Why does the pet orchid no longer bloom?

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Orchid, a beautiful beauty, but you have to earn its favor. Why does not the orchid bloom at home and how to create the tropics in a separate apartment? The questions are not easy, but solvable. Otherwise, why does a neighbor's orchid bloom for half a year? So you need to love stubborn and understand it.

Analysis of orchid maintenance conditions

When buying a flower, it is necessary to ask for clarification from a specialist, what kind and grade of its cultivation. Phalaenopsis orchid, the most unpretentious variety that tolerates a light shade. But there are orchids for which the southern window is suitable, and even the summer heat is well tolerated by them. The orchid does not bloom if the conditions of detention are violated.

Next to the orchid you should always put a saucer with boiled water. In the substrate put a clove of garlic.

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If the flower is purchased in a store and it has already bloomed, and the arrow has turned yellow, then the rest period can last up to a year. If the plant is grown from children, then wait for the first flowering will have more than two years. By this time, the root system will gain strength and the orchid will release 5-6 sheets. Early flowering will weaken the beauty.

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Why does an orchid not bloom at home after a transplant? When to wait for the first arrow? The transplanted plant first builds up the root mass within half a year. After aerial roots develop, leaves grow. Flower buds are laid in the axils. The initial period of development of the plant in favorable conditions helps to establish a greater number of flower stalks.

Recall how to properly contain an orchid.

  1. The roots are well developed, green, some of them are located along the walls of a transparent pot, some at the top, absorb moisture from the air.
  2. The substrate does not contain fresh bark, sawdust or manure.
  3. Lighting is better to support diffused.
  4. The difference in day and night temperatures when laying the flower stalks should be at least 5 degrees.
  5. Top dressing with liquid fertilizers, depleted in nitrogen once in 10 days before the release of the arrow.

Listed conditions for bookmarking flower buds, but the biological requirements for the content of orchids should be followed.

What if the orchid does not bloom, it develops well? You will need to provoke the release of the arrow. Air root and arrow initially look the same. But the tip of the arrow is rounded, and at the root it is sharp, as in the photo.

How to make an orchid bloom

Orchid - a plant in the tropics that does not know what winter and summer are. But she distinguishes the season of warm tropical rains and droughts. Climate change can trigger flowering. The condition of stressful action is the health of the plant. A weakened flower can be destroyed.

Read also: Do you know how to water an orchid?

Applying stimulants in the form of Appin, succinic acid, daily morning spraying on the aerial part and weekly watering with the addition of the drug can add energy and the plant will throw out the arrow.

If you water the orchids from above, the water is filtered and takes out the extra salt. At the same time with the water is delivered oxygen to the roots.

Why does an orchid not bloom, but leaves grow? So, in the diet gave an excess of nitrogen. Help can competently carried out the drought season. After a month or two, flower buds will seem, if you create a lack of moisture, but the temperature should be no higher than 300 ° C:

  1. The dwell time of roots in a dry state between waterings should be increased to 4 days in warm content, up to a week if the room is cool.
  2. Do not spray, feed, fight so fight!
  3. The flower spruce will appear and the plant care will be resumed, only to eliminate fertilizer irrigation.
  4. Arrange the correct lighting, in the winter of illumination with cold light lamps at a distance not higher than 40 cm from the crown.
  5. If the “drought” is done correctly, the peduncle will grow and the lower leaves will become softer than usual.
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What to do to bloom the orchid after the "rainy season"? Use for water procedures only heated to 35 degrees water. It is possible to induce an orchid to bloom in different ways.

Watering for 3-4 days in a row, then let the plant dry for two weeks. After this, care should be taken as usual.

Three times a day during the week from an atomizer with warm water with Appin or succinic acid during the week.

In a warm double room, water the plant from the shower with water at 35 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Let the bathroom cools down with the flower so that the steamed plant does not catch a cold.

Only one method of flowering acceleration can be used.

The question why the orchid does not bloom at home can have an unexpected answer. You smoke, and the flower does not tolerate the smell of tobacco smoke. Do you always have a bowl of fruit on the table? But the flower does not like ethylene secreted by ripening fruits. When cleaning the flower is moved from place to place? Do not wait for flowering. When purchasing a flower, it should be noted how it stood and, if possible, to keep the orientation.

How to achieve orchid flowering - video

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