Gardener's work is full of surprises. Nature throws them - frost, heat, torrential rains. Seed suppliers do their bit by selling substandard seed. But most of all life is spoiled by pests of garden plants. There are several reasons why aphids and other pests appear on the seedlings of pepper and have to fight them.
With the defeat of pests the upper leaves can turn white, curl or twist in a boat. To get rid of and destroy the pests, you need to treat the leaflet with the means described in the article.
Table of Contentsto fight and what means to use
- Folk ways how to remove a pest
- Chemical processing
The main reasons why the leaves of pepper seedlings are curledor they are rolled up with an
boat. Twisted leaves - a picture that a gardener observes when growing seedlings brings discouragement. Even an experienced vegetable grower has a question: why do the leaflets curl up?
Symptoms of nutrient deficiencies
Twisted leaves of pepper - a signal of phosphorus deficiency if the following symptoms are observed:
- leaves turn blue first, then their shade turns purple;
- thin and may turn white stem;
- in time, buds are not formed;
- seedling roots covered with a rust-colored coating.

Spider mite
Spider mite is a small parasite( 1-2 mm) parasitizing on the back of the leaf. It is hard to see and you can learn about the infection by the presence of a web.
Aphids on seedlings pepper - a serious threat to harvest. In the absence of a struggle, the colonies of the bug grow and can destroy the plant .The pest does not only weaken the seedlings of pepper, sucking the juice. It is a carrier of viruses. Putting away the fight with it is not worth it.

Improper care of the seedlings
Quite often, improper care leads to the curling of the leaves:
- poor quality primer;
- excessive watering;
- overdose of fertilizers.
viral diseases viral pepper diseases are not treated with , it will not work out. Plants are simply destroyed. Weakened seedlings are affected by tobacco mosaic virus. In addition to twisting and deforming the leaves, there is a change in color up to black shades.
Sheet plate gets spotty color. For seedlings infected with tobacco mosaic, is characterized by the presence of chlorotic yellowness on the edges of the leaves. Phytoplasmosis affects peppers less frequently. Its symptoms are:
- yellowing of leaves;
- leaf curl up;
- deformed sheet plates.

Why leafs can turn white on
seedlings Let us see why leaves can turn white on seedlings. As usual, there are several reasons. The most common cause is burn .Moreover, various factors can cause a burn:
- watering pepper sprinkling in sunny weather;
- on the leaf got an aqueous solution of fertilizer;
- overcooling at night;
- weak, unhardened seedlings, carried out in the sun and she received a sunburn.
Perhaps white spots on pepper leaves - signal on the presence of aphid .The running form is accompanied not only by white spots, but also by yellowing, the twisting of the leaves down, their premature fall.
If the spots on the leaves of off-white color and around the perimeter are surrounded by a dark border - this is Septoriosis .It is caused by a fungus.
Fungus infects the leaf plates first, then the stem, then the fruits.

. Aphid on the seedlings of pepper.
. Aphid is a transparent small insect( 0.3-0.8 mm).Parasitic on indoor flowers, vegetable and garden crops, sucking the juice from the leaves, petioles, stems.
There are many kinds of it( 3500), almost all polyphages. There are monophagous species that parasitize plants of the same species, but they are smaller. He lives in colonies.
The first sign that an aphid has appeared on the plant - ants scooping up the stalk. They are lovers of the sweet liquid that the bug allocates to the surface of the plant. If the leaves began to curl, you need to inspect the back side. Aphids and its larvae are clearly visible.
Females are winged; they migrate from plant to plant, laying eggs. During the summer one individual makes up to 10 clutches. Last laying autumn. Eggs overwinter. In the spring begins a new breeding cycle.
Pepper seedlings can suffer from several types of aphids:
- green;
- powdery;
- room.

Infection can occur in different ways:
- From a diseased indoor( greenhouse) plant.
- For planting, primer contaminated with the larvae( eggs) of aphid was applied.
- flight form aphid flew into the greenhouse, through the window, onto the loggia and settled on the plant.
What to do, how to fight and what tools to use
Aphid control methods are different. Each gardener chooses his own. All methods can be divided into two types. The first option - the popular methods of struggle with the use of natural ingredients. The second option is chemical preparations( insecticides).
Folk ways how to remove the pest
Folk methods preferable .But they are effective in the initial stages of combating the scourge, when the number of the pest is not great and the plant has the strength to recover.
The easiest way - wash the plant with water or soap solution to remove the bug. It is effective when the aphid colony is small. To prepare the solution, you can use laundry soap 72%.You can nastrogat him with a knife or grate. A tablespoon with a slide per liter of water will suffice. Some gardeners prefer to spray seedlings with soapy water.

The second most common method - spray ash decoction. Ash sown, poured water, boil. Before use defend. The amount of ash 300 g is enough for 10 liters of water. On 1 liter respectively 30 g. Liquid or planed soap is added to the finished broth.
Bitter pepper infusion ( 100 g per 1 l) is no less effective for aphids. Need to insist within 2 days. Spray pepper seedlings at intervals of several days 3-4 times.
Regular washing will not allow the colony to grow. Seedlings during this period to feed. Strong plant suffers less from aphids.
Chemical Treatment
The first thing you need to carefully read the instructions , choosing a drug to combat aphids. Suitable tools that can be used indoors( apartments, greenhouses).
When growing well, have drugs on hand:
- Fitaverm.
- Actofit.

Fitoverm - a biological product. It can be used to combat aphids in the apartment and in the greenhouse. With it, you can cultivate the land before planting. Preventing infection is easier than fighting a pest.
Actofit gives effect already for 2 days. It can also be used indoors, observing individual protection measures.
The best way to deal with aphids is prevention. It is better to spend time on competent care, use quality land. Provide seedlings with backlighting, dressing, proper watering. Regular examinations will identify the pest at an early stage and get along with traditional methods of control.