How to plant and care for cherry plum in central Russia

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On private plots, in orchards you can meet trees with fruits that look like plum - alycha. This is a real storehouse of nutrients, vitamins. It has a blood purifying and anti-inflammatory effect. Fruits are used fresh, used for preservation, freezing, pickling, cooking sauces, seasonings. Let us consider in detail how the planting and care for cherry plum is going on correctly in central Russia.


Cherry plum is a fruit tree, considered to be the forerunner of home plums. It can be single-barrel or have several trunks at once. Pretty tall tree, reaches 3-13 meters in height. It has a well-developed root system, located not deep. Therefore, it is preferable to plant and grow it where groundwater lies at the level of one and a half to two meters. Planting and caring for cherry plum in the middle lane are simple, because it is deservedly popular among amateur gardeners.

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Cherry plum begins to bear fruit early, a year after landing on the sapling the first fruits appear. And after three or four years, the tree begins to produce a bountiful harvest, up to 40 kg from one cherry plum. Fruits are juicy, sour, sweet-sour or tart honey taste of various colors. Stone, as a rule, poorly separated.

A plum plum planting occurs in the spring; if it is done in the fall, it can freeze and die.

Cherry plum, being a southern crop, is highly frost resistant, so it is grown in the middle lane as well as in the northern regions. The advantages of this crop are:

  • yield: 2-3 years after planting, 15 kg of fruits can be removed from the tree;
  • early ripening;
  • drought resistance, good tolerance to high temperatures;
  • high frost resistance, able to grow in regions where the temperature descends below 30 degrees;
  • grows on any soil composition;
  • disease and pest resistance;
  • appearance, decorative, especially during the flowering period.
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Among the shortcomings are:

  • most of the varieties of cherry plum are self-fruitless, which means there is a need to plant additional varieties as pollinators;
  • a small period of rest, by the end of the winter plum loses frost resistance;
  • early flowering, which is why there is a threat of death of the future crop due to spring frosts.

A distinctive feature of cherry plum is its ability to interbreed with different cultures, such as apricots, cherries, peaches, plums, and even cherries. This property allows breeders to display all new varieties of cherry plum.

Planting cherry plum

In order for the tree to stick and give a bountiful harvest, you need to know how to plant plum in the spring. First of all, you need to choose the right seedlings, namely those that were obtained by cutting or reproduction by stumps, they take root faster and better adapt.

If you purchased a sapling in late autumn, it should be prikopat on a hill in the garden.

The first thing to consider in order for the care and cultivation of cherry plum to be correct and not cause difficulties is the need to plant it not in a sour soil. Cherry plum does not like this soil, it starts to hurt and weaken. It is best to take root and seedlings of two years old, about a meter high with a developed root system, begin to bear fruit.

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Crop need to be planted in well-lit, sunny places, protected from strong winds. Despite the ability to grow in the soil of any composition, well-drained soil, loam is still preferred.

If you plant several cherry plum trees at once, keep a distance of 2.5 m between them, otherwise the plant will have no place to develop. After planting cherry plums in the spring, young trees are tied to pegs set side-by-side. Planting cherry plum trees is necessary precisely in early spring, before buds swell. Heavy, too wet ground should be avoided.

Planting cherry plum seedlings in spring is as follows: you need to dig a hole with a width and depth of at least half a meter, which is filled with a mixture of equal parts of sod and humus.


Cherry plum is not demanding to care. After planting, the tree should be pruned, watered at the rate of three or four buckets for each. In dry climates, watering should be done every ten days during the growing season. If cherry plum is planted in regions with severe winters and strong frosts, in the late autumn cover the tree trunk to prevent freezing of the root system.

Read also: Description and photo of cherry plum varieties Traveler

Top dressings are made mainly from nitrogen and potash fertilizers, less often - phosphate fertilizers. The feeding scheme is as follows:

  • in the spring - the first nitrogen;
  • during the formation of ovaries - the second nitrogen;
  • mid July: nitric with potash.

In addition, it is necessary: ​​

  • regularly weed the shaft;
  • watering;
  • to trim the cherry plum;
  • carry out preventive spraying of insecticides against pests and diseases.

Cherry plum - a fast-growing tree, actively gaining height, and after the start of fruiting - the size of the crown. Because pruning plum is a necessary procedure for its formation and retention of the tree in the right size. Cut it in such a way that the stem from the ground to the first branch does not have twigs and knots, the shoots are regularly removed. Young shoots at the end of the summer should be pinned.

Pruning of cherry plum is also necessary for the skeletal part to remain strong. Collecting too high a trunk, the semi-skeletal branches of a tree become bare, the yield drops.

By performing the described steps for planting and caring for cherry plum in the middle lane, even a novice amateur gardener will be able to grow a healthy tree that regularly rewards with a bountiful and tasty harvest.

Alycha under Nizhny Novgorod - video

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