Proper hydroponics for cucumbers and tomatoes with their own hands

Translated from Greek, this word means “working solution”.Under this concept means the cultivation of crops without the use of soil composition, using only the feed solutions containing the necessary components for plant life. Culture roots are formed and held in substrates. And cucumbers, and tomatoes can be grown in hydroponics, created by yourself.

Table of contents

  • What is hydroponics for cucumbers and tomatoes
  • Advantages and disadvantages of growing vegetables in hydroponics
  • Types of systems
  • How to make your own hands at home
  • How to transfer seedlings to a hydroponic system from the ground?
  • Harvesting and storage rules

What is hydroponics for cucumbers and tomatoes

This is a kind of system that helps grow and cultivate various plants year-round .The supplier of nutrients is a special solution, selected individually, taking into account the fact that it is necessary to grow.

Liquid used to transfer nutrients to plants, does not contain non-natural

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substances. It completely lacks stimulating compositions that can cause harm to the human body. If we consider the liquid in terms of chemistry, it consists of organic additives that help in the growth, development and ripening of fruits.

Experienced experts assure that such a system at home is available to every gardener.

Difficult in it, there is nothing, especially if you do not use pumping units. With the help of hydroponics, it is possible to grow onion feathers, greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. It will only be necessary to arrange pots or purchase special plants for growing. Pumps are installed in the event that large yields are expected.

If a hydroponic system is used for industrial cultivation, you will need to use

pumps. Advantages and disadvantages of

hydroponic vegetable cultivation If you talk about the merits of this system, then should determine the growth rate of crops first. They are well developed and do not get sick, because they get all the substances necessary for growth, give good yields. There is no need to daily watering, make fertilizer formulations. If necessary, the plants are easily transplanted to another location.

The fruits do not accumulate elements that are unnecessary and dangerous to humans, since everything necessary for growth is supplied in a dosage form. Even the issue of protection from harmful parasites and diseases also disappears, as well as weeding from weeds. The use of hydroponics for growing cucumbers and tomatoes does not imply a lot of free space.

It is gratifying that this method has almost no flaws. You will have to spend some money on the necessary equipment and become familiar with the peculiarities of the technological process.

This method does not imply the use of soil composition, which is especially important for areas where there is a shortage of fertile land.

In addition, to obtain good indicators, it will be necessary to study the composition of the nutrient medium for cucumbers and tomatoes, monitor the temperature regime, check the roots of plants and monitor the level of the liquid.

When grown on a hydroponic system, vegetables do not receive harmful substances from the soil.

Types of systems

Today there are a large number of systems that can be reduced to six main types:

    • wick irrigation .The simplest option, working on the principle of capillary force, in the complete absence of mechanical effects. The solution goes to the roots by special wicks. The system is intended for cultivation of not very large plants, not particularly in need of moisture;
    • water system .One of the easiest options. The plant is held on a platform floating in solution. The roots are immersed in liquid. To supply oxygen to them, aeration is performed with a pump, otherwise the nutrient solution will have to be periodically updated;
    • nutrient layer .In the box, which recorded the culture, the pump is pumped solution from the tank. It flows through the root system and goes back into the reservoir. The stream is constant, turns on automatically. Roots receive oxygen due to humid air located above the surface of the nutrient fluid;
    • periodic flooding system .To the root systems in the substrate, periodically enters the feed solution, which then goes back into the tank. The fluid is driven by a timer-operated pump. Root flooding is performed several times a day, their number is determined by the crops grown and the characteristics of the substrate;
    • drip irrigation .From the timer, the pump is turned on, feeding the supply fluid through the tubes to the base of the plant.

This system is divided into two subspecies:

    • in the first case, the excess solution goes into the tank, can be used a second time;
    • for the second option, the timer should be configured as precisely as possible so that the excess solution does not cause the roots to rot;
  • aeroponic system .It is considered the most technologically advanced. Plants are fixed on the lid of the tank in which the sprayers are inserted, starting to work on the action of the pump and timer. After a certain time, the roots are irrigated with nutrient composition enriched with oxygen.

aeroponic system How to make your own hands at home

Consider the simplest option. To make a house with your own hands you will need:

  • foam sheet;
  • capacious capacity of plastic material;
  • cups for hydroponics;
  • aquarium compressor.

The container should be dark so that the sunlight does not fall on the roots. Otherwise, it can be wrapped in foil. In the foam are arranged holes, which must match the size of the cups.

At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a sufficient interval so that cucumbers or tomatoes can develop normally.

The compressor is lowered into the tank, the nutrient fluid is poured in, the foam is laid. It remains only to the extent of evaporation to pour the mixture. The equipment is ready, it remains only to purchase the nutritional composition in a special store.

How to transfer seedlings to a hydroponic system from the ground?

Plants are carefully removed from the cups, immersed in heated water for an hour to get rid of the remnants of the soil. After that, the seedlings must be kept in a solution of manganese for several minutes in order to sanitize .

The lower container is filled with clean, warm water, the plants are planted in the substrate. Tomato and cucumber seedlings should be kept in water for a week, after which you can pour in the feeding compound.

In the first month of growth, it is recommended to use a weakly concentrated solution in order not to burn the root system. Then you can organize food according to the instructions.

Harvesting and storage rules

Tomatoes must be harvested as they mature

Tomatoes need to be cleaned as they mature as soon as they turn pink. So they will be easier to save and transport. Keep the crop in a warm place, laying up the stalk in boxes and pouring sawdust or shavings.

Cucumbers are also removed in a timely manner so that crop growth does not slow down. Otherwise, the plant will direct all efforts to the ripening of the seeds.

Hydroponics can be arranged for cucumbers and tomatoes not only in the house, but also in the greenhouse and even outdoors. It is important that the yield will be affected by light, maintaining the desired temperature, humidity.

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