Low-calorie fortified root beet( the second name is beet) is considered the second most popular vegetable after potatoes in our latitudes. Doctors recommend it to people suffering from anemia or cardiovascular disease. Along with iron, the vegetable acts as a natural storage of iodine, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and B vitamins.
100 g of the product has a total of 43 calories. Vegetable has several varieties, which will be discussed. The main ones are fodder, sugar and table. Species differ in many ways. Those in turn are divided into many varieties.
Table of Contentsbeets, which in the 16th century were cultivated by German scientists. The main two types that have been brought out and applied in the farm are now well known: fodder beets intended for animals, and canteen used in cooking.
Only in the 18th century was the technical variety of the root crop - sugar. This variety is recommended for food with high blood pressure and cholesterol.
Species Difference - the scope of

For 2 centuries, breeders managed to raise the level of sucrose in the root crop from 5 to 20%.The culture is used to make sugar. The value of the variety in the carbohydrate stock, useful sugars: glucose, fructose, galactose.
Waste left over from the processing of the crop( beet pulp, molasses and defecate) goes to animal feed or is introduced into the ground as lime fertilizer. From 1 centner of vegetable yield from 10 to 15 kg of sugar and up to 6 kg of molasses. Interestingly, the chemical composition of the vegetable depends on many factors: mainly on the climatic conditions and soil fertility.
The root vegetable received special value due to its high content of folic acid and antioxidants( sugar beet contributes to digestive processes and lowers blood pressure).Sugar beet does not cause allergic reactions, but contributes to an increase in gastric acidity.

Fodder culture has less developed fibrous bunches that contain sugar, but it is more saturated with fiber, vitamins( B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 and E) and protein, which play a lotrole in the diet of dairy cattle, pigs and horses, especially in the off-season.
In rural areas, the vegetable goes to feed not only large animals, but also poultry: ducks, geese and chickens.
Among other varieties, fodder beet is distinguished by the largest size of the root. Vegetable is classified according to the time of ripening of the crop: early, middle and late varieties are distinguished.
Culture is cultivated in many countries of Europe, where animal husbandry is widespread, in addition, fruits have spread to all continents of , today brown beet is grown even in Australia.
Growing conditions

Aft root crop is shown a few centimeters from the ground, and its roots are almost not dug into the ground. At the same time, the sugar congener goes deep into the ground to a depth of 3 meters and only elongated smooth leaves with high petioles are visible above the ground.
Differences in the growing season
To harvest white beets, from the time of planting the seedlings will have to wait up to 170 days. The variety is known to be immune to frost.
The growing season of brown beets is, on average, 20 days less, weaker than its resistance to environmental conditions.
Peduncles and inflorescences of varieties are the same: during flowering, seedlings can be identified by small yellow-green flowers. Root crops grow well on loose chernozem and do not like excessive moisture. Clay and podzolic soils are not suitable for growing crops. You can count on a high yield only if the soil is well fertilized with nitrogen, potash and phosphate fertilizers.
Storage methods

If you need long-term storage of fodder beet, farmers prefer late varieties such as the Cylinder and Renova. After harvesting, the fruits are dried in the open air, laying the roots on cellophane flooring.
Vegetables are stored in wet sand in boxes to prevent them from drying out and shrinking. At the stage of harvesting at root crops, cut the tops to 2 cm and dry.
Sugar Beetroot
It is very important to ensure free access of air to the roots, otherwise the process of decay will begin. The tops are removed to avoid another undesirable process - germination. For storage, only intact sugar root crops are taken and treated with 1% sodium salt solution to suppress the activity of microorganisms. Vegetables are kept in the cagatas, buried in the ground or in warehouses equipped with water supply and ventilation systems.
Fodder buryak

For storage of fodder plants use silage or dry kagata with thermal insulation. For long-term storage in kagat, beets are cooled well, and the bottom of kagat is lined with cellophane film. The mound covers 20 cm of straw. For drainage in kagat perform slots. In winter, the root vegetable is well kept in a stable, insulated with straw bales.
It is interesting that there is another kind of plant that has found application in animal husbandry and in cooking - leaf beet, in the leaves of which up to 25% protein is contained.