Signs of a shortage of tomatoes, potassium and other trace elements

The problems associated with the deterioration of the quality of life of any organism, primarily affect its appearance. Very eloquently the distress signals appear on the plants. For example, if there is a shortage of potassium, tomato leaf necrosis begins.

In the article we will talk about the signs of a lack of any elements and how to feed the plant to improve its condition.


  • Lack of micronutrients in tomato
  • Magnesium deficiency
  • Using magnesium fertilizers
  • phosphorus disadvantage
  • Application phosphate dressings
  • potassium Lack
  • Application potassium fertilizing
  • deficit boron
  • use boric acid
  • disadvantage nitrogen
  • nitrogen fertilizer
  • Zinc deficiency and magnesium
  • Complex Multicomponent

fertilizers; Lack of trace elements in tomatoes;

. Deterioration of plant condition is most oftenin shortage( less often - excess) power. What kind of dressing waiting for tomatoes, you can determine the by the nature and location of the changes , occurred with the plant.

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A wide range of trace elements is vital for tomatoes:

  • Magnesium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Potassium.
  • Nitrogen.
  • Zinc.
  • Bor and others.

Without them, the plants will not die, but will develop much worse than , the crop yield will decrease markedly. All of them are catalysts that accelerate biochemical reactions in plant tissues.

Magnesium Deficiency

A magnesium deficiency is manifested in the appearance of spots between the vein on the bottom tomato sheets. Initially, these spots look light green, then turn yellow, and then become brown or gray. The leaves dry, curl up, then fall off. Fruits are small, poorly ripen.

Magnesium deficiency

Use of magnesium fertilizer

Magnesium sulfate is used at different stages of crop growth.

  1. Soil preparation .Fertilizer is brought at the rate of 10g per 1 sq.m.and then the beds are plentifully watered.
  2. During the growing season .For irrigation, 30g of fertilizer should be diluted in 10l of warm water( use 2 times a month).When spraying, 15 g of substance is dissolved in 10 l of warm water. In order not to burn the leaves, add 5 g of urea to the solution.
The most effective is the use of magnesium sulfate on sandy soils, on soils with low acidity.

Phosphorus deficiency

When phosphorus is deficient, weakens the root system. The aboveground part of the plant acquires a dark green color, which later becomes purple-violet. The leaves are hard, their edges dry.

Phosphorus deficiency in tomato leaves

Application of phosphorus supplements

Fertilizer contributes to the development of a strong root system, increases yields, improves the taste of fruits. Bring it before the end of the flowering period.

Dry matter is embedded in the ground at the rate of 15-20g per plant .For root dressing prepare the hood.

  1. In 400 liters of boiling water, add 400 g of superphosphate.
  2. Keep the solution warm, stir occasionally to achieve complete dissolution of the powder.
  3. After a day the liquid will turn white. Now you can use it.

Then 20 tablespoons of the extract diluted in 3 liters of water. The main fertilizer is prepared from this working infusion( 150ml of the obtained liquid + 10l of water + 20g of nitrogenous fertilizer + 0.5l of wood ash).

With foliar feeding, 1 spoon of superphosphate is dissolved in 1 l of water and used for spraying.

Lack of potassium

Lack of potassium is expressed by in slowing the growth of the tomato bush, its poor flowering and a small amount of ovary .Fruits ripen unevenly, often remaining immature near the stem.

With a lack of potassium, leaf necrosis starts from the tips

Leaf necrosis starts from their tips, gradually spreading along the entire perimeter. Soon there are brown spots. After a while, the leaves curl and fall. The stalk becomes weak, fades.

