How to remove limescale in the kettle: 3 Traditional methods and effective household chemicals


  • 1 General recommendations
  • 2 Traditional effective methods
    • 2.1 Method 1: cleaning soda
    • 2.2 Method 2: application acids
    • 2.3 Method 3: combination (for a thick layer of sludge)
  • 3 Diverse household chemicals from scale
  • 4 Output
Regularly clean kettle special chemical means or by using the popular method.Regularly clean kettle special chemical means or by using the popular method.

Scale (salt deposit) disrupts the functioning of the appliance, and the white and red flakes fall into the cup with boiling water. At first, this layer - a white coating, and then he turns into stone, which is difficult to remove. I will describe effective ways to clean the kettle scale at home.

General recommendations

The precipitate on the heating element and the inner surface is formed due to tap water containing calcium and magnesium impurities.The precipitate on the heating element and the inner surface is formed due to tap water containing calcium and magnesium impurities.

General recommendations for cleaning:

  • Warn your home that you can not use the device temporarily.
  • Pour the water to the vessel center.
  • Add the active substance.
  • Turn on the device.
  • Wait at least half an hour.
  • Wash the inner surface.

To remove an old petrified plaque use several methods or try again.

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Traditional effective methods

Soda and acid - a key component of many household cleaning products (descaling)Soda and acid - a key component of many household cleaning products (descaling)

Clean the appliance in the home, the easiest way with the help of improvised means:

  • soda - softens the salt coating.
  • acid - dissolved even petrified scum.
  • Brush and sponge - will not damage the surface of the wall of the kettle as their metal counterparts.

Thus, the main fighters against sediment - soda and citric acid.

Method 1: cleaning soda

Calcined material actively running as it has a more alkaline.Calcined material actively running as it has a more alkaline.

Food or soda ash will return to the purity of any electrical appliances (plastic, metal, ceramic). There are 3 ways how to clean the kettle from scale soda:

Picture Description
yoapyopao1 Method 1 - soda ash

Recipe from multilayer scale:

  • Fill the dish with water.
  • Stir based powder 1 tablespoon per 1 liter.
  • Boil and leave to cool.
  • Wash Maker, removing sludge residues.
yoapyopao2 Method 2 - from vinegar and baking soda

The recipe of a small layer of salts:

    • Free kettle of water.
    • Prepare the container of vinegar and baking soda. Here soda from scale in the kettle is working in conjunction with vinegar.
    • Wear rubber gloves.
  • Soak the sponge in vinegar, and then dip it into a powder.
  • Rub their hands into the inner surface of the device.
  • Rinse the appliance.

Vinegar and soda when combined produce salt deposits destructive reaction.

yoapyopao3 Method 3 - a powerful complex of soda and citric acid


  • Dissolve in 1 liter of water Art. spoonful of soda and 1 hour. spoon citric acid.
  • Pour the resulting solution into the device.
  • Then - boil and leave to cool.
  • Loose residues remove Yorshik.
  • Thoroughly clean the appliance.

This method - not plastic. Long term contact with acid and alkali destroy it. Aluminum maker may also be affected.

Method 2: application acids

Acids loosen any scale.Acids loosen any scale.

Any chronic deposits easily remove acid:

Acid application
yrapyrvapryvao1 Vinegar

For cleaning metal, ceramic and glass kettles:

  1. Prepare a solution of: ½ cup vinegar to 1 quart of water.
  2. Bring the solution to a boil.
  3. Leave for an hour to loosen the cake.
  4. Wipe the appliance with a spongeRemoving the remains of the salt layer.
  5. wash.

The disadvantage of the method - the unpleasant odor of vinegar in the kitchen. Ventilate.

yrapyrvapryvao2 Applicable 2 kinds of citric acid: and lemon powder.

Instructions for cleaning:

  1. Dissolve teaspoon of powder in 500 ml of water or cut fruit acid 4 parts.
  2. Turn kettle.
  3. The next half hour - cooling time and softening of plaque.
  4. Remove the remains of sponge.
  5. rinse.

Method bonus - a refreshing lemon flavor.

yrapyrvapryvao3 Purification of the kettle from oxalic acid limescale:
  1. Pour the powder into the deviceAbout half a cup.
  2. After 10 minutes, fill it with water.
  3. Boil.
  4. wash with plenty of water.

With little plaque can be used fresh sorrel: Boil a few leaves.

yrapyrvapryvao4 Lemonade contains orthophosphoric acid and citricLiquidating sediment:
  1. shake carbonated drink.
  2. Pour into a teapot.
  3. Turn on instrument.
  4. leave to cool.
yrapyrvapryvao5 Organic acids rind the apple relieve kettle from scale:
  1. Peel the apple peeled.
  2. fold purification the instrument.
  3. pour water and boil.
  4. Leave overnight.

Such a safe natural remedy use once a week for prevention.

Method 3: combination (for a thick layer of sludge)

Integrated treatment home remedies (see photo) is most effective.Integrated treatment home remedies (see photo) is most effective.

After such a powerful attack all the scum get away. This purification in two steps:

  • Step 1: Remove soda and acid. Sprinkle a bit of baking soda in a saucer, add any acid from the table. Treat the entire surface with a touch of the resulting slurry. After 10 minutes, rinse.
  • Step 2: Remove the scum and odors. Cut the lemon slices and place in a kettle. Boil water with lemon and leave for half an hour. Wash the unit from loose debris.

Diverse household chemicals from scale

Household chemicals to help cope with saline bloom quickly and efficiently.Household chemicals to help cope with saline bloom quickly and efficiently.

In addition to the popular methods to clean the kettle can be with chemicals specifically designed for this purpose tools.

Their main components are:

  • Organic and mineral acid (Citric, sulfamic acid, adipic acid).
  • sodium tripolyphosphate - main product from the processing of phosphoric acid in luxury vehicles.
  • Soda.
Special cleaners are economical, because it concentrated (price - 300 rbl.).Special cleaners are economical, because it concentrated (price - 300 rbl.).

These tools also solve the problem of how to clean an enamel kettle from scale. It is produced in the form of liquid, powder or tablets. Use strictly according to instructions, so as not to spoil the technique.

The general scheme of how to get rid of the scum special cleaners:

  • Prepare a solution.
  • Boil the kettle.
  • Then pour.
  • Remove scum. Softened, it comes off easily.
  • 2-3 boil pure water to wash the remaining chemicals.


We have found that the choice of ways to remove scale in the kettle, large enough. Home remedies are not as effective as the industry, check! Check out the video in this article, and questions can ask in the comments.

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