Full description and characteristics of a variety of tomato Boni MM

No one would dispute the opinion that getting a good crop of tomatoes on their lot depends to a certain extent on the correct choice of seeds. One such example is the tomato variety Boni MM, the description and characteristics of which you will learn from the article.

Table of contents

  • Description and characteristics of tomato Boney MM
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
  • Planting rules
  • Grade care after planting
  • Diseases and Prevention
  • Methods for obtaining seeds

Description and characterization of the tomato Bodi seed
  • Diseases and Prevention
  • From the day of planting to the first fruits, the plant needs only two and a half months. All formed fruits ripen within two weeks. In cooler climates, this period lasts a little longer. But the plant cold is not terrible, it can be grown not only in the greenhouse, but also in unprotected soil. Many gardeners claim that they have achieved success by growing a tomato plant on a glassed-in balcony.
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    When growing a variety in the northern areas, the seedling method should be used to obtain the crop.

    Tomato bushes in height do not exceed fifty centimeters, do not need tying and pasynkovanii.

    Inflorescences are simple, medium-sized foliage, stem of medium thickness. Fruits differ in rounded forms, weigh from forty to one hundred grams, one bush brings up to two kilograms of a crop. Sweet and sour tomatoes are used for canning, consumed fresh. The variety is recommended for cultivation for commercial purposes, as the tomatoes are well preserved during long-term transportation.

    Characteristics of the variety Boney MM

    The advantages and disadvantages of the variety

    The main advantages of a tomato plant include a number of characteristics:

    • bush compactness;
    • early maturation;
    • fast return of ripe fruits;
    • tomato versatility;
    • no need to tie up and stepon tomato plants;
    • preservation of the presentation during transportation;
    • the presence of late blight immunity;
    • brush formation even in bad weather;
    • excellent seed germination.

    At the same time, there are also some negative aspects:

    • culture is “naughty” when grown in greenhouse conditions, requires increased attention;
    • tomato can grow only on properly prepared soil composition.
    Boney MM is great for

    salads. Seeding rules

    In order for the ripening of tomatoes to begin at the beginning of the summer season, seeds should be sown with the onset of March. For the northern regions of Russia, this can be done in the middle of the first month of spring, then transplanted seedlings under the film. In the southern areas, the plant can be cultivated by the seedless method - seeds are sown immediately in the beds.

    Seeds are planted in prepared soil, sealed to a depth of one to one and a half centimeters, the containers are covered with plastic and put in a warm place. At emergence of shoots boxes are rearranged on a window sill, the film is removed.

    Culture requires a pick. With this procedure, it is possible to stimulate the formation of additional roots, thereby increasing the nutrition of the entire plant. Perform a picking after the seedlings form one real leaflet. At this point, it is recommended to pinch the main spine so that the seedling starts to form side branches. To improve the survival rate of seedlings, it can be treated with a stimulant.

    Spread sprouts, pay attention to light, temperature, humidity. All these factors can have a negative impact on the further growth of culture.
    Picking a tomato

    Care of the variety after planting

    Stronger and foliage-shaped seedlings can be moved to a permanent place. The beds should be watered at intervals of a couple of days; once a week, fertilizer formulations should be applied. The soil composition should be moderate acidity, fertile, constantly loosened.

    Seedlings are moved, as a rule, in a couple of months from the emergence of shoots. But you can do it before. The main condition is that sprouts must be at least thirty days old. The landing is conducted according to the “thirty by forty” centimeters.

    If the weather is warm even at night, the seedlings can be moved immediately to open ground. It is recommended to cut the leaves on the bottom of the stem so that they do not touch the ground. This can cause the attack of harmful parasites or a number of diseases.

    The soil surface needs to be constantly loosened by podozhuchiv tomato bushes and removing weeds. When growing Boney MM in the greenhouse, it is necessary to maintain the optimum temperature inside, to organize ventilation.

    The humidity level should always be normal, as excessive evaporation can damage the plants.
    Hilling of tomatoes

    Diseases and prevention

    Tomato plants can become stained, start to wither and dry. Most of the reasons for this hiding in the violations of care, poor-quality soil composition, excessive moisture or making extra fertilizer.

    Even a Boni MM tomato, given its strong immune system, can get sick. The most likely cause of infection is considered to be soil and plants cultivated in neighboring beds.

    Harmful parasites can cause significant damage to plants and vegetables. Most often, the bushes are disturbed by butterflies, slugs, spider mites, bear, caterpillars. To prevent them from reaching the plants, it is necessary to perform preventive treatment by spraying the breasts with tomatoes with special preparations.

    The effect will give and soil treatment. It is best to use water with soap dissolved in it. It will drive away the tick and slug. From the beetle - one salvation: special preparations that are purchased in stores. Egg shells or poison will help to cope with Medvedka.

    Methods for obtaining seeds

    In order to plant this variety again next year, it is recommended to buy seed in a specialized store.

    Manufacturer guarantees that the seeds have been pretreated and fully prepared for use.

    Properly organized care for Boney MM is the key to getting healthy bushes with excellent fruiting. It is only necessary to remember that the precursors of the crop should not be other varieties of tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers or peppers.

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