Proper cultivation of Japanese cabbage seeds

In Japan and China, this cabbage variety has been known for a long time. It is used for the preparation of complex dishes such as stews, dishes of national cuisine, and of course fresh. In Russia, Japanese cabbage was loved for its delicate taste, delicate aroma and simplicity in agricultural technology. Gardeners and farms take several harvests of this vitamin-rich fiber and cabbage.

Table of ContentsThe plants are Chinese cabbage; they have similar taste and composition. In America and Australia, it is called Japanese mustard, or salad.

Gentle - green sprouts, graceful and fragrant, collected in the outlet, quickly grow after cutting. Gentle mustard flavor is misleading, and many people take cabbage for mustard.

Japanese cabbage has a bitter taste and some people take it as mustard

Amateur breeders began to import seeds to Russia, and in the last 10 years it has firmly entered the list of vegetables of many gardeners.

Ease of cultivation, excellent taste and yield - the main features of this variety.
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Useful properties of

Japanese cabbage is one of those varieties whose effect on the body is undoubtedly positive. It contains significant amount of vitamins of group B, PP, C, as well as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus.

People who follow their diet, food quality, diet, have long made the choice in favor of this delicate vegetable. The compounds of microelements contained in it easily fight against avitaminosis, it is indicated for diseases of the stomach and digestive tract, for the prevention of oncology.

Unlike conventional cabbage, it is easy to digest, improves intestinal motility, normalizes stool.

Japanese cabbage salad helps to cope with obesity

In combination with hot peppers and olive oil, cabbage is believed to help get rid of obesity. Adding it to salads, makes them light and nutritious, but at the same time, quite nourishing, and this is very important in the fight against obesity.

The best varieties of Japanese cabbage for growing from seeds

In Russia, several varieties are in demand, some have already been zoned, and are listed in the register of breeding achievements. Each of them is good in its own way, and differs not only in appearance, but also in its taste components.

Mizuna Green and Mizuna Red

Two beautiful varieties of Mizuna, and first of all, they are distinguished by the subtlety and tenderness of carved leaves.

Decorative varieties allow you to use cabbage in decorating dishes.

Green - a plant with emerald bright and juicy greens, Red - green, with a reddish tinge. Both varieties are rich in ascorbic acid and fiber, but the most thermophilic of all known. From planting to technical ripeness, you need to wait 1,5 - 2 months .

The Little Mermaid

Grade The Little Mermaid has already established itself, as sufficiently cold resistant .There is access in almost every store for the garden.

Mid-season - from planting to ripeness 55-60 days .You can not cut the cabbage bunch, and one stalk. This allows you to start using it for the table earlier.

In a rosette up to 60 leaves up to 40 cm high. The yield of is up to 6 kg from 1 sq.m. Not prone to color, if during the formation of leaves to avoid overheating of the soil. With this variety, perhaps, there will be the least trouble. After cutting the sprouts grow after 8 - 15 days, and their quality remains excellent.

Japanese Cabbage The Little Mermaid


Another well-known variety that conquered gardeners. Thanks to the ultra-ripeness , the rapid regrowth of cut stalks, has become one of the permanent vegetables on the table.

Ripens 30 days after planting , the cut grows 10 to 12 days in full. During the summer you can take 5 - 6 harvests.

The weight of one plant reaches 500g, and from 1 sq.m. It is possible to remove a lump up to 6 kg .

The only negative - it is not for heat treatment. Suitable for salads, as an independent dish, as greenery in complex snacks, as decoration of meat and fish dishes.
Japanese cabbage variety Dude

Preparing a site for sowing

In contrast to the usual white cabbage, Japanese cabbage:

  • Light-loving .The more sunlight, the faster and better the leaves will develop;
  • Does not tolerate transplants, therefore, it is sown by seeds in the ground immediately to a permanent place;
  • Selective to the soil , but you should not get involved in organic matter, because it accumulates nitrates quite easily;
  • Does not tolerate overflow , in contrast to white cabbage, but overheating can cause color to color;
  • The sprouts are cold and can not be afraid for early shoots - they easily tolerate temperatures down to minus 4.

If the soil is excessively loamy, you can add sand and compost, a little black soil, or soddy soil. In the middle - end of April, can be used to prepare a bed, dig, spill, and cover with a film to warm the earth.

Planting technology

The seeds of Japanese cabbage are very small. Consider this when landing.
Japanese cabbage seeds - very small size

The distance between rows should be left at least 30 cm .The distance between the seeds of is 15 - 20 cm. , if the crops are frequent, they will have to be thinned, otherwise they will interfere with each other.

Try to immediately seed the seeds as far away from each other as it is easy to touch the next very tender shoots when growing.

  1. Shallow grooves, no more than 0.5 cm, spill with warm water, press the ground into them again, spread the seeds and lightly sprinkle with earth.
  2. Cover with foil or non-woven fabric. The second option is more desirable here, and it is better to use both shelters.
  3. Remove the film only after germination, and leave the covering material.

Rules of care

Planting seeds to produce in early spring , this will minimize the level of color flow. It is better to catch light frosts in the first two weeks than to overheat the shoots.

The ideal temperature for this plant is considered to be 15 - 20 degrees above zero. After emergence of shoots, watering should be carried out very carefully, with cool water, and only after the soil dries out.

After the emergence of sprouts of Japanese cabbage, watering should be done very carefully.

. As soon as the plants start to grow, it is necessary to pour the ground between the rows. Top dressing is carried out only after the first cut. For this purpose, ready biohumus dissolved in water is suitable. Do not be afraid of rainy cool weather and cover the cabbage - it will survive very well.


Due to the fact that the Japanese cabbage grows quickly after cutting, you will collect several harvests.

First collection, depending on the variety, you will receive in 30 - 60 days of , and the following no later than in 15 days of .Cut off the entire aboveground part so that white stems remain visible. The root must be left whole.

Depending on the variety, the first crop of Japanese cabbage is obtained in 30-60 days.

After cutting, spill with biohumus, or herbal extract, diluted in water, and wait for a new batch of beautiful and healthy greenery.

This vegetable is beautiful with many characteristics, but first of all with its taste and aesthetic qualities. You can use it in the garden not only as a vegetable, it is decorative, and will become an edible decoration. With Japanese cabbage fresh and healthy greens on your table throughout the summer is provided.

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