculiarity of the seeds is bright "felt" tufts. Sowing is carried out in the spring, after removing the tufts of orange pile. This can be done by washing the seeds with warm water and lightly massaging the peas under the stream. It is useful to treat the seeds with a growth promoter.
Seeding is carried out in a light nutrient substrate to a depth of 1–2 cm. When the seeds are in the soil, they need heat and moisture. Before sprouting sprouts, the temperature in the greenhouse is kept at the level of 22–25 ºC, and they also monitor the uniform soil moistening. Shoots at strelitzii unreasonable. The first of them appear in a month, and the last seeds can wait in the wings to six months.
Shoots do not like the direct rays of the sun and quickly respond to both excessive watering and lack of moisture.
Young strelitzia, when self-propagated, are transferred to their own pots when they have 2-3 leaves. After three years, indoor plants are fully formed and bloom.
Sowing Strelitzia Seeds - Video