Application of potash supplements

  • Potassium sulfate ( potassium sulfate) is used on alkaline soils. With dry use per 1 sq.m, the beds contribute 40g of this feeding with an interval of 10-15 days. For irrigation, 1 g of substance is dissolved in 10 l of water.
  • Potassium monophosphate .It is well dissolved in water. Used for root and foliar feeding. It is applied 2 times for the entire period of cultivation( after transplantation and during the ripening of the fruit).For irrigation dissolve 10-15g of fertilizer in 10l of water. For spraying 1-2g substances dissolved in 1l of water.
  • Saltpeter potassium ( potassium nitrate).The period of use - the formation of the ovary. Dry matter is highly soluble in water. For irrigation, dilute 10-20 g of powder in 10 liters of water. For spraying, 10 g of saltpeter is dissolved in 10 l of water.
  • Humate potassium .Receive from the remains of vegetation, manure, peat, silt. Best used on alkaline, saline and podzolic soils. The period of use is the time of intensive growth of the culture. For spraying or watering 3g( 1 teaspoon) of the substance is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Fertilize plants 3 times for the entire period of cultivation. The interval is 2 weeks.

Deficit of boron

With its shortage, seedlings develop poorly. The bush is dying off of the growth point , but the side shoots grow actively.

Signs of boron deficiency

Flowers disappear, little ovary is formed. The yield is low, with dry spots appear on the fruit. Sheets curled into tubes, become light green in color.

Use of boric acid

For irrigation 5g of boric acid is dissolved in 10 liters of water. But best of all boron is absorbed by the plant when foliar feeding. For spraying 10 g of boric acid must be diluted in 10 liters of water. The solution is used warm.

both negatively and excessively boron is detrimental to tomatoes. Spraying is carried out once, during the mass flowering of plants.

Nitrogen deficiency

Lack of nitrogen leads to chlorosis .Leaves become small, thin. The color of the vein and sheet plate is converted from green to light red. Old leaves turn pale, then turn yellow, and finally acquire a yellow-white color. The stem hardens, acquiring a red tint.

Lack of nitrogen

Application of nitrogen fertilizers

The mixture for incorporation into the soil consists of 9 liters of manure( liquid), 25 g of dry nitrate, 80 g of wood ash. Then the beds are abundantly watered. The first feeding is carried out 10 days after transplanting. The second - even after 10 days.

At observance of a dosage and terms of introduction of nitrogen fertilizers, the content of nitrates will not be exceeded in fruits.2 weeks before harvesting stop using any fertilizer.

Zinc and magnesium deficiency

Zinc deficiency is reflected in the gray-bronze spots spreading on the sheet plates. Plots of tissue die over the entire surface of the sheet. Young leaves shallow, covered with yellow specks, take a slightly upright position. They become asymmetrical, twisted.

Zinc deficiency

For foliar top dressing 5g zinc sulphate is dissolved in 10 liters of water.

A magnesium deficiency begins to manifest on the lower leaves .The veins remain green, and around them there is yellowing, then a slight reddening of the leaf tissue, the appearance of a violet hue is possible. The border of the leaves is bent upward, giving them a dome-shaped bend. Magnesium chlorosis occurs more often on acidic soils.

Used foliar dressing .In 10 liters of water, dissolve 1 teaspoon of magnesium nitrate, which will replace the English salt.

Complex Multicomponent Fertilizers

Manufacturers always indicate on the packaging the composition of the fertilizer, the quantitative content of one or another component of the .

The instructions describe dosages and methods for using chemicals. The advantage of these drugs - ease of use and high efficiency.

  • Master - Accelerates growth, helps the harmonious development of the roots. It is brought in soil at the rate of 100-150g on 1 sq.m.
  • Crystal - Dilute 10-20g of substance in 10l of water. Used for watering in greenhouses - every time, for watering in the open ground - 1 time in 2 weeks. For spraying, dissolve 10g of the substance in 1l of water and spend it once a week.
  • Kemira Lux - 20g dissolved in 10l of water.
  • Mortar A - For watering 10-25g means dissolved in a bucket of water. For spraying, 25 g of the substance is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Fertilizer is used 1 time per week.
Getting started with chemicals, carefully read the instructions for use.

Prerequisite - compliance with security measures .Do not inhale vapors of solutions or dust formed by dry substances. Gardeners work in respirators and clothing, preventing the ingress of chemicals to open areas of the body.

It is necessary to mix components to obtain fertilizer with full confidence in the correct dosage.

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