Pumpkin varieties with photos and descriptions( part 2)

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continue acquaintance withpopular pumpkin varieties grown in garden beds gardeners in all regions of the country. Pumpkin pulp is used to cook various dishes, and seeds are used in dried form.

Big Moon gourd variety

For example, Big Moon gourd varieties grow to 70–90 kg in 115–130 days, but only one ovary will have to be left on a powerful bush. The average weight of fruits suitable for drying, homemade preservation and juices is 20–50 kg. On long lashes ripen or slightly flattened fruits ripen with smooth yellow skin and juicy, well-preserved pulp until spring.

Pumpkin Stountovaya

After 110–140 days after germination, you can collect the fruits of the Stountovaya variety pumpkin. On long, up to seven meters, lashes of a plant, yellow or orange spherical fruits are formed. Their surface is either smooth or with implicit ribbing. The bark is huge, weighing from 10 to 50 kg pumpkin, thin, loose flesh, yellow-orange.

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The value of large-fruited, as in the photo and in the description, pumpkin varieties in high content of vitamins and minerals, organic acids and pectin. In the pulp used in the diet, little sugar. Pumpkin can be used to get juices, making any dishes, including fresh salads.

Pumpkin Volga Gray

Among large-fruited pumpkin varieties, Volga Gray is distinguished by a light gray tinge of the peel and relatively small fruits weighing only 9 kg.

Harvest with powerful lashes is removed 110–125 days after sowing. Only 2 bushes of such a pumpkin will not require much space on the beds, but the harvest will please. Pumpkins have a flat form with subtle segments. The bark is elastic, not thick, the flesh is extremely rich in carotene, sugars and other beneficial substances. The consistency is medium dense, the flesh is very tasty and has a yellowish-cream or orange color. The variety is suitable for all types of heat treatment, drying and drying, as well as fresh consumption in juices, mashed potatoes and salads.

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Pumpkin variety Kupchikha

Another large-fruited pumpkin variety of domestic breeding can bear fruit weighing 8 to 24 kg. At the same time, flat, almost smooth pumpkins without quality loss are stored until the middle of spring of the next year. The bark is light cream or light orange. The pulp is dense, with good taste and aroma.

Hokkaido Pumpkin

Among the popular delicacy varieties today, Hokkaido pumpkin stands out for its early ripening and excellent taste properties. Pulp convenient for culinary use pumpkin has a sweet taste, something like chestnuts or sweet potatoes. The average weight of a pear-shaped, rounded or flattened pumpkin is 0.7–2.5 kg. To get a good harvest, it is necessary to ensure regular watering.

Hokkaido pumpkin's orange pulp, useful for human health, contains many vitamins, minerals and acids. The bark can be all shades from yellow-orange to red. But besides the most popular red varieties, there are fruits with green, greyish and almost white skinned.

Both red and green squash, as pictured, are suitable for making creamy, creamy mashed potatoes, casseroles, juice and other healthy dishes. From the pulp can make jams, jam and candied fruits.

Like the Japanese Hokkaido pumpkin, many varieties of nutmeg pumpkin in foreign sources are called “squash”, unwittingly comparing these species with summer squash and squash, summer members of the family.

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It is pumpkin squash with oily, tender pulp and a pleasant muscatel smell which is considered the most valuable and healthy in the world. All nutmeg varieties are rich in carotene and sugars, the fruits are well stored, but require a lot of heat when grown.

Pumpkin Nutmeg Pearl

Butternut squash of this variety ripens in 120-130 days. The average weight of cylindrical or oval fruits formed on powerful plants reaches 3-6 kg. Pumpkin is covered with thin orange bark, under which lies a thick, sweet, dark orange flesh containing a lot of sugar and carotene useful for humans.

The grade shows high stable productivity, good tastes. But the pumpkin, as in the photo, can withstand drought, but is demanding for heat, can be used in dietary and baby food, get useful healthy juice from fruits and prepare low-calorie delicacies.

Pumpkin Matilda

Nutmeg, as in the photo, oblong-shaped pumpkins with a thick layer of sweet tender pulp are called butternat pumpkins. Indeed, pumpkin has a pleasant oil-nut flavor, which is especially pronounced in boiled, baked or fried form.

Slightly ribbed, elongated fruits can weigh from 3 to 5 kg, with most of the pulp inside, and the seeds are given only a little space in the thickened part of the Matilda gourd. The flesh is orange, with a sweet honey taste and aroma.

Pumpkin Pineapple F1

Externally, the fruits of this mid-season hybrid look like Matilda's pumpkins, with the exception of a completely smooth cream-colored bark. On the whips at the same time can see up to 6 pumpkins with excellent commodity and taste. Pear-shaped, weighing from 1.5 to 3 kg nutmeg pumpkins, as in the photo, have a thin, but dense skin and sweet yellow-orange, with nutmeg aroma increasing as they mature.

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Fruits can contain up to 10% sugar, a lot of carotene and other useful elements. It makes dishes and juices from fruits dietary and even healing. The culture perfectly adapts to the growing conditions, is not damaged by diseases and easily tolerates storage.

Nutmeg Pumpkin Vitamin

The bushes of this nutmeg pumpkin form long, up to 6 meters, lashes, on which 2–3 fruits are fastened. After 125–130 days, fruits weighing 5–7 kg can be gathered flat with inconspicuous ribs.

Under the breeze of orange or yellowish bark there is a dense, crisp flesh of rich orange hue. By the time of ripening, a lot of sugar and carotene accumulate in the fruit, which allows the use of pumpkin for baby and medical nutrition.

Pumpkin Gorlyanka

It is this type of pumpkin that a person is obliged to receive the very first dish. The Gorlyanka pumpkin or Lagenaria ordinary was well known to the most ancient civilizations, including the population of Ancient Egypt, China and India.

Fine bowls and bottles, called calabashes, were made from slightly edible with a thin layer of fruit pulp. But besides utilitarian use, Gorilyanka became one of the first decorative pumpkins, as in the photo, where not only this variety is represented, but also other amazing fruits with growths, variegated stripes and spots, in the form of pears and Turkish hats.

Yes, the Gorlyanka pumpkin itself can be almost spherical or elongated, like a giant cucumber, look like a pear or like a fancifully curved mace.

The elongated fruits are green, as in the photo, pumpkins are suitable for food. They are low in calories, rich in moisture and fiber. As the bark ripens, it coarsens, and the flesh becomes thinner until it disappears completely. But in the use of the gardener is a strong vessel from a completely natural material.

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