Planting prune gooseberry variety in the country and care for it

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video Today you can rarely find a summer cottage on which the gooseberry would not be planted. For a tasty and healthy berry there is always a place in the garden, despite the fact that the bushes can grow strongly.

Growing gooseberries in the garden, each summer resident wants first of all to get an excellent and high-quality harvest of fruits from the bushes. But not all varieties of gooseberries, unfortunately, can please with a high yield. Therefore, before planting a gooseberry at your dacha, you should clearly define the type and its features.

So, many experienced gardeners have already managed to experience in practice such a variety of gooseberries, like Prunes( Grossularia reclinata Chernolivovyi).

Details of the Prune Gooseberry

This type of gooseberry is quite young, bred in 1992 by plant breeders of the VNII of Horticulture. Michurin. The selection material was the Plum and Plum varieties 259-23, bred much earlier. Gooseberry Prune is adapted for cultivation in the Central, Ural and Middle Volga regions of Russia.

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When purchasing gooseberry saplings in specialized stores, every second summer resident is confronted with a description of the Prune gooseberry variety:

  • features of the bushes - medium-sized with a sloping direction of not thick branches;young shoots are thick, often straight, light green color;old branches have a light brown color;the branches practically do not contain thorns, the available ones are located on the lower parts of the branches, very rare and short;
  • foliage varieties - round, medium or small size, rather dense, does not create bush pubescence;
  • inflorescence - medium size, having the property of self-pollination;
  • fruits are medium-sized oval or pear-shaped berries, have a dark red tint during ripening, at the moment of full ripeness they become black in color, there is a waxy coating on the berries;
  • fruit taste qualities - sweet and sour berries with plum aroma and flavor;used for use in fresh or processed form, as infusions, compotes, jams, wines and juices;
  • yield indicator - one and a half - four kilograms from a bush;
  • degree of resistance to diseases - medium;
  • resistance to climatic conditions - designed for growing in harsh conditions, winter-hardy.
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Evaluating all the advantages according to the description of Prune gooseberry, few experienced summer residents refuse to plant it in their garden. However, in order to get a crop of up to four kilograms from one bush, you need to, firstly, plant it properly, and, secondly, subsequently learn how to properly care for it.

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Proper planting

This variety of gooseberry does not like shaded areas, so it is recommended to plant Prune gooseberry on well-lit sunny plantations. In no case should not place seedlings under the developed crowns of old trees. Landing between young trees is allowed at a distance of up to two meters from them.

An excellent place for the development of a gooseberry can be a strip along a fence at a distance of about one and a half meters from it.

Prunes poorly take root in areas where raspberries or currants were precursors, they greatly deplete the soil. Such sites can also be the cause of the development of many diseases that are common to these types of fruit bushes.

Gooseberry variety Prune is very responsive on fertile drained soils, it is not recommended to plant it in the lowlands with an excess of moisture.

It is recommended to plant the gooseberry Prunes in autumn( late September - early October), winter-hardy seedling before the onset of cold weather has time to get stronger and root.

However, it is possible to plant gooseberries in early spring before bud break. That spring is effective way of planting with cuttings.

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Proper care

The care includes such activities:

  • timely removal of weeds in the crowns of the bushes and on the plantations where the gooseberry is planted;
  • timely pruning of dried branches affected by pests or diseases;
  • abundant watering during the flowering period, fruit filling, preparation for the winter period;
  • autumn fertilization with phosphate, potash and organic fertilizers at the age of two;
  • mulching the soil under the bush in order to delay the necessary moisture;
  • spring crown formation before bud break;
  • prevention and control of diseases.

Predisposition of a variety of diseases:

  • powdery mildew - the appearance of white flour on the leaves, shoots and fruits;solutions of copper sulfate, potassium permanganate, and special chemical preparations are effective in combating;
  • anthracosis - the appearance of brown spots on foliage, starting from the lower tiers of the bush;effective treatment with special chemicals;
  • glass rust - appearance on leaves, inflorescences, ovaries, fruits of yellow-brown spore pads;also effective chemicals intended for spraying the bushes.

